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Test Coverage
///<reference types="node"/>

var i = 10000 / 111.77; /[*]/.test(i); // */
{ i = "aaa\"" } /aaa/.test(i);

/* comments */var i = 10000 / 111.77; /\][*]/.test(i); // */


let gg = 10;
var re = 10000 / 111.77 * gg /gg;;;;  ////// comments...
//             ^---------------^ <- this case is match. but, not regexp literal
//                   skip to -->^
//              line comment start -->^ <- parse by class SlashVisitor

// in this case, correctly detects.
const re4 = /\s*\(\?#.*\)\/[/*[)(?\]]\s*$|#\s.*$|\s+/ /* comments...*/
const nnn = 123 /+"2" * gg /* comments...*/

let ok2 = 12.2 / 33 * .9 // "comments"...*/
//             ^ <- parse by class SlashVisitor
//                        ^---------------^ <- will recognize as regexp literal ...
//                       ^ however, since its actually a line comment, deleted from this position to the end of the line.

let ok3 = 12.2 / 33 * .9/* comments...*/
//             ^ <- parse by class SlashVisitor, in this case it can be correctly judged that it is not regexp literal.
//                      ^ <- parse by class SlashVisitor, Its recognized and deleted as multiline comment.

// ↓ parse by class SlashVisitor
 * triple nested es6 template string.
const test_text = `:Key Binding:${ 234 }}
//                ^  <- parse by class BackQuoteScanner
about                   [alt+A]
    "nest-1:" + `:Key Binding:${ 234 }}


            // comment line...
            "nest-2:" + `:Key Binding:${ `let abc = ${
            }` }}

                // comment line in backquote

                    * triple nested es6 template string.

                    "nest-3:" + `:Key Binding:${ 234 }}

                    // comment line in backquote
                    :On comment:\`\  \"\`\"\\

                    ------------------------------[ X ]`
            :On comment:\`\  \"\`\"\\

            ------------------------------[ X ]`
    :On comment:\`\  \"\`\"\\

    ------------------------------[ X ]`

    // comment line...
:On comment:\`\  \"\`\"\\

------------------------------[ X ]`;
* block comment.
*/// test
const $3 = { keyCode: $1, key: "$5\"this is\
                               ^  <- parse by class QuoteScanner\
test" };

const gm = 234;
  ; ;; ;

var i = 100 / 10 * 123.555/gm; // comment line
//          ^  <- parse by class SlashVisitor

  title: `/anything/g`,
  //     ^  <- parse by class BackQuoteScanner
  description: '--- nothing ---',
  //           ^  <- parse by class QuoteScanner
  qre: "/(<button)\\s+([\\w\\-]+(?:=\"[^\"]+\")?)?\\s*([\\w\\-]+(?:=\"[^\"]+\")?)?\\s*([\\w\\-]+(?:=\"[^\"]+\")?)?\\s*([\\w\\-]+(?:=\"[^\"]+\")?)?\\s*([\\w\\-]+(?:=\"[^\"]+\")?)?\\s*([\\w\\-]+(?:=\"[^\"]+\")?)?\\s*([\\w\\-]+(?:=\"[^\"]+\")?)?\\s*(>.*<\\/button>)/g.toString()",
//     ^  <- parse by class QuoteScanner
  re: /(<button)\s+([\w\-]+(?:="[^"]+")?)?\s*([\w\-]+(?:="[^"]+")?)?\s*([\w\-]+(?:=`[^`]+`)?)?\s*([\w\-]+(?:="[^"]+")?)?\s*([\w\-]+(?:="[^"]+")?)?\s*([\w\-]+(?:="[^"]+")?)?\s*([\w\-]+(?:="[^"]+")?)?\s*(>.*<\/button>)/g.toString(),
//    ^  <- parse by class SlashVisitor. this regexp literal although contains quote character, since it is correctly recognized as regexp literal, can avoid parse by quotevisitor. 

  ere: `(^:[\\w ]+:\$)|           (?#heading text)
(^[\\w ]+)(\\[[\\w\\+]+\\])| (?#text item)
(?:([\\-]+)(\\[ X \\]))    (?#emulate close button)`,
  flags: "",
  test_text: `:Key Binding:{}

:On comment:\`\  \"\`\"\\
------------------------------[ X ]`,
  test_textQ: ":Key Binding:\
:On comment:\`\  \"\`\"\
------------------------------[ X ]",
  test_textS: ':Key Binding:\
:On comment:\`\ \' \"\`\"\
------------------------------[ X ]',
  timestamp: 1499535241972
let name = "apple";           
// comment line.       
const templete = `function ${name}($) {
   // comment line.
   var some = ${
   // comment line #2...
   `12.5 / 50 * 100,

   // might be a very important comment line.
   things = "${ name + `anything` }",
   obj={ "\\\\": null }`

   }, unused = \`length is ${name.length}\` || undefined;
    * multi line comment...
   return true;

; /* ... */