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# Change Log

## 0.8.7

- Fix UI menu overflow

## 0.8.6

- Fix `The listener must be a function` error

## 0.8.5

- Fix colors in output

## 0.8.4

- Fix UI crash

## 0.8.3

- Fix error in Edge
- Improve bundle size

## 0.8.2

- UI

## 0.8.1

- Fix error page

## 0.8.0

- Create empty `conf.json` if it doesn't exist
- Update UI
  - New 2018 style 🎉
  - Links now open in new tabs (should improve integration with third-party tools)
- Update all dependencies


- Drop Internet Explorer 11 support for the UI
- Drop Node 4 support
- Self-signed certicate is now generated locally and can be found in `~/.hotel`. Since it's going to be a new one, you'll need to "trust" it again to be able to use `https`
- **`.localhost` is now the default domain and replaces `.dev` domains** (if present, remove `"tld": "dev"` from `~/.hotel/conf.json` to use the new default value, then run `hotel stop && hotel start`)

## 0.7.6

- Fix `package.json` not found error

## 0.7.5

- Add [please-upgrade-node](
- Chore: update all dependencies

## 0.7.4

- Remove `util.log` which has been deprecated in Node 6

## 0.7.3

- Prevent `hotel ls` from crashing when listing malformed files [#190](

## 0.7.2

- Update error page UI
- Update Self-Signed SSL Certificate (**you may need to add an exception again**)
- Fix Vue warning message in UI

## 0.7.1

- Fix daemon error

## 0.7.0

- Add `run` command
- Add `http-proxy-env` flag to `hotel add`
- Drop Node `0.12` support


- By default no `HTTP_PROXY` env will be passed to servers. To pass `HTTP_PROXY` you need to set it in your server configuration or use the flag `http-proxy-env` when adding your server.

## 0.6.1

- Prevent using unsupported characters with `hotel add --name` [#100](

## 0.6.0

- Add `--xfwd` and `--change-origin` flags to `hotel add` command
- Log proxy errors


- If you want hotel to add `X-Forwarded-*` headers to requests, you need now to explicitly pass `-x/--xfwd` flags when adding a server.

## 0.5.13

- Fix `hotel add` CLI bug

## 0.5.12

- Add dark theme
- Update `X-Forwarded-Port` header
- Improve `ember-cli` and `livereload` support

## 0.5.11

- Add more `X-Forwarded-*` headers

## 0.5.10

- Pass `HTTP_PROXY` env to servers started by hotel

## 0.5.9

- UI bug fix

## 0.5.8

- Add `favicon`
- Fix Safari and IE bug

## 0.5.6

- Fix Safari bug

## 0.5.5

- Add `X-Forwarded-Proto` header for ssl proxy
- Support an array of environment variables for the CLI option `--env`
- UI enhancements

## 0.5.4

- Fix Node 0.12 issue

## 0.5.3

- UI tweaks

## 0.5.2

- Fix option alias issue [#109](

## 0.5.1

- Fix conf issue

## 0.5.0

- Various UI improvements
- Add URL mapping support, for example `hotel add --name remote-server`
- Change `hotel rm` options

## 0.4.22

- UI tweaks

## 0.4.21

- Fix UI issue with IE

## 0.4.20

- Fix UI issue with Safari 9

## 0.4.19

- Support ANSI colors in the browser

## 0.4.18

- Bug fix

## 0.4.17

- Add `proxy` conf, use it if you're behind a corporate proxy.
- Bug fix

## 0.4.16

- Fix issue with project names containing characters not allowed for a domain name. By default, `hotel add` will now convert name to lower case and will replace space and `_` characters. However, you can still use `-n` to force a specific name or specific characters.

## 0.4.15

- Fix blank page issue in `v0.4.14`.

## 0.4.14

- Fix UI issues.

## 0.4.13

- Fix issue with Node 0.12.

## 0.4.12

- Add wildcard subdomains `http://*.app.localhost`.

## 0.4.11

- Strip ANSI when viewing logs in the browser.

## 0.4.10

- Fix IE and Safari issue (added fetch polyfill).

## 0.4.9

- Add server logs in the browser.
- Bundle icons to make them available without network access.
- Bug fixes.

## 0.4.8

- Bug fix

## 0.4.7

- Bundle front-end dependencies to make homepage work without network access.
- Support subdomains ``.
- Support `https` and `wss`.

## 0.4.6

- Bug fixes (0.4.3 to 0.4.5 deprecated).
- Added `~/.hotel/` file.

## 0.4.3

- UI update.
- Added top-level domain configuration option `tld`.
- Added IE support.

## 0.4.2

- Removed `` dependency.

## 0.4.1

- Added WebSocket support for projects being accessed using local `.localhost` domain.

## 0.4.0

- Added Local `.localhost` domain support for HTTP requests.