import { RateLimitOptions, RequesterType, ResourceOptions } from './RequesterUtils';
export interface RootResourceOptions<C> {
// TODO: Not actually optional - Need to fix wrapper typing in requestUtils.ts:
requesterFn?: (resourceOptions: ResourceOptions) => RequesterType;
host?: string;
prefixUrl?: string;
rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
camelize?: C;
queryTimeout?: number | null;
sudo?: string | number;
profileToken?: string;
profileMode?: 'execution' | 'memory';
rateLimits?: RateLimitOptions;
export type GitlabToken = string | (() => Promise<string>);
export interface BaseRequestOptionsWithOAuthToken<C> extends RootResourceOptions<C> {
oauthToken: GitlabToken;
export interface BaseRequestOptionsWithAccessToken<C> extends RootResourceOptions<C> {
token: GitlabToken;
export interface BaseRequestOptionsWithJobToken<C> extends RootResourceOptions<C> {
jobToken: GitlabToken;
export interface BaseRequestOptionsWithoutToken<C> extends RootResourceOptions<C> {}
export type BaseResourceOptions<C> =
| BaseRequestOptionsWithoutToken<C>
| BaseRequestOptionsWithOAuthToken<C>
| BaseRequestOptionsWithAccessToken<C>
| BaseRequestOptionsWithJobToken<C>;
function getDynamicToken(tokenArgument: (() => Promise<string>) | string): Promise<string> {
return tokenArgument instanceof Function ? tokenArgument() : Promise.resolve(tokenArgument);
// Default rate limits per minute
const DEFAULT_RATE_LIMITS = Object.freeze({
// Default rate limit
'**': 3000,
// Import/Export
'projects/import': 6,
'projects/*/export': 6,
'projects/*/download': 1,
'groups/import': 6,
'groups/*/export': 6,
'groups/*/download': 1,
// Note creation
'projects/*/issues/*/notes': {
method: 'post',
limit: 300,
'projects/*/snippets/*/notes': {
method: 'post',
limit: 300,
'projects/*/merge_requests/*/notes': {
method: 'post',
limit: 300,
'groups/*/epics/*/notes': {
method: 'post',
limit: 300,
// Repositories - get file archive
'projects/*/repository/archive*': 5,
// Project Jobs
'projects/*/jobs': 600,
// Member deletion
'projects/*/members': 60,
'groups/*/members': 60,
export class BaseResource<C extends boolean = false> {
public readonly url: string;
public readonly requester: RequesterType;
public readonly queryTimeout: number | null;
public readonly headers: { [header: string]: string };
public readonly authHeaders: { [authHeader: string]: () => Promise<string> };
public readonly camelize: C | undefined;
public readonly rejectUnauthorized: boolean;
profileMode = 'execution',
host = '',
prefixUrl = '',
rejectUnauthorized = true,
queryTimeout = 300000,
}: BaseResourceOptions<C>) {
if (!requesterFn) throw new ReferenceError('requesterFn must be passed');
this.url = [host, 'api', 'v4', prefixUrl].join('/');
this.headers = {};
this.authHeaders = {};
this.rejectUnauthorized = rejectUnauthorized;
this.camelize = camelize;
this.queryTimeout = queryTimeout;
// Handle auth tokens
if ('oauthToken' in tokens)
this.authHeaders.authorization = async () => {
const token = await getDynamicToken(tokens.oauthToken);
return `Bearer ${token}`;
else if ('jobToken' in tokens)
this.authHeaders['job-token'] = async () => getDynamicToken(tokens.jobToken);
else if ('token' in tokens)
this.authHeaders['private-token'] = async () => getDynamicToken(tokens.token);
// Profiling
if (profileToken) {
this.headers['X-Profile-Token'] = profileToken;
this.headers['X-Profile-Mode'] = profileMode;
// Set sudo
if (sudo) this.headers.Sudo = `${sudo}`;
// Set requester instance using this information
this.requester = requesterFn({ ...this, rateLimits });