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import SemanticReleaseError from '@semantic-release/error';
import { homepage as pkgHomepage } from '../package.json';

const [homepage] = pkgHomepage.split('#');
const linkify = file => `${homepage}/blob/master/${file}`;
  EINVALIDNPMPUBLISH: ({ npmPublish }) => ({
    message: 'Invalid `npmPublish` option.',
    details: `The [npmPublish option](${linkify(
    )}) option, if defined, must be a \`Boolean\`.

Your configuration for the \`npmPublish\` option is \`${npmPublish}\`.`,
  EINVALIDTARBALLDIR: ({ tarballDir }) => ({
    message: 'Invalid `tarballDir` option.',
    details: `The [tarballDir option](${linkify(
    )}) option, if defined, must be a \`String\`.

Your configuration for the \`tarballDir\` option is \`${tarballDir}\`.`,
  EINVALIDPKGROOT: ({ pkgRoot }) => ({
    message: 'Invalid `pkgRoot` option.',
    details: `The [pkgRoot option](${linkify(
    )}) option, if defined, must be a \`String\`.

Your configuration for the \`pkgRoot\` option is \`${pkgRoot}\`.`,
  ENONPMTOKEN: ({ registry }) => ({
    message: 'No npm token specified.',
    details: `An [npm token](${linkify(
    )}) must be created and set in the \`NPM_TOKEN\` environment variable on your CI environment.

Please make sure to create an [npm token](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/working_with_tokens#how-to-create-new-tokens) and to set it in the \`NPM_TOKEN\` environment variable on your CI environment. The token must allow to publish to the registry \`${registry}\`.`,
  EINVALIDNPMTOKEN: ({ registry }) => ({
    message: 'Invalid npm token.',
    details: `The [npm token](${linkify(
    )}) configured in the \`NPM_TOKEN\` environment variable must be a valid [token](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/working_with_tokens) allowing to publish to the registry \`${registry}\`.

If you are using Two-Factor Authentication, make configure the \`auth-only\` [level](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/using-two-factor-authentication#levels-of-authentication) is supported. **semantic-release** cannot publish with the default \`auth-and-writes\` level.

Please make sure to set the \`NPM_TOKEN\` environment variable in your CI with the exact value of the npm token.`,
  ENOPKGNAME: () => ({
    message: 'Missing `name` property in `package.json`.',
    details: `The \`package.json\`'s [name](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#name) property is required in order to publish a package to the npm registry.

Please make sure to add a valid \`name\` for your package in your \`package.json\`.`,
  ENOPKG: () => ({
    message: 'Missing `package.json` file.',
    details: `A [package.json file](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json) at the root of your project is required to release on npm.

Please follow the [npm guideline](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/creating-node-modules) to create a valid \`package.json\` file.`,

export function getError(code, ctx = {}) {
  const { message, details } = ERROR_DEFINITIONS[code](ctx);

  return new SemanticReleaseError(message, code, details);