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5 hrs
Test Coverage
require 'concurrent-edge'

# This little bit more complicated commented example aims to
# demonstrate some of the capabilities of concurrent-ruby new abstractions.
# It is a concurrent processing pipeline which on one side has several web crawlers.
# They are searching the web for data and filling buffer.
# On the other side there are data processors which are pop the data from buffer.
# They are processing the data and storing results into a DB
# which has limited concurrency level.
# Some of the parts like Web and DB are just stubs.
# Each part logs and increments counters to keep some stats about the pipeline.
# There is also a periodical readout of the stats into log scheduled.
# Schema of the pipeline:
# web-crawlers -> buffer -> data-processing -> DB
#            \____________________________\_____\___> logging

# TODO (pitr-ch 10-Mar-2019): replace with a better more realistic example using
# * actors for limited concurrency with state - local DB connection
# * throttled futures for REST API - limiting server load

# The central logger is defined first.
# It has state like the logger instance, therefore the actor is used.
# It is better to exactly define the communication protocol of the logging actor.
# It will only understand these messages.
Log      = Concurrent::ImmutableStruct.new :severity, :message
SetLevel = Concurrent::ImmutableStruct.new :level

require 'logger'
require 'stringio'

# Including actor constants so this scope understands ANY etc.
include Concurrent::ErlangActor::EnvironmentConstants
# The logger does not need a dedicated thread, let's use a pool.
LOGGING = Concurrent::ErlangActor.spawn Logger::FATAL,
                                        type: :on_pool,
                                        name: 'logger' do |level|
  # a Logger instance with nicer formatting is created
  @logger           = Logger.new($captured_out)
  @logger.level     = level
  @logger.formatter = lambda do |severity, datetime, progname, msg|
    formatted_message = case msg
                        when String
                        when Exception
                          format "%s (%s)\n%s",
                                 msg.message, msg.class, (msg.backtrace || []).join("\n")
    format "[%s] %5s -- %s: %s\n",
           datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L'),

  # definition of the logging actor behaviour
      # log messages
      on(Log) { |message| @logger.log message.severity, message.message },
      # change level
      on(SetLevel) { |message| @logger.level = message.level },
      # It is a good practice to read and log bad messages,
      # otherwise they would accumulate in the inbox.
      on(ANY) { |message| @logger.error bad_message: message },
      # The logger has static behaviour, therefore keep can be used, and the actor
      # will behave the same with each message received as defined below.
      keep: true)

# testing the logger works as expected
LOGGING.tell Log[Logger::FATAL, :tornado]
LOGGING.tell Log[Logger::INFO, :wind]
LOGGING.tell SetLevel[Logger::DEBUG]
LOGGING.tell Log[Logger::INFO, :breeze]

sleep 0.05 # the logging is asynchronous, we need to wait a bit until it's written

# the logging could be wrapped in a method
def log(severity, message)
  LOGGING.tell Log[severity, message]

include Logger::Severity
log INFO, 'alive'
sleep 0.05

# The stub which will represent the web
module Web
  @counter = Concurrent::AtomicFixnum.new

  def self.search
    sleep 0.01
end #

# The cancellation which will be used to cancel the whole processing pipeline.
@cancellation, origin = Concurrent::Cancellation.new

# Buffer for work
buffer_capacity   = 10
@buffer           = Concurrent::Promises::Channel.new buffer_capacity
web_crawler_count = 4

# Track the number of data provided by each crawler
crawler_data_counter = Array.new(web_crawler_count) do |i|
  # this is accessed by multiple threads so it should be a tread-safe counter
end #
# the array is frozen which makes it immutable,
# therefore safe to use when concurrently accessed.
# Otherwise if it was being modified it wound has to be Concurrent::Array to make it safe.

# The web crawlers are defined directly with threads to start the example simply.
# They search the web and immediately as they find something they push
# the data into the buffer.
# The push will block if the buffer is full,
# regulating how fast is the work being found.
# This is called backpressure.
crawlers = Array.new web_crawler_count do |i|
  Thread.new do
    while true
      # crawl the web until cancelled
      break if @cancellation.canceled?
      # will block and slow down the crawler if the buffer is full
      data = Web.search
      until @buffer.push data, 0.1
        # It is a good practice to use timeouts on all blocking operations
        # If the pipeline is cancelled and the data-processors finish
        # before taking data from buffer a crawler could get stack on this push.
        break if @cancellation.canceled?
      # it pushed data, increment its counter
      log DEBUG, "crawler #{i} found #{data}"

# So far only the crawlers looking for data are defined
# pushing data into the buffer.
# The data processing definition follows.
# Threads are not used again directly but rather the data processing
# is defined using Futures.
# Even though that makes the definition more complicated
# it has a big advantage that data processors will not require a Thread each
# but they will share and run on a Thread pool.
# That removes an important limitation of the total number of threads process can have,
# which can be an issue in larger systems.
# This example would be fine with using the Threads
# however it would not demonstrate the more advanced usage then.

# The data processing stores results in a DB,
# therefore the stub definition of a database precedes the data processing.
module DB
  @data = Concurrent::Map.new

  # increment a counter for char
  def self.add(char, count)
    @data.compute char do |old|
      (old || 0) + count

  # return the stored data as Hash
  def self.data
    @data.each_pair.reduce({}) { |h, (k, v)| h.update k => v }

# Lets assume that instead having this DB
# we have limited number of connections
# and therefore there is a limit on
# how many threads can communicate with the DB at the same time.
# The throttle is created to limit the number of concurrent access to DB.
@db_throttle = Concurrent::Throttle.new 4

# The data processing definition follows
data_processing_count = 20 # this could actually be thousands if required

# track the number of data received by data processors
@data_processing_counters = Array.new data_processing_count do

def data_processing(i)
  # pop_op returns a future which is fulfilled with a message from buffer
  # when a message is valuable.
  @buffer.pop_op.then_on(:fast) do |data|
    # then we process the message on :fast pool since this has no blocking
    log DEBUG, "data-processor #{i} got #{data}"
    sleep 0.1 # simulate it actually doing something which take some time
    # find the most frequent char
        group_by { |v| v }.
        map { |ch, arr| [ch, arr.size] }.
        max_by { |ch, size| size }
  end.then_on(@db_throttle.on(:io)) do |char, count|
    # the db access has to be limited therefore the db_throttle is used
    # DBs use io therefore this part is executed on global thread pool wor :io
    DB.add char, count
  end.then_on(:fast) do |_|
    # last section executes back on :fast executor
    # checks if it was cancelled
    # if not then it calls itself recursively
    # which in combination with #run will turn this into infinite data processing
    # (until cancelled)
    # The #run will keep flatting to the inner future as long the value is a future.
    if @cancellation.canceled?
      # return something else then future, #run will stop executing
      # continue running with a future returned by data_processing
      data_processing i
end #

# create the data processors
data_processors = Array.new data_processing_count do |i|

# Some statics are collected in crawler_data_counter
# and @data_processing_counters.
# Schedule a periodical readout to a log.
def readout(crawler_data_counter)
  # schedule readout in 0.4 sec or on cancellation
  (@cancellation.origin | Concurrent::Promises.schedule(0.4)).then do
    log INFO,
        "\ncrawlers found: #{crawler_data_counter.map(&:value).join(', ')}\n" +
            "data processors consumed: #{@data_processing_counters.map(&:value).join(', ')}"
  end.then do
    # reschedule if not cancelled
    readout crawler_data_counter unless @cancellation.canceled?

# start the periodical readouts
readouts = readout(crawler_data_counter).run

sleep 2 # let the whole processing pipeline work
# cancel everything

# wait for everything to stop

# terminate the logger
Concurrent::ErlangActor.terminate LOGGING, :cancelled

# inspect collected char frequencies

# see the logger output