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package syno // import jdel.org/go-syno/syno

import (

    ini "gopkg.in/ini.v1"

// NewPackage creates a new package from the spk file
func NewPackage(synoPackageName string) (*Package, error) {
    var err error
    synoPkg := Package{}
    synoPkg.fileName = synoPackageName
    synoPkg.Thumbnail = make([]string, 0)
    synoPkg.ThumbnailRetina = make([]string, 0)
    synoPkg.Snapshot = make([]string, 0)

    if err = synoPkg.pupulateINFOFields(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    err = synoPkg.populateImageFields()

    return &synoPkg, err

// NewDebugPackage creates a new debug package from the description string
func NewDebugPackage(description string) *Package {
    return &Package{
        Name:        "debug",
        DisplayName: "GoSSPKS Debug",
        Arch:        "noarch",
        Firmware:    "1",
        Version:     "v1",
        Beta:        true,
        Maintainer:  "gosspks",
        Description: description,
        Thumbnail:   make([]string, 0),

// FullPath returns the package full path on FS
func (p *Package) FullPath() string {
    return filepath.Join(o.PackagesDir, p.fileName)

// ExistsOnDisk returns true if the package file exists on disk
func (p *Package) ExistsOnDisk() bool {
    return fileExists(p.FullPath())

// FilterByArch filters synopkgs where Arch = query
func (p Packages) FilterByArch(query string) Packages {
    output := Packages{}

    for _, synoPkg := range p {
        if synoPkg.Arch == query || sliceOfStringsContains(strings.Fields(synoPkg.Arch), query) || synoPkg.familyOrArchMatch(query) || synoPkg.Arch == "noarch" {
            output = append(output, synoPkg)
    return output

// FilterByFirmware filters synopkgs where Version >= query
func (p Packages) FilterByFirmware(query string) Packages {
    output := Packages{}
    for _, synoPkg := range p {
        if synoPkg.Firmware <= query {
            output = append(output, synoPkg)
    return output

// FilterOutBeta returns synopkgs except beta packages
func (p Packages) FilterOutBeta() Packages {
    output := Packages{}
    for _, synoPkg := range p {
        if !synoPkg.Beta {
            output = append(output, synoPkg)
    return output

// SearchByName filters synopkgs name contains query
func (p Packages) SearchByName(query string) Packages {
    output := Packages{}
    for _, synoPkg := range p {
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(synoPkg.DisplayName), strings.ToLower(query)) {
            output = append(output, synoPkg)
    return output

// OnlyShowLastVersion overrides an existing package
// with a new one if the version is greater
// the comparison is done on the Name property
func (p Packages) OnlyShowLastVersion() Packages {
    output := Packages{}
    for _, synoPkg := range p {
        if pkgIndex, err := output.index(synoPkg.Name, synoPkg.Arch); err != nil {
            // Not found
            output = append(output, synoPkg)
        } else if versions.Compare(synoPkg.Version, output[pkgIndex].Version) > 0 {
            // Newer, overwrite
            output[pkgIndex] = synoPkg
    return output

func (p *Package) pupulateINFOFields() error {
    infoINI, err := p.parseInfo()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return err

func (p *Package) populateMandatoryFields(infoINI *ini.File) {
    p.Name = infoINI.Section("").Key("package").Value()
    p.Version = infoINI.Section("").Key("version").Value()
    p.Firmware = infoINI.Section("").Key("firmware").Value()
    p.Arch = infoINI.Section("").Key("arch").Value()
    p.Maintainer = infoINI.Section("").Key("maintainer").Value()

func (p *Package) populateOptionalFields(infoINI *ini.File) {
    p.MaintainerURL = infoINI.Section("").Key("maintainer_url").Value()
    p.Distributor = infoINI.Section("").Key("distributor").Value()
    p.DistributorURL = infoINI.Section("").Key("distributor_url").Value()
    p.SupportURL = infoINI.Section("").Key("support_url").Value()
    p.Model = infoINI.Section("").Key("model").Value()
    p.ExcludeArch = infoINI.Section("").Key("exclude_arch").Value()
    p.Changelog = infoINI.Section("").Key("changelog").Value()
    p.Checksum = infoINI.Section("").Key("checksum").Value()
    p.AdminPort = infoINI.Section("").Key("adminport").Value()
    p.AdminURL = infoINI.Section("").Key("adminurl").Value()
    p.AdminProtocol = infoINI.Section("").Key("adminprotocol").Value()
    p.DSMUIDir = infoINI.Section("").Key("dsmuidir").Value()
    p.DSMAppDir = infoINI.Section("").Key("dsmappdir").Value()
    p.CheckPort, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("checkport").Value())
    p.Startable, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("startable").Value())
    p.PreCheckStartStop, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("precheckstartstop").Value())
    p.HelpURL = infoINI.Section("").Key("helpurl").Value()
    p.Beta, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("beta").Value())
    p.ReportURL = infoINI.Section("").Key("report_url").Value()
    p.InstallReboot, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("install_reboot").Value())
    p.InstallDepPackages = infoINI.Section("").Key("install_dep_packages").Value()
    p.InstallConflictPackages = infoINI.Section("").Key("install_conflict_packages").Value()
    p.InstUninstRestartServices = infoINI.Section("").Key("instuninst_restart_services").Value()
    p.StartStopRestartServices = infoINI.Section("").Key("startstop_restart_services").Value()
    p.InstallDepServices = infoINI.Section("").Key("install_dep_services").Value()
    p.StartDepServices, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("start_dep_services").Value())
    p.ExtractSize = infoINI.Section("").Key("extractsize").Value()
    p.SupportConfFolder, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("support_conf_folder").Value())
    p.InstallType = infoINI.Section("").Key("install_type").Value()
    p.SilentInstall, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("silent_install").Value())
    p.SilentUpgrade, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("silent_upgrade").Value())
    p.SilentUninstall, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("silent_uninstall").Value())
    p.AutoUpgradeFrom = infoINI.Section("").Key("auto_upgrade_from").Value()
    p.OfflineInstall, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("offline_install").Value())
    p.ThirdParty, _ = parseBoolOrYes(infoINI.Section("").Key("thirdparty").Value())

func (p *Package) populateQFields(infoINI *ini.File) {
    wizardFile, _ := p.containsFiles("WIZARD_UIFILES")
    p.QuickInstall = determineQfieldValue(infoINI.Section("").Key("qinst").Value(), wizardFile)
    p.QuickStart = determineQfieldValue(infoINI.Section("").Key("qstart").Value(), wizardFile)
    p.QuickUpgrade = determineQfieldValue(infoINI.Section("").Key("qupgrade").Value(), wizardFile)

func (p *Package) populateI18nFields(infoINI *ini.File) {
    p.DisplayName = infoINI.Section("").Key("displayname").Value()
    if value := infoINI.Section("").Key(fmt.Sprintf("displayname_%s", o.Language)).Value(); value != "" {
        p.DisplayName = value

    p.Description = infoINI.Section("").Key("description").Value()
    if value := infoINI.Section("").Key(fmt.Sprintf("description_%s", o.Language)).Value(); value != "" {
        p.Description = value

func (p *Package) populateImageFields() error {
    extractedImages, err := p.getOrExtractImages()
    p.Thumbnail = sliceOfStringsItemMatches(extractedImages, "(?i)(_thumb_[0-9]+|_icon.*).png$")
    p.ThumbnailRetina = sliceOfStringsItemMatches(extractedImages, "(?i)(_thumb_256|_icon_256).png$")
    p.Snapshot = sliceOfStringsItemMatches(extractedImages, "(?i)_screen_[0-9]+.png$$")
    return err

func (p *Package) populatePackageCenterFields() {
    // JSON gosspks fields
    // synoPkg.Price = ""
    // synoPkg.DownloadCount = ""
    // synoPkg.RecentDownloadCount = ""
    // synoPkg.Link = ""
    // synoPkg.Category = ""
    // synoPkg.SubCategory = ""
    // synoPkg.Type = ""
    p.Size, _ = p.getSize()
    if o.MD5 {
        p.MD5, _ = p.getMD5()
    p.Start = true

func determineQfieldValue(iniValue string, wizardFIles bool) bool {
    if value, err := parseBoolOrYes(iniValue); err == nil {
        return value
    } else if wizardFIles {
        return false
    return true

func archIsInFamilyAndMatches(arch, query string) bool {
    if archs := Families[arch]; archs != nil {
        return sliceOfStringsContains(archs, query)
    return false

func (p *Package) familyOrArchMatch(query string) bool {
    return archIsInFamilyAndMatches(p.Arch, query) || archIsInFamilyAndMatches(query, p.Arch)