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Test Coverage
const yargs = require("yargs");
const servers = require("./servers");
const run = require("./run");
const daemon = require("./daemon");
const pkg = require("../../package.json");

const addOptions = {
  name: {
    alias: "n",
    describe: "Server name"
  port: {
    alias: "p",
    describe: "Set PORT environment variable",
    number: true
  out: {
    alias: "o",
    describe: "Output file"
  env: {
    alias: "e",
    describe: "Additional environment variables",
    array: true
  xfwd: {
    alias: "x",
    describe: "Adds x-forward headers",
    default: false,
    boolean: true
  "change-origin": {
    alias: "co",
    describe: "Changes the origin of the host header to the target URL",
    default: false,
    boolean: true
  "http-proxy-env": {
    describe: "Adds HTTP_PROXY environment variable",
    default: false,
    boolean: true
  dir: {
    describe: "Server directory",
    string: true
  force: {
    alias: "f",
    describe: "Forces creation of configuration if one already exits",
    default: false,
    boolean: true

module.exports = processArgv =>
    .alias("v", "version")
    .alias("h", "help")
      "add <cmd_or_url> [options]",
      "Add server or proxy",
      yargs => yargs.options(addOptions),
      // .demand(1),
      argv => servers.add(argv.cmd_or_url, argv)
      "run <cmd> [options]",
      "Run server and get a temporary local domain",
      yargs => {
        const runOptions = { ...addOptions };
        delete runOptions.out;
        return yargs.options(runOptions);
        // TODO demand(1) ?
      argv => run.spawn(argv.cmd, argv)
      "rm [options]",
      "Remove server or proxy",
      yargs => {
        yargs.option("name", {
          alias: "n",
          describe: "Name"
      argv => servers.rm(argv)
    .command("ls", "List servers", {}, argv =>
    .command("start", "Start daemon", {}, () => daemon.start())
    .command("stop", "Stop daemon", {}, () => daemon.stop())
    .command("restart", "Restart daemon", {}, () => daemon.restart())
    .example("$0 add --help")
    .example("$0 add nodemon")
    .example("$0 add npm start")
    .example("$0 add 'cmd -p $PORT'")
    .example("$0 add 'cmd -p $PORT' --port 4000")
    .example("$0 add 'cmd -p $PORT' --out app.log")
    .example("$0 add 'cmd -p $PORT' --name app")
    .example("$0 add 'cmd -p $PORT' --env PATH")
    .example("$0 add -n app ")
    .example("$0 rm")
    .example("$0 rm -n app")