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Replace this call to "replaceAll()" by a call to the "replace()" method.

            result = Arrays.asList(expandedFsTests.replaceAll("\r", "").split("\n"));

The underlying implementation of String::replaceAll calls the java.util.regex.Pattern.compile() method each time it is called even if the first argument is not a regular expression. This has a significant performance cost and therefore should be used with care.

When String::replaceAll is used, the first argument should be a real regular expression. If it’s not the case, String::replace does exactly the same thing as String::replaceAll without the performance drawback of the regex.

This rule raises an issue for each String::replaceAll used with a String as first parameter which doesn’t contains special regex character or pattern.

Noncompliant Code Example

String init = "Bob is a Bird... Bob is a Plane... Bob is Superman!";
String changed = init.replaceAll("Bob is", "It's"); // Noncompliant
changed = changed.replaceAll("\\.\\.\\.", ";"); // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

String init = "Bob is a Bird... Bob is a Plane... Bob is Superman!";
String changed = init.replace("Bob is", "It's");
changed = changed.replace("...", ";");

Or, with a regex:

String init = "Bob is a Bird... Bob is a Plane... Bob is Superman!";
String changed = init.replaceAll("\\w*\\sis", "It's");
changed = changed.replaceAll("\\.{3}", ";");


  • {rule:java:S4248} - Regex patterns should not be created needlessly

Remove this unused private "setTestsWithNewLine" method.

    private void setTestsWithNewLine(String tests) {

private methods that are never executed are dead code: unnecessary, inoperative code that should be removed. Cleaning out dead code decreases the size of the maintained codebase, making it easier to understand the program and preventing bugs from being introduced.

Note that this rule does not take reflection into account, which means that issues will be raised on private methods that are only accessed using the reflection API.

Noncompliant Code Example

public class Foo implements Serializable
  private Foo(){}     //Compliant, private empty constructor intentionally used to prevent any direct instantiation of a class.
  public static void doSomething(){
    Foo foo = new Foo();
  private void unusedPrivateMethod(){...}
  private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s){...}  //Compliant, relates to the java serialization mechanism
  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in){...}  //Compliant, relates to the java serialization mechanism

Compliant Solution

public class Foo implements Serializable
  private Foo(){}     //Compliant, private empty constructor intentionally used to prevent any direct instantiation of a class.
  public static void doSomething(){
    Foo foo = new Foo();

  private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s){...}  //Compliant, relates to the java serialization mechanism

  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in){...}  //Compliant, relates to the java serialization mechanism


This rule doesn't raise any issue on annotated methods.

There are no issues that match your filters.
