name: '🐞 Bug report'
labels: bug
about: Something is not working as it should
- Node.js version:
- Gitbeaker version:
- Gitbeaker release (cli, rest, core, requester-utils):
- OS & version:
<!-- *(Brief description of your issue here)*
(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.) -->
**Steps to reproduce**
<!-- *(Tell us how to reproduce this issue. Please provide a working demo, you can use this template as a base)* -->
**Expected behaviour**
<!-- *(What is supposed to happen?)* -->
**Actual behaviour**
<!-- *(What happens instead?)* -->
**Possible fixes**
<!-- *(Any possible suggestions on how to fix this problem)* -->
- [ ] I have checked that this is not a duplicate issue.
- [ ] I have read the documentation.