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import Chalk from 'chalk';
import Sywac from 'sywac';
import * as Gitbeaker from '@gitbeaker/rest';
import API_MAP from '@gitbeaker/core/map.json' with { type: 'json' }; // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved
import {
} from './utils';
import type { MethodTemplate } from './utils';

function setupAPIMethods(setupArgs, methodArgs: string[]) {
  methodArgs.forEach((name) => {
    setupArgs.positional(`[--${param(name)}] <${param(name)}>`, {
      group: 'Required Options',
      type: 'string',

  return setupArgs;

function runAPIMethod(ctx, args: Record<string, string>, apiName: string, method: MethodTemplate) {
  const globalConfig = getGlobalConfig();

  const { initArgs, coreArgs, optionalArgs } = buildArgumentObjects(globalConfig, method, args);

  // Create service
  const s = new Gitbeaker[apiName](initArgs);

  // Execute function
  return s[method.name](...Object.values(coreArgs), optionalArgs)
    .then((r) => {
      ctx.output = JSON.stringify(r, null, 3);
    .catch((e) => {
      ctx.output = e;

function setupAPIs(setupArgs, apiName: string, methods: MethodTemplate[]) {
  const globalConfig = getGlobalConfig();

  Object.entries(globalConfig).forEach(([k, v]) => {
    setupArgs.option(`${k} <value>`, {
      group: 'Base Options',

  for (let i = 1; i < methods.length; i += 1) {
    const method = methods[i];

    setupArgs.command(param(method.name), {
      setup: (setupMethodArgs) => setupAPIMethods(setupMethodArgs, method.args),
      run: (args: Record<string, string>, ctx) => runAPIMethod(ctx, args, apiName, method),

  return setupArgs;

// Add default settings
// Styling settings
const commandStyle = Chalk.hex('#e34329').bold;
const groupStyle = Chalk.hex('#fca325').bold;
const usageStyle = Chalk.hex('#fc6e26').bold;
const optionStyle = Chalk.white.bold;
const descriptionStyle = Chalk.hex('#848484');
const hintStyle = Chalk.hex('#6a5f88');

const cli = Sywac.version('-v, --version')
  .help('-h, --help')
  .epilogue(`Copyright ${new Date().getFullYear()}`)
    usagePrefix: usageStyle,
    group: groupStyle,
    flags: optionStyle,
    usageCommandPlaceholder: commandStyle,
    usageOptionsPlaceholder: optionStyle,
    desc: descriptionStyle,
    hints: hintStyle,

// Add Global commands
cli.boolean('-g --global-args', {
  desc: 'Show global arguments currently set in the environment variables',

cli.command('*', (argv, ctx) => {
  if (!argv.g) return;

  const globalConfig = getGlobalConfig();
  const display = getDisplayConfig(globalConfig);

  ctx.output =
    Object.keys(display).length === 0
      ? 'No global variables have been set!'
      : JSON.stringify(display, null, 3);

// Add all supported API's
const exposedAPIs = getExposedAPIs(API_MAP as Record<string, MethodTemplate[]>);

Object.entries(exposedAPIs).forEach(([apiName, methods]) => {
  cli.command(param(apiName), {
    desc: `The ${apiName} API`,
    setup: (setupArgs) => setupAPIs(setupArgs, apiName, methods),

export { cli };