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import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.DTOFactory;
import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.scm.*;
import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.scm.impl.LineRange;
import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.scm.impl.RevisionsMap;
import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.scm.impl.SCMFileBlameImpl;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.model.*;
import hudson.plugins.git.Branch;
import hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec;
import hudson.plugins.git.GitChangeSet;
import hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM;
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.GitSCMExtension;
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.GitSCMExtensionDescriptor;
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.RelativeTargetDirectory;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData;
import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel;
import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet;
import hudson.scm.SCM;
import hudson.tasks.Mailer;
import hudson.util.DescribableList;
import jenkins.MasterToSlaveFileCallable;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.reflect.FieldUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.BlameCommand;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.blame.BlameResult;
import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.*;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.NoMergeBaseException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.filter.RevFilter;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * Created by gullery on 31/03/2015.

class GitSCMProcessor implements SCMProcessor {
    private static final Logger logger = SDKBasedLoggerProvider.getLogger(GitSCMProcessor.class);
    private static final DTOFactory dtoFactory = DTOFactory.getInstance();
    private static final String MASTER = "refs/remotes/origin/master";

    public SCMData getSCMData(AbstractBuild build, SCM scm) {
        List<ChangeLogSet<? extends ChangeLogSet.Entry>> changes = new ArrayList<>();
        SCMData scmData = extractSCMData(build, scm, changes);
        scmData = enrichLinesOnSCMData(scmData, build);
        return scmData;

     * this method go over each of the changed files and enrich line changes
     * into existing scm events, so that the new enriched events will have line ranges.
     * in addition, for each renamed file, we enrich inside delete event the 'renamed to' file
     * @param scmData SCM data as an input
     * @param build   build context
    private SCMData enrichLinesOnSCMData(SCMData scmData, AbstractBuild build) {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            FilePath workspace = build.getWorkspace();
            if (workspace != null) {
                scmData = workspace.act(new LineEnricherCallable(getCheckoutDir(build), scmData));
                logger.debug("Line enricher: process took: " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000) + " seconds");
            } else {
                logger.warn("Line enricher: workspace is null");
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            logger.error("Line enricher: FAILED. could not enrich lines on SCM Data : " + e1.getMessage());
        return scmData;

    public SCMData getSCMData(WorkflowRun run, SCM scm) {
        return extractSCMData(run, scm, run.getChangeSets());

    public CommonOriginRevision getCommonOriginRevision(final Run run) {
        //for phase 1 this is hard coded since its not possible to calculate it, and configuration from outside will complicate the feature
        //so for this phase we keep it hardcoded.
        CommonOriginRevision commonOriginRevision = new CommonOriginRevision();
        commonOriginRevision.branch = getBranchName(run);

        try {
            final AbstractBuild abstractBuild = (AbstractBuild) run;
            FilePath workspace = ((AbstractBuild) run).getWorkspace();
            if (workspace != null) {
                commonOriginRevision.revision = workspace.act(new FileContentCallable(getCheckoutDir(abstractBuild)));

            logger.debug("most recent common revision resolved to " + commonOriginRevision.revision + " (branch: " + commonOriginRevision.branch + ")");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("failed to resolve most recent common revision : " + e.getClass().getName() + " - " + e.getMessage());
            return commonOriginRevision;
        return commonOriginRevision;

    private SCMData extractSCMData(Run run, SCM scm, List<ChangeLogSet<? extends ChangeLogSet.Entry>> changes) {
        if (!(scm instanceof GitSCM)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("GitSCM type of SCM was expected here, found '" + scm.getClass().getName() + "'");

        GitSCM gitData = (GitSCM) scm;
        SCMRepository repository;
        List<SCMCommit> tmpCommits;
        String builtRevId = null;

        repository = getRepository(run, gitData);

        BuildData buildData = gitData.getBuildData(run);
        if (buildData != null && buildData.getLastBuiltRevision() != null) {
            builtRevId = buildData.getLastBuiltRevision().getSha1String();

        tmpCommits = extractCommits(changes);
        return dtoFactory.newDTO(SCMData.class)

    private String getBranchName(Run r) {
        try {
            SCM scm = ((AbstractBuild) r).getProject().getScm();
            GitSCM git = (GitSCM) scm;
            List<BranchSpec> branches = git.getBranches();
            String rawBranchName = branches.get(0).toString();
            if (rawBranchName != null && rawBranchName.startsWith("${") && rawBranchName.endsWith("}")) {
                String param = rawBranchName.substring(2, rawBranchName.length() - 1);
                if (((AbstractBuild) r).getBuildVariables().get(param) != null) {
                    return ((AbstractBuild) r).getBuildVariables().get(param).toString();
                } else {
                    return param;
            if (rawBranchName != null && rawBranchName.startsWith("*/")) {
                return rawBranchName.substring(2);
            return rawBranchName; //trunk the '*/' from the '*/<branch name>' in order to get clean branch name
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("failed to extract branch name", e);
        return null;

    private static String getCheckoutDir(AbstractBuild r) {
        final DescribableList<GitSCMExtension, GitSCMExtensionDescriptor> extensions = ((GitSCM) (r.getProject()).getScm()).getExtensions();
        if (extensions != null) {
            final RelativeTargetDirectory relativeTargetDirectory = extensions.get(RelativeTargetDirectory.class);
            if (relativeTargetDirectory != null && relativeTargetDirectory.getRelativeTargetDir() != null) {
                return relativeTargetDirectory.getRelativeTargetDir();
        return "";

    private SCMRepository getRepository(Run run, GitSCM gitData) {
        SCMRepository result = null;
        String url = null;
        String branch = null;
        if (gitData != null && gitData.getBuildData(run) != null) {
            BuildData buildData = gitData.getBuildData(run);
            if (buildData != null) {
                if (buildData.getRemoteUrls() != null && !buildData.getRemoteUrls().isEmpty()) {
                    url = (String) buildData.getRemoteUrls().toArray()[0];
                if (buildData.getLastBuiltRevision() != null && !buildData.getLastBuiltRevision().getBranches().isEmpty()) {
                    branch = ((Branch) buildData.getLastBuiltRevision().getBranches().toArray()[0]).getName();
                result = dtoFactory.newDTO(SCMRepository.class)
            } else {
                logger.warn("failed to obtain BuildData; no SCM repository info will be available");
        return result;

    private List<SCMCommit> extractCommits(List<ChangeLogSet<? extends ChangeLogSet.Entry>> changes) {
        List<SCMCommit> commits = new LinkedList<>();
        for (ChangeLogSet<? extends ChangeLogSet.Entry> set : changes) {
            for (ChangeLogSet.Entry change : set) {
                if (change instanceof GitChangeSet) {
                    GitChangeSet commit = (GitChangeSet) change;
                    List<SCMChange> tmpChanges = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (GitChangeSet.Path item : commit.getAffectedFiles()) {
                        SCMChange tmpChange = dtoFactory.newDTO(SCMChange.class)

                    SCMCommit tmpCommit = dtoFactory.newDTO(SCMCommit.class)

        return commits;

    private void setUserInCommit(GitChangeSet commit, SCMCommit dtoCommit) {
        User user = commit.getAuthor();
        String userName = user.getId();
        String userEmail = null;
        for (UserProperty property : user.getAllProperties()) {
            if (property instanceof Mailer.UserProperty) {
                userEmail = ((Mailer.UserProperty) property).getAddress();

        try {
            //commits in github UI - returns with user "noreply"
            if ("noreply".equals(userName)) {
                String authorEmail = (String) FieldUtils.readField(commit, "authorEmail", true);
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(authorEmail) && authorEmail.contains("@")) {
                    userEmail = authorEmail;
                    userName = authorEmail.substring(0, authorEmail.indexOf('@'));
        } catch (Exception e) {
  "Failed to extract authorEmail : " + e.getMessage());


    private static final class FileContentCallable extends MasterToSlaveFileCallable<String> {
        private final String checkoutDir;

        private FileContentCallable(String checkoutDir) {
            this.checkoutDir = checkoutDir;

        public String invoke(File rootDir, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
            File repoDir = new File(rootDir, checkoutDir + File.separator + ".git");
            try (Git git =;
                 Repository repo = git.getRepository()) {
                if (repo == null) {
                    return "";

                try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
                    ObjectId resolveForCurrentBranch = repo.resolve(Constants.HEAD);
                    if (resolveForCurrentBranch == null) {
                        return "";

                    RevCommit currentBranchCommit = walk.parseCommit(resolveForCurrentBranch);
                    if (currentBranchCommit == null) {
                        return "";

                    ObjectId resolveForMaster = repo.resolve(MASTER);
                    if (resolveForMaster == null) {
                        return "";

                    RevCommit masterCommit = walk.parseCommit(resolveForMaster);
                    RevCommit base =;
                    if (base == null) {
                        return "";
                    final RevCommit base2 =;
                    if (base2 != null) {
                        throw new NoMergeBaseException(NoMergeBaseException.MergeBaseFailureReason.MULTIPLE_MERGE_BASES_NOT_SUPPORTED,

                    //in order to return actual revision and not merge commit
                    while (base.getParents().length > 1) {
                        RevCommit base_1 = base.getParent(0);
                        RevCommit base_2 = base.getParent(1);
                        if (base_1.getParents().length == 1) {
                            base = base_1;
                        } else {
                            base = base_2;
                    return base.getId().getName();

    /*line enricher running on the same jenkins node that the job is running in it*/
    private static final class LineEnricherCallable extends MasterToSlaveFileCallable<SCMData> {
        private final String checkoutDir;
        private final SCMData scmData;

        private LineEnricherCallable(String checkoutDir, SCMData scmData) {
            this.checkoutDir = checkoutDir;
            this.scmData = scmData;

        public SCMData invoke(File rootDir, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
            File repoDir = new File(rootDir, checkoutDir + File.separator + ".git");
            try (Git git =;
                 Repository repo = git.getRepository()) {
                if (repo == null) {
                    return null;

                try (RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repo);
                     DiffFormatter df = new DiffFormatter(DisabledOutputStream.INSTANCE)) {

                    //add blame data to scm data
                    Set<String> committedFiles = getAddedOrEditedFiles(scmData);
                    List<SCMFileBlame> fileBlameList = getBlameData(repo, committedFiles);

                    for (SCMCommit curCommit : scmData.getCommits()) {
                        Map<String, SCMChange> fileChanges = new HashMap<>();
                        curCommit.getChanges().forEach(change -> fileChanges.put(change.getFile(), change));
                        RevCommit commit = rw.parseCommit(repo.resolve(curCommit.getRevId())); // Any ref will work here (HEAD, a sha1, tag, branch)
                        RevCommit parent = rw.parseCommit(commit.getParent(0).getId());

                        List<DiffEntry> diffs = df.scan(parent.getTree(), commit.getTree());
                        // FOR EACH FILE
                        for (DiffEntry diff : diffs) { // each file change will be in seperate diff
                            EditList fileEdits = df.toFileHeader(diff).toEditList();
                            switch (diff.getChangeType()) {
                                case ADD:
                                    // old path == null, need to use new path
                                    handleAddLinesDiff(fileEdits, fileChanges.get(diff.getNewPath()));
                                case COPY:
                                    // need to validate this type
                                    handleModifyDiff(fileEdits, fileChanges.get(diff.getNewPath()));
                                case DELETE:
                                    // new path == null, need to use old path
                                    handleDeleteLinesDiff(fileEdits, fileChanges.get(diff.getOldPath()));
                                case MODIFY:
                                    handleModifyDiff(fileEdits, fileChanges.get(diff.getNewPath()));
                                case RENAME:
                                    // enrich delete event with 'rename to' data
                                    SCMChange deletedChange = fileChanges.get(diff.getOldPath());
                                    SCMChange newRenamedFile = fileChanges.get(diff.getNewPath());
                                    // handle changes
                                    handleModifyDiff(fileEdits, fileChanges.get(diff.getNewPath()));
                    return scmData;

    private static Set<String> getAddedOrEditedFiles(SCMData scmData) {
        Set<String> filesCommittedInPPR = new HashSet<>();
        for (SCMCommit curCommit : scmData.getCommits()) {
            curCommit.getChanges().stream().filter(change -> !change.getType().equals("delete")).forEach(change -> filesCommittedInPPR.add(change.getFile()));
        return filesCommittedInPPR;

    private static List<SCMFileBlame> getBlameData(Repository repo, Set<String> files) {
        BlameCommand blamer = new BlameCommand(repo);
        List<SCMFileBlame> fileBlameList = new ArrayList<>();
        ObjectId commitID;
        try {
            commitID = repo.resolve(Constants.HEAD);
            for (String filePath : files) {
                BlameResult blameResult =;
                if (blameResult == null) {
                RawText rawText = blameResult.getResultContents();
                int fileSize = rawText.size();

                RevisionsMap revisionsMap = new RevisionsMap();

                if (fileSize > 0) {
                    String startRangeRevision = blameResult.getSourceCommit(0).getName();
                    int startRange = 1;
                    for (int i = 1; i < fileSize; i++) {
                        String currentRevision = blameResult.getSourceCommit(i).getName();
                        if (!currentRevision.equals(startRangeRevision)) {
                            LineRange range = new LineRange(startRange, i);//line numbers starting from 1 not from 0.
                            revisionsMap.addRangeToRevision(startRangeRevision, range);
                            startRange = i + 1;
                            startRangeRevision = currentRevision;
                fileBlameList.add(new SCMFileBlameImpl(filePath, revisionsMap));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("failed to resolve repo head", e);
        } catch (GitAPIException e) {
            logger.error("failed to get blame result from git", e);
        return fileBlameList;

    private static void handleModifyDiff(EditList fileEdits, SCMChange scmChange) {
        if (scmChange != null) {
            for (Edit edit : fileEdits) {
                switch (edit.getType()) {
                    case INSERT:
                        scmChange.insertAddedLines(new LineRange(edit.getBeginB() + 1, edit.getEndB()));
                    case DELETE:
                        scmChange.insertDeletedLines(new LineRange(edit.getBeginA() + 1, edit.getEndA()));
                    case REPLACE:
                        scmChange.insertDeletedLines(new LineRange(edit.getBeginA() + 1, edit.getEndA()));
                        scmChange.insertAddedLines(new LineRange(edit.getBeginB() + 1, edit.getEndB()));

    // probably it's useless to track deleted lines (inside scm change), consider removing it later.
    private static void handleDeleteLinesDiff(EditList fileEdits, SCMChange scmChange) {
        if (scmChange != null) {
            for (Edit edit : fileEdits) {
                scmChange.insertDeletedLines(new LineRange(edit.getBeginA() + 1, edit.getEndA()));

    private static void handleAddLinesDiff(EditList fileEdits, SCMChange scmChange) {
        if (scmChange != null) {
            for (Edit edit : fileEdits) {
                scmChange.insertAddedLines(new LineRange(edit.getBeginB() + 1, edit.getEndB()));