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Test Coverage
# Certain versions of software accessible here may contain branding from Hewlett-Packard Company (now HP Inc.) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company.
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# PcClient section - start 
UsingProxy=Using proxy
UsingProxyCredentialsBuildParameters=Using proxy credentials of the following user as specified in build parameters:
UsingProxyCredentialsConfiguration=Using proxy credentials of following user as specified in configuration:
UsingPCCredentialsBuildParameters=Using LoadRunner Enterprise credentials supplied in build parameters
UsingPCCredentialsConfiguration=Using LoadRunner Enterprise credentials supplied in configuration
TryingToLogin=Trying to login
LoginSucceeded=Login succeeded
LoginFailed=Login failed
ExecutingLoadTest=Executing Load Test:
TestID=Test ID
TestInstanceID=Test Instance ID
TimeslotDuration=Timeslot Duration
PostRunAction=Post Run Action
RunStarted=Run started
StartRunRetryFailed=StartRun retry failed
AttemptingStartAgainSoon=Attempting to start again soon
AttemptsRemaining=Attempts remaining
RetrievingIDFailed=Retrieving ID failed
SearchingTestInstance=Searching for available test instance
FoundTestInstanceID=Found test instance ID
NotFoundTestInstanceID=Could not find existing test instanceID. Creating a new test instance.
SearchingAvailableTestSet=Searching for available TestSet
TestInstanceCreatedSuccessfully=Test Instance has been created successfully. Test Instance ID 
CreatingNewTestInstance=Creating new Test Instance
NoTestSetAvailable=There is no TestSet available in the project. Please create a testset from LoadRunner Enterprise UI.
NoTrendReportAssociated=No trend report ID is associated with the test.
PleaseTurnAutomaticTrendOn=Please turn Automatic Trending on for the test through LoadRunner Enterprise UI.
PleaseTurnAutomaticTrendOnAlternative=Alternatively you can check 'Add run to trend report with ID' on Jenkins job configuration.
StoppingMonitoringOnRun=Stopping monitoring on Run
StoppedFromPC=Stopped from LoadRunner Enterprise side with state
PublishingAnalysisReport=Publishing analysis report
FailedToGetRunReport=Failed to get run report
LogoutSucceeded=Logout succeeded
LogoutFailed=Logout failed
StoppingRun=Stopping run
StopRunSucceeded=Stop run succeeded
StopRunFailed=Stop run failed
PublishingRun=Publishing run
OnTrendReport=on trend report
FailedToAddRunToTrendReport=Failed to add run to trend report
ProblemConnectingToPCServer=Problem connecting to LoadRunner Enterprise Server
PublishingStatus=publishing status
PublishingEndTimeout=Publishing did not end after 30 minutes, aborting...
PublishingStartTimeout=Publishing did not start after 15 minutes, aborting...
DownloadingTrendReport=Downloading trend report
InPDFFormat=in PDF format
TrendReport=Trend report
SuccessfullyDownloaded=successfully downloaded
FailedToDownloadTrendReport=Failed to download trend report
ViewTrendReport=View trend report
StartRunFailed=startRun failed
WaitingForTrendReportToStart=Waiting for trend report to start being generated (an idle Data Processor host must be available)
MinutesUntilTimeout = Minutes until timeout
# PcClient section - ended