import { isArrayOfArrays, isArrayOfObjectsOrEmpty, getWidth, getHeight, randomId, makeAccessorFunction } from '../misc/utility'
import { select, event } from 'd3-selection'
import Scale from '../components/scale'
import Axis from '../components/axis'
import Tooltip from '../components/tooltip'
import Legend from '../components/legend'
import { extent, max } from 'd3-array'
import constants from '../misc/constants'
import Point from '../components/point'
import { brush as d3brush, brushX, brushY } from 'd3-brush'
* This abstract chart class implements all functionality that is shared between all available chart types.
* This is not meant to be directly instantiated.
* @param {Object} args argument object.
* @param {Array} data that needs to be visualized.
* @param {String | Object} DOM node to which the graph should be mounted. Either D3 selection or D3 selection specifier.
* @param {Number} args.width total width of the graph.
* @param {Number} args.height total height of the graph.
* @param {Array} [args.markers=[]] markers that should be added to the chart. Each marker object should be accessible through the xAccessor and contain a label field.
* @param {Array} [args.baselines=[]] baselines that should be added to the chart. Each baseline object should be accessible through the yAccessor and contain a label field.
* @param {String | Function} [args.xAccessor=d=>d] either name of the field that contains the x value or function that receives a data object and returns its x value.
* @param {String | Function} [args.yAccessor=d=>d] either name of the field that contains the y value or function that receives a data object and returns its y value.
* @param {Object} [args.margin={ top: 10, left: 60, right: 20, bottom: 40 }] margin object specifying top, bottom, left and right margin.
* @param {Number} [args.buffer=10] amount of buffer between the axes and the graph.
* @param {String | Array} [args.color] custom color scheme for the graph.
* @param {String | Array} [args.colors=schemeCategory10] alternative to color.
* @param {Object} [args.xScale] object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated x {@link Scale}.
* @param {Object} [args.yScale] object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated y {@link Scale}.
* @param {Object} [args.xAxis] object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated x {@link Axis}.
* @param {Object} [args.yAxis] object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated y {@link Axis}.
* @param {Boolean} [args.showTooltip] whether or not to show a tooltip.
* @param {Function} [args.tooltipFunction] function that receives a data object and returns the string displayed as tooltip.
* @param {Array} [args.legend] names of the sub-arrays of data, used as legend labels.
* @param {String | Object} [args.legendTarget] DOM node to which the legend should be mounted.
* @param {Boolean | String} [brush] if truthy, add a bidirectional brush. If `x` or `y`, add one-directional brush.
export default class AbstractChart {
id = null
// base chart fields
data = null
markers = []
baselines = []
target = null
svg = null
content = null
container = null
// accessors
xAccessor = null
yAccessor = null
colors = []
// scales
xDomain = null
yDomain = null
xScale = null
yScale = null
// axes
xAxis = null
xAxisParams = {}
yAxis = null
yAxisParams = {}
// tooltip and legend stuff
showTooltip = true
tooltipFunction = null
tooltip = null
legend = null
legendTarget = null
// dimensions
width = 0
height = 0
isFullWidth = false
isFullHeight = false
// margins
margin = { top: 10, left: 60, right: 20, bottom: 40 }
buffer = 10
// data type flags
isSingleObject = false
isArrayOfObjects = false
isArrayOfArrays = false
isNestedArrayOfArrays = false
isNestedArrayOfObjects = false
// brush
brush = false
idleDelay = 350
idleTimeout = null
constructor ({
xAccessor = 'date',
yAccessor = 'value',
}) {
// set parameters = data = target
this.markers = markers ?? this.markers
this.baselines = baselines ?? this.baselines
this.legend = legend ?? this.legend
this.legendTarget = legendTarget ?? this.legendTarget
this.brush = brush ?? this.brush
this.xAxisParams = xAxis ?? this.xAxisParams
this.yAxisParams = yAxis ?? this.yAxisParams
this.showTooltip = showTooltip ?? this.showTooltip
this.tooltipFunction = tooltipFunction ?? this.tooltipFunction
// convert string accessors to functions if necessary
this.xAccessor = makeAccessorFunction(xAccessor)
this.yAccessor = makeAccessorFunction(yAccessor)
this.margin = margin ?? this.margin
this.buffer = buffer ?? this.buffer
// set unique id for chart = randomId()
// compute dimensions
this.width = getWidth(this.isFullWidth, width,
this.height = getHeight(this.isFullHeight, height,
// normalize color and colors arguments
this.colors = color ? [color] : colors ? [colors] : constants.defaultColors
// attach base elements to svg
// set up scales
this.xScale = new Scale({ range: [0, this.innerWidth], ...xScale })
this.yScale = new Scale({ range: [this.innerHeight, 0], ...yScale })
// normalize data if necessary
// compute domains and set them
const { x, y } = this.computeDomains(custom)
this.xDomain = x
this.yDomain = y
this.xScale.domain = x
this.yScale.domain = y
* Draw the abstract chart.
* @returns {void}
abstractRedraw () {
// clear
// set up axes if not disabled
// pre-attach tooltip text container
this.mountTooltip(this.showTooltip, this.tooltipFunction)
// set up main container
* Draw the actual chart.
* This is meant to be overridden by chart implementations.
* @returns {void}
redraw () {}
mountBrush (whichBrush) {
if (!whichBrush) return
const brush = typeof whichBrush === 'string'
? whichBrush === 'x' ? brushX() : brushY()
: d3brush()
brush.on('end', () => {
// compute domains and re-draw
var s = event.selection
if (s === null) {
if (!this.idleTimeout) {
this.idleTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.idleTimeout = null }, 350)
// set original domains
this.xScale.domain = this.xDomain
this.yScale.domain = this.yDomain
} else {
if (this.brush === 'x') {
this.xScale.domain = [s[0], s[1]].map(this.xScale.scaleObject.invert)
} else if (this.brush === 'y') {
this.yScale.domain = [s[0], s[1]].map(this.yScale.scaleObject.invert)
} else {
this.xScale.domain = [s[0][0], s[1][0]].map(this.xScale.scaleObject.invert)
this.yScale.domain = [s[1][1], s[0][1]].map(this.yScale.scaleObject.invert)
}'.brush').call(brush.move, null)
// re-draw abstract elements
// re-draw specific chart
.classed('brush', true)
* Mount a new legend if necessary
* @param {String} symbolType symbol type (circle, square, line)
* @returns {void}
mountLegend (symbolType) {
if (!this.legend || !this.legend.length || !this.legendTarget) return
const legend = new Legend({
legend: this.legend,
colorScheme: this.colors,
* Mount new x axis.
* @param {Object} [xAxis] object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated x {@link Axis}.
* @returns {void}
mountXAxis (xAxis) {
if (typeof xAxis?.show !== 'undefined' && ! return
this.xAxis = new Axis({
scale: this.xScale,
orientation: 'bottom',
top: this.bottom,
left: this.left,
height: this.innerHeight,
buffer: this.buffer,
if (!xAxis?.tickFormat) this.computeXAxisType()
// attach axis
if (this.xAxis) this.xAxis.mountTo(this.content)
* Mount new y axis.
* @param {Object} [yAxis] object that can be used to overwrite parameters of the auto-generated y {@link Axis}.
* @returns {void}
mountYAxis (yAxis) {
if (typeof yAxis?.show !== 'undefined' && ! return
this.yAxis = new Axis({
scale: this.yScale,
orientation: 'left',
left: this.left,
height: this.innerWidth,
buffer: this.buffer,
if (!yAxis?.tickFormat) this.computeYAxisType()
if (this.yAxis) this.yAxis.mountTo(this.content)
* Mount a new tooltip if necessary.
* @param {Boolean} [showTooltip] whether or not to show a tooltip.
* @param {Function} [tooltipFunction] function that receives a data object and returns the string displayed as tooltip.
* @returns {void}
mountTooltip (showTooltip, tooltipFunction) {
if (typeof showTooltip !== 'undefined' && !showTooltip) return
this.tooltip = new Tooltip({
top: this.buffer,
left: this.width - 2 * this.buffer,
xAccessor: this.xAccessor,
yAccessor: this.yAccessor,
textFunction: tooltipFunction,
colors: this.colors,
legend: this.legend
* Mount the main container.
* @returns {void}
mountContainer () {
this.container = this.content
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.left},${})`)
.attr('clip-path', `url(#mg-plot-window-${})`)
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.buffer},${this.buffer})`)
.attr('x', 0)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('opacity', 0)
.attr('pointer-events', 'all')
.attr('width', max(this.xScale.range))
.attr('height', max(this.yScale.range))
* This method is called by the abstract chart constructor.
* In order to simplify parsing of passed data, set flags specifying what types of data we're dealing with.
* @returns {void}
setDataTypeFlags () {
// case 1: data is just one object, e.g. for bar chart
if (!Array.isArray( {
this.isSingleObject = true
// case 2: data is array of objects
if (!isArrayOfArrays( {
this.isArrayOfObjects = true
// case 3: data is at least array of arrays
this.isArrayOfArrays = true
// case 4: nested array of objects
this.isNestedArrayOfObjects = => isArrayOfObjectsOrEmpty(da))
// case 5: nested array of arrays
this.isNestedArrayOfArrays = => isArrayOfArrays(da))
* This method is called by the abstract chart constructor.
* Append the local svg node to the specified target, if necessary.
* Return existing svg node if it's already present.
* @returns {void}
mountSvg () {
const svg = select('svg')
this.svg = (!svg || svg.empty())
? select(
.classed('mg-graph', true)
.attr('width', this.width)
.attr('height', this.height)
: svg
// prepare clip path
.attr('class', 'mg-clip-path')
.attr('id', `mg-plot-window-${}`)
.attr('width', this.width - this.margin.left - this.margin.right)
.attr('height', this.height - - this.margin.bottom)
// set viewbox
this.svg.attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${this.width} ${this.height}`)
if (this.isFullWidth || this.isFullHeight) {
this.svg.attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin meet')
// append content
this.content = this.svg
.classed('mg-content', true)
* If needed, charts can implement data normalizations, which are applied when instantiating a new chart.
* @returns {void}
normalizeData () {}
* Usually, the domains of the chart's scales depend on the chart type and the passed data, so this should usually be overwritten by chart implementations.
* @param {Object} params object of custom parameters for the specific chart type
* @returns {Object} specifying the domain for x and y axis as separate properties.
computeDomains (params) {
const flatData =
const x = extent(flatData, this.xAccessor)
const y = extent(flatData, this.yAccessor)
return { x, y }
* Meant to be overwritten by chart implementations.
* Set tick format of the x axis.
* @returns {void}
computeXAxisType () {}
* Meant to be overwritten by chart implementations.
* Set tick format of the y axis.
* @returns {void}
computeYAxisType () {}
generatePoint (args) {
return new Point({
xAccessor: this.xAccessor,
yAccessor: this.yAccessor,
xScale: this.xScale,
yScale: this.yScale,
get top () { return }
get left () { return this.margin.left }
get bottom () { return this.height - this.margin.bottom }
// returns the pixel location of the respective side of the plot area.
get plotTop () { return + this.buffer }
get plotLeft () { return this.left + this.buffer }
get innerWidth () { return this.width - this.margin.left - this.margin.right - 2 * this.buffer }
get innerHeight () { return this.height - - this.margin.bottom - 2 * this.buffer }