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import * as util from 'util'
import {
} from './errors'
import { InjectionMode, InjectionModeType } from './injection-mode'
import { Lifetime, LifetimeType, isLifetimeLonger } from './lifetime'
import { GlobWithOptions, listModules } from './list-modules'
import { importModule } from './load-module-native.js'
import {
  loadModules as realLoadModules,
} from './load-modules'
import {
} from './resolvers'
import { isClass, last, nameValueToObject } from './utils'

 * The container returned from createContainer has some methods and properties.
 * @interface AwilixContainer
export interface AwilixContainer<Cradle extends object = any> {
   * Options the container was configured with.
  options: ContainerOptions
   * The proxy injected when using `PROXY` injection mode.
   * Can be used as-is.
  readonly cradle: Cradle
   * Getter for the rolled up registrations that merges the container family tree.
  readonly registrations: RegistrationHash
   * Resolved modules cache.
  readonly cache: Map<string | symbol, CacheEntry>
   * Creates a scoped container with this one as the parent.
  createScope<T extends object = object>(): AwilixContainer<Cradle & T>
   * Used by `util.inspect`.
  inspect(depth: number, opts?: any): string
   * Binds `lib/loadModules` to this container, and provides
   * real implementations of it's dependencies.
   * Additionally, any modules using the `dependsOn` API
   * will be resolved.
   * @see src/load-modules.ts documentation.
  loadModules<ESM extends boolean = false>(
    globPatterns: Array<string | GlobWithOptions>,
    options?: LoadModulesOptions<ESM>,
  ): ESM extends false ? this : Promise<this>

   * Adds a single registration that using a pre-constructed resolver.
  register<T>(name: string | symbol, registration: Resolver<T>): this
   * Pairs resolvers to registration names and registers them.
  register(nameAndRegistrationPair: NameAndRegistrationPair<Cradle>): this
   * Resolves the registration with the given name.
   * @param  {string} name
   * The name of the registration to resolve.
   * @return {*}
   * Whatever was resolved.
  resolve<K extends keyof Cradle>(
    name: K,
    resolveOptions?: ResolveOptions,
  ): Cradle[K]
   * Resolves the registration with the given name.
   * @param  {string} name
   * The name of the registration to resolve.
   * @return {*}
   * Whatever was resolved.
  resolve<T>(name: string | symbol, resolveOptions?: ResolveOptions): T
   * Checks if the registration with the given name exists.
   * @param {string | symbol} name
   * The name of the registration to resolve.
   * @return {boolean}
   * Whether or not the registration exists.
  hasRegistration(name: string | symbol): boolean
   * Recursively gets a registration by name if it exists in the
   * current container or any of its' parents.
   * @param name {string | symbol} The registration name.
  getRegistration<K extends keyof Cradle>(name: K): Resolver<Cradle[K]> | null
   * Recursively gets a registration by name if it exists in the
   * current container or any of its' parents.
   * @param name {string | symbol} The registration name.
  getRegistration<T = unknown>(name: string | symbol): Resolver<T> | null
   * Given a resolver, class or function, builds it up and returns it.
   * Does not cache it, this means that any lifetime configured in case of passing
   * a resolver will not be used.
   * @param {Resolver|Class|Function} targetOrResolver
   * @param {ResolverOptions} opts
    targetOrResolver: ClassOrFunctionReturning<T> | Resolver<T>,
    opts?: BuildResolverOptions<T>,
  ): T
   * Disposes this container and it's children, calling the disposer
   * on all disposable registrations and clearing the cache.
   * Only applies to registrations with `SCOPED` or `SINGLETON` lifetime.
  dispose(): Promise<void>

 * Optional resolve options.
export interface ResolveOptions {
   * If `true` and `resolve` cannot find the requested dependency,
   * returns `undefined` rather than throwing an error.
  allowUnregistered?: boolean

 * Cache entry.
export interface CacheEntry<T = any> {
   * The resolver that resolved the value.
  resolver: Resolver<T>
   * The resolved value.
  value: T

 * Register a Registration
 * @interface NameAndRegistrationPair
export type NameAndRegistrationPair<T> = {
  [U in keyof T]?: Resolver<T[U]>

 * Function that returns T.
export type FunctionReturning<T> = (...args: Array<any>) => T

 * A class or function returning T.
export type ClassOrFunctionReturning<T> = FunctionReturning<T> | Constructor<T>

 * The options for the createContainer function.
export interface ContainerOptions {
  require?: (id: string) => any
  injectionMode?: InjectionModeType
  strict?: boolean

 * Contains a hash of registrations where the name is the key.
export type RegistrationHash = Record<string | symbol | number, Resolver<any>>

export type ResolutionStack = Array<{
  name: string | symbol
  lifetime: LifetimeType

 * Family tree symbol.
const FAMILY_TREE = Symbol('familyTree')

 * Roll Up Registrations symbol.
const ROLL_UP_REGISTRATIONS = Symbol('rollUpRegistrations')

 * The string representation when calling toString.
const CRADLE_STRING_TAG = 'AwilixContainerCradle'

 * Creates an Awilix container instance.
 * @param {Function} options.require The require function to use. Defaults to require.
 * @param {string} options.injectionMode The mode used by the container to resolve dependencies.
 * Defaults to 'Proxy'.
 * @param {boolean} options.strict True if the container should run in strict mode with additional
 * validation for resolver configuration correctness. Defaults to false.
 * @return {AwilixContainer<T>} The container.
export function createContainer<T extends object = any>(
  options: ContainerOptions = {},
): AwilixContainer<T> {
  return createContainerInternal(options)

function createContainerInternal<
  T extends object = any,
  U extends object = any,
  options: ContainerOptions,
  parentContainer?: AwilixContainer<U>,
  parentResolutionStack?: ResolutionStack,
): AwilixContainer<T> {
  options = {
    injectionMode: InjectionMode.PROXY,
    strict: false,

   * Tracks the names and lifetimes of the modules being resolved. Used to detect circular
   * dependencies and, in strict mode, lifetime leakage issues.
  const resolutionStack: ResolutionStack = parentResolutionStack ?? []

  // Internal registration store for this container.
  const registrations: RegistrationHash = {}

   * The `Proxy` that is passed to functions so they can resolve their dependencies without
   * knowing where they come from. I call it the "cradle" because
   * it is where registered things come to life at resolution-time.
  const cradle = new Proxy(
      [util.inspect.custom]: toStringRepresentationFn,
       * The `get` handler is invoked whenever a get-call for `container.cradle.*` is made.
       * @param  {object} _target
       * The proxy target. Irrelevant.
       * @param  {string} name
       * The property name.
       * @return {*}
       * Whatever the resolve call returns.
      get: (_target: object, name: string): any => resolve(name),

       * Setting things on the cradle throws an error.
       * @param  {object} target
       * @param  {string} name
      set: (_target, name: string) => {
        throw new Error(
          `Attempted setting property "${
            name as any
          }" on container cradle - this is not allowed.`,

       * Used for `Object.keys`.
      ownKeys() {
        return Array.from(cradle as any)

       * Used for `Object.keys`.
      getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
        const regs = rollUpRegistrations()
        if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(regs, key)) {
          return {
            enumerable: true,
            configurable: true,

        return undefined
  ) as T

  // The container being exposed.
  const container = {
    cache: new Map<string | symbol, CacheEntry>(),
    register: register as any,
    [util.inspect.custom]: inspect,
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    [ROLL_UP_REGISTRATIONS!]: rollUpRegistrations,
    get registrations() {
      return rollUpRegistrations()

  // Track the family tree.
  const familyTree: Array<AwilixContainer> = parentContainer
    ? [container].concat((parentContainer as any)[FAMILY_TREE])
    : [container]

  // Save it so we can access it from a scoped container.
  ;(container as any)[FAMILY_TREE] = familyTree

  // We need a reference to the root container,
  // so we can retrieve and store singletons.
  const rootContainer = last(familyTree)

  return container

   * Used by util.inspect (which is used by console.log).
  function inspect(): string {
    return `[AwilixContainer (${
      parentContainer ? 'scoped, ' : ''
    }registrations: ${Object.keys(container.registrations).length})]`

   * Rolls up registrations from the family tree.
   * This can get pretty expensive. Only used when
   * iterating the cradle proxy, which is not something
   * that should be done in day-to-day use, mostly for debugging.
   * @param {boolean} bustCache
   * Forces a recomputation.
   * @return {object}
   * The merged registrations object.
  function rollUpRegistrations(): RegistrationHash {
    return {
      ...(parentContainer && (parentContainer as any)[ROLL_UP_REGISTRATIONS]()),

   * Used for providing an iterator to the cradle.
  function* cradleIterator() {
    const registrations = rollUpRegistrations()
    for (const registrationName in registrations) {
      yield registrationName

   * Creates a scoped container.
   * @return {object}
   * The scoped container.
  function createScope<P extends object>(): AwilixContainer<P & T> {
    return createContainerInternal(
      container as AwilixContainer<T>,

   * Adds a registration for a resolver.
  function register(arg1: any, arg2: any): AwilixContainer<T> {
    const obj = nameValueToObject(arg1, arg2)
    const keys = [...Object.keys(obj), ...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)]

    for (const key of keys) {
      const resolver = obj[key as any] as Resolver<any>
      // If strict mode is enabled, check to ensure we are not registering a singleton on a non-root
      // container.
      if (options.strict && resolver.lifetime === Lifetime.SINGLETON) {
        if (parentContainer) {
          throw new AwilixRegistrationError(
            'Cannot register a singleton on a scoped container.',

      registrations[key as any] = resolver

    return container

   * Returned to `util.inspect` and Symbol.toStringTag when attempting to resolve
   * a custom inspector function on the cradle.
  function toStringRepresentationFn() {

   * Recursively gets a registration by name if it exists in the
   * current container or any of its' parents.
   * @param name {string | symbol} The registration name.
  function getRegistration(name: string | symbol) {
    const resolver = registrations[name]
    if (resolver) {
      return resolver

    if (parentContainer) {
      return parentContainer.getRegistration(name)

    return null

   * Resolves the registration with the given name.
   * @param {string | symbol} name
   * The name of the registration to resolve.
   * @param {ResolveOptions} resolveOpts
   * The resolve options.
   * @return {any}
   * Whatever was resolved.
  function resolve(name: string | symbol, resolveOpts?: ResolveOptions): any {
    resolveOpts = resolveOpts || {}

    try {
      // Grab the registration by name.
      const resolver = getRegistration(name)
      if (resolutionStack.some(({ name: parentName }) => parentName === name)) {
        throw new AwilixResolutionError(
          'Cyclic dependencies detected.',

      // Used in JSON.stringify.
      if (name === 'toJSON') {
        return toStringRepresentationFn

      // Used in console.log.
      if (name === 'constructor') {
        return createContainer

      if (!resolver) {
        // Checks for some edge cases.
        switch (name) {
          // The following checks ensure that console.log on the cradle does not
          // throw an error (issue #7).
          case util.inspect.custom:
          case 'inspect':
          case 'toString':
            return toStringRepresentationFn
          case Symbol.toStringTag:
            return CRADLE_STRING_TAG
          // Edge case: Promise unwrapping will look for a "then" property and attempt to call it.
          // Return undefined so that we won't cause a resolution error. (issue #109)
          case 'then':
            return undefined
          // When using `Array.from` or spreading the cradle, this will
          // return the registration names.
          case Symbol.iterator:
            return cradleIterator

        if (resolveOpts.allowUnregistered) {
          return undefined

        throw new AwilixResolutionError(name, resolutionStack)

      const lifetime = resolver.lifetime || Lifetime.TRANSIENT

      // if we are running in strict mode, this resolver is not explicitly marked leak-safe, and any
      // of the parents have a shorter lifetime than the one requested, throw an error.
      if (options.strict && !resolver.isLeakSafe) {
        const maybeLongerLifetimeParentIndex = resolutionStack.findIndex(
          ({ lifetime: parentLifetime }) =>
            isLifetimeLonger(parentLifetime, lifetime),
        if (maybeLongerLifetimeParentIndex > -1) {
          throw new AwilixResolutionError(
            `Dependency '${name.toString()}' has a shorter lifetime than its ancestor: '${resolutionStack[

      // Pushes the currently-resolving module information onto the stack
      resolutionStack.push({ name, lifetime })

      // Do the thing
      let cached: CacheEntry | undefined
      let resolved
      switch (lifetime) {
        case Lifetime.TRANSIENT:
          // Transient lifetime means resolve every time.
          resolved = resolver.resolve(container)
        case Lifetime.SINGLETON:
          // Singleton lifetime means cache at all times, regardless of scope.
          cached = rootContainer.cache.get(name)
          if (!cached) {
            // if we are running in strict mode, perform singleton resolution using the root
            // container only.
            resolved = resolver.resolve(
              options.strict ? rootContainer : container,
            rootContainer.cache.set(name, { resolver, value: resolved })
          } else {
            resolved = cached.value
        case Lifetime.SCOPED:
          // Scoped lifetime means that the container
          // that resolves the registration also caches it.
          // If this container cache does not have it,
          // resolve and cache it rather than using the parent
          // container's cache.
          cached = container.cache.get(name)
          if (cached !== undefined) {
            // We found one!
            resolved = cached.value

          // If we still have not found one, we need to resolve and cache it.
          resolved = resolver.resolve(container)
          container.cache.set(name, { resolver, value: resolved })
          throw new AwilixResolutionError(
            `Unknown lifetime "${resolver.lifetime}"`,
      // Pop it from the stack again, ready for the next resolution
      return resolved
    } catch (err) {
      // When we get an error we need to reset the stack. Mutate the existing array rather than
      // updating the reference to ensure all parent containers' stacks are also updated.
      resolutionStack.length = 0
      throw err

   * Checks if the registration with the given name exists.
   * @param {string | symbol} name
   * The name of the registration to resolve.
   * @return {boolean}
   * Whether or not the registration exists.
  function hasRegistration(name: string | symbol): boolean {
    return !!getRegistration(name)

   * Given a registration, class or function, builds it up and returns it.
   * Does not cache it, this means that any lifetime configured in case of passing
   * a registration will not be used.
   * @param {Resolver|Constructor|Function} targetOrResolver
   * @param {ResolverOptions} opts
  function build<T>(
    targetOrResolver: Resolver<T> | ClassOrFunctionReturning<T>,
    opts?: BuildResolverOptions<T>,
  ): T {
    if (targetOrResolver && (targetOrResolver as Resolver<T>).resolve) {
      return (targetOrResolver as Resolver<T>).resolve(container)

    const funcName = 'build'
    const paramName = 'targetOrResolver'
      'a registration, function or class',
      typeof targetOrResolver === 'function',
      'a function or class',

    const resolver = isClass(targetOrResolver as any)
      ? asClass(targetOrResolver as Constructor<T>, opts)
      : asFunction(targetOrResolver as FunctionReturning<T>, opts)
    return resolver.resolve(container)

  function loadModules<ESM extends boolean = false>(
    globPatterns: Array<string | GlobWithOptions>,
    opts: LoadModulesOptions<ESM>,
  ): ESM extends false ? AwilixContainer : Promise<AwilixContainer>
   * Binds `lib/loadModules` to this container, and provides
   * real implementations of it's dependencies.
   * Additionally, any modules using the `dependsOn` API
   * will be resolved.
   * @see lib/loadModules.js documentation.
  function loadModules<ESM extends boolean = false>(
    globPatterns: Array<string | GlobWithOptions>,
    opts: LoadModulesOptions<ESM>,
  ): Promise<AwilixContainer> | AwilixContainer {
    const _loadModulesDeps = {
        options!.require ||
        function (uri) {
          return require(uri)
    if (opts?.esModules) {
      _loadModulesDeps.require = importModule
      return (
        ) as Promise<LoadModulesResult>
      ).then(() => container)
    } else {
      realLoadModules(_loadModulesDeps, globPatterns, opts)
      return container

   * Disposes this container and it's children, calling the disposer
   * on all disposable registrations and clearing the cache.
  function dispose(): Promise<void> {
    const entries = Array.from(container.cache.entries())
    return Promise.all([, entry]) => {
        const { resolver, value } = entry
        const disposable = resolver as DisposableResolver<any>
        if (disposable.dispose) {
          return Promise.resolve().then(() => disposable.dispose!(value))
        return Promise.resolve()
    ).then(() => undefined)