<!-- Generated by documentation.js. Update this documentation by updating the source code. -->
### Table of Contents
- [HistogramChart][1]
- [Parameters][2]
- [mountRects][3]
- [onPointHandler][4]
- [onLeaveHandler][5]
- [mountDelaunay][6]
- [ScatterChart][7]
- [Parameters][8]
- [mountRugs][9]
- [Parameters][10]
- [mountPoints][11]
- [onPointHandler][12]
- [onLeaveHandler][13]
- [mountDelaunay][14]
- [LineChart][15]
- [Parameters][16]
- [mountLines][17]
- [mountActivePoints][18]
- [Parameters][19]
- [mountAreas][20]
- [Parameters][21]
- [mountConfidenceBand][22]
- [Parameters][23]
- [mountMarkers][24]
- [onPointHandler][25]
- [onLeaveHandler][26]
- [mountDelaunay][27]
- [Parameters][28]
- [normalizeData][29]
- [AbstractChart][30]
- [Parameters][31]
- [abstractRedraw][32]
- [redraw][33]
- [mountLegend][34]
- [Parameters][35]
- [mountXAxis][36]
- [Parameters][37]
- [mountYAxis][38]
- [Parameters][39]
- [mountTooltip][40]
- [Parameters][41]
- [mountContainer][42]
- [setDataTypeFlags][43]
- [mountSvg][44]
- [normalizeData][45]
- [computeDomains][46]
- [Parameters][47]
- [computeXAxisType][48]
- [computeYAxisType][49]
## HistogramChart
**Extends AbstractChart**
Creates a new histogram graph.
### Parameters
- `args` **[Object][50]** argument object. See [AbstractChart][30] for general parameters.
- `args.binCount` **[Number][51]?** approximate number of bins that should be used for the histogram. Defaults to what d3.bin thinks is best.
- `args.args` **...any**
### mountRects
Mount the histogram rectangles.
Returns **void**
### onPointHandler
Handle move events from the delaunay triangulation.
Returns **[Function][52]** handler function.
### onLeaveHandler
Handle leaving the delaunay triangulation area.
Returns **[Function][52]** handler function.
### mountDelaunay
Mount new delaunay triangulation.
Returns **void**
## ScatterChart
**Extends AbstractChart**
Creates a new scatter graph.
### Parameters
- `args` **[Object][50]** argument object. See [AbstractChart][30] for general parameters.
- `args.sizeAccessor` **([String][53] \| [Function][52])** accesor specifying the size of a data point. Can be either a string (name of the size field) or a function (receiving a data point and returning its size). (optional, default `d=>3`)
- `args.xRug` **[Boolean][54]** whether or not to generate a rug for the x axis. (optional, default `false`)
- `args.yRug` **[Boolean][54]** whether or not to generate a rug for the y axis. (optional, default `false`)
- `args.args` **...any**
### mountRugs
Mount new rugs.
#### Parameters
- `xRug` **[Boolean][54]** whether or not to generate a rug for the x axis. (optional, default `false`)
- `yRug` **[Boolean][54]** whether or not to generate a rug for the y axis. (optional, default `false`)
Returns **void**
### mountPoints
Mount scatter points.
Returns **void**
### onPointHandler
Handle incoming points from the delaunay triangulation.
Returns **[Function][52]** handler function
### onLeaveHandler
Handle leaving the delaunay area.
Returns **[Function][52]** handler function
### mountDelaunay
Mount new delaunay triangulation instance.
Returns **void**
## LineChart
**Extends AbstractChart**
Creates a new line graph.
### Parameters
- `$0` **[Object][50]**
- `$0.area`
- `$0.confidenceBand`
- `$0.voronoi`
- `$0.defined` (optional, default `null`)
- `$0.activeAccessor` (optional, default `null`)
- `$0.activePoint`
- `$0.args` **...any**
- `args` **[Object][50]** argument object. See [AbstractChart][30] for general parameters.
- `args.area` **([Boolean][54] \| [Array][55])** specifies for which sub-array of data an area should be shown. Boolean if data is a simple array. (optional, default `[]`)
- `args.confidenceBand` **[Array][55]?** array with two elements specifying how to access the lower (first) and upper (second) value for the confidence band. The two elements work like accessors and are either a string or a function.
- `args.voronoi` **[Object][50]?** custom parameters passed to the voronoi generator.
- `args.defined` **[Function][52]?** optional function specifying whether or not to show a given data point.
- `args.activeAccessor` **([String][53] \| [Function][52])?** accessor specifying for a given data point whether or not to show it as active.
- `activePoint` **[Object][50]?** custom parameters passed to the active point generator. See {@see Point} for a list of parameters.
### mountLines
Mount lines for each array of data points.
Returns **void**
### mountActivePoints
If an active accessor is specified, mount active points.
#### Parameters
- `params` **[Object][50]?** custom parameters for point generation. See {@see Point} for a list of options.
Returns **void**
### mountAreas
Mount all specified areas.
#### Parameters
- `area` **([Boolean][54] \| [Array][55])** specifies for which sub-array of data an area should be shown. Boolean if data is a simple array. (optional, default `[]`)
Returns **void**
### mountConfidenceBand
Mount the confidence band specified by two accessors.
#### Parameters
- `$0` **[Object][50]**
- `$0.lowerAccessor`
- `$0.upperAccessor`
- `lowerAccessor` **([Function][52] \| [String][53])** for the lower confidence bound. Either a string (specifying the property of the object representing the lower bound) or a function (returning the lower bound when given a data point).
- `upperAccessor` **([Function][52] \| [String][53])** for the upper confidence bound. Either a string (specifying the property of the object representing the upper bound) or a function (returning the upper bound when given a data point).
Returns **void**
### mountMarkers
Mount markers, if any.
Returns **void**
### onPointHandler
Handle incoming points from the delaunay move handler.
Returns **[Function][52]** handler function.
### onLeaveHandler
Handles leaving the delaunay area.
Returns **[Function][52]** handler function.
### mountDelaunay
Mount a new delaunay triangulation instance.
#### Parameters
- `customParameters` **[Object][50]** custom parameters for [Delaunay][56].
Returns **void**
### normalizeData
Normalizes the passed data to a nested array of objects.
isSingleObject: return error
isArrayOfObjects: nest once
isArrayOfArrays: do nothing
isNestedArrayOfArrays: do nothing, assume index-based accessor
isNestedArrayOfObjects: do nothing
Returns **void**
## AbstractChart
This abstract chart class implements all functionality that is shared between all available chart types.
This is not meant to be directly instantiated.
### Parameters
- `$0` **[Object][50]**
- `$`
- `$`
- `$0.markers`
- `$0.baselines`
- `$0.xAccessor` (optional, default `'date'`)
- `$0.yAccessor` (optional, default `'value'`)
- `$0.margin`
- `$0.buffer`
- `$0.width`
- `$0.height`
- `$0.color`
- `$0.colors`
- `$0.xScale`
- `$0.yScale`
- `$0.xAxis`
- `$0.yAxis`
- `$0.showTooltip`
- `$0.tooltipFunction`
- `$0.legend`
- `$0.legendTarget`
- `$0.brush`
- `$0.custom` **...any**
- `args` **[Object][50]** argument object.
- `` **[Array][55]** data that needs to be visualized.
- `` **([String][53] \| [Object][50])** DOM node to which the graph should be mounted. Either D3 selection or D3 selection specifier.
- `args.width` **[Number][51]** total width of the graph.
- `args.height` **[Number][51]** total height of the graph.
- `args.markers` **[Array][55]** markers that should be added to the chart. Each marker object should be accessible through the xAccessor and contain a label field. (optional, default `[]`)
- `args.baselines` **[Array][55]** baselines that should be added to the chart. Each baseline object should be accessible through the yAccessor and contain a label field. (optional, default `[]`)
- `args.xAccessor` **([String][53] \| [Function][52])** either name of the field that contains the x value or function that receives a data object and returns its x value. (optional, default `d=>d`)
- `args.yAccessor` **([String][53] \| [Function][52])** either name of the field that contains the y value or function that receives a data object and returns its y value. (optional, default `d=>d`)
- `args.margin` **[Object][50]** margin object specifying top, bottom, left and right margin. (optional, default `{top:10,left:60,right:20,bottom:40}`)
- `args.buffer` **[Number][51]** amount of buffer between the axes and the graph. (optional, default `10`)
- `args.color` **([String][53] \| [Array][55])?** custom color scheme for the graph.
- `args.colors` **([String][53] \| [Array][55])** alternative to color. (optional, default `schemeCategory10`)
- `args.xScale` **[Object][50]?** object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated x [Scale][57].
- `args.yScale` **[Object][50]?** object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated y [Scale][57].
- `args.xAxis` **[Object][50]?** object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated x [Axis][58].
- `args.yAxis` **[Object][50]?** object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated y [Axis][58].
- `args.showTooltip` **[Boolean][54]?** whether or not to show a tooltip.
- `args.tooltipFunction` **[Function][52]?** function that receives a data object and returns the string displayed as tooltip.
- `args.legend` **[Array][55]?** names of the sub-arrays of data, used as legend labels.
- `args.legendTarget` **([String][53] \| [Object][50])?** DOM node to which the legend should be mounted.
- `brush` **([Boolean][54] \| [String][53])?** if truthy, add a bidirectional brush. If `x` or `y`, add one-directional brush.
### abstractRedraw
Draw the abstract chart.
Returns **void**
### redraw
Draw the actual chart.
This is meant to be overridden by chart implementations.
Returns **void**
### mountLegend
Mount a new legend if necessary
#### Parameters
- `symbolType` **[String][53]** symbol type (circle, square, line)
Returns **void**
### mountXAxis
Mount new x axis.
#### Parameters
- `xAxis` **[Object][50]?** object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated x [Axis][58].
Returns **void**
### mountYAxis
Mount new y axis.
#### Parameters
- `yAxis` **[Object][50]?** object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated y [Axis][58].
Returns **void**
### mountTooltip
Mount a new tooltip if necessary.
#### Parameters
- `showTooltip` **[Boolean][54]?** whether or not to show a tooltip.
- `tooltipFunction` **[Function][52]?** function that receives a data object and returns the string displayed as tooltip.
Returns **void**
### mountContainer
Mount the main container.
Returns **void**
### setDataTypeFlags
This method is called by the abstract chart constructor.
In order to simplify parsing of passed data, set flags specifying what types of data we're dealing with.
Returns **void**
### mountSvg
This method is called by the abstract chart constructor.
Append the local svg node to the specified target, if necessary.
Return existing svg node if it's already present.
Returns **void**
### normalizeData
If needed, charts can implement data normalizations, which are applied when instantiating a new chart.
Returns **void**
### computeDomains
Usually, the domains of the chart's scales depend on the chart type and the passed data, so this should usually be overwritten by chart implementations.
#### Parameters
- `params` **[Object][50]** object of custom parameters for the specific chart type
Returns **[Object][50]** specifying the domain for x and y axis as separate properties.
### computeXAxisType
Meant to be overwritten by chart implementations.
Set tick format of the x axis.
Returns **void**
### computeYAxisType
Meant to be overwritten by chart implementations.
Set tick format of the y axis.
Returns **void**
[1]: #histogramchart
[2]: #parameters
[3]: #mountrects
[4]: #onpointhandler
[5]: #onleavehandler
[6]: #mountdelaunay
[7]: #scatterchart
[8]: #parameters-1
[9]: #mountrugs
[10]: #parameters-2
[11]: #mountpoints
[12]: #onpointhandler-1
[13]: #onleavehandler-1
[14]: #mountdelaunay-1
[15]: #linechart
[16]: #parameters-3
[17]: #mountlines
[18]: #mountactivepoints
[19]: #parameters-4
[20]: #mountareas
[21]: #parameters-5
[22]: #mountconfidenceband
[23]: #parameters-6
[24]: #mountmarkers
[25]: #onpointhandler-2
[26]: #onleavehandler-2
[27]: #mountdelaunay-2
[28]: #parameters-7
[29]: #normalizedata
[30]: #abstractchart
[31]: #parameters-8
[32]: #abstractredraw
[33]: #redraw
[34]: #mountlegend
[35]: #parameters-9
[36]: #mountxaxis
[37]: #parameters-10
[38]: #mountyaxis
[39]: #parameters-11
[40]: #mounttooltip
[41]: #parameters-12
[42]: #mountcontainer
[43]: #setdatatypeflags
[44]: #mountsvg
[45]: #normalizedata-1
[46]: #computedomains
[47]: #parameters-13
[48]: #computexaxistype
[49]: #computeyaxistype
[56]: Delaunay
[57]: Scale
[58]: Axis