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# Changelog

## v4.2.0 - 2023-12-22

- [Support query parameters for most model GET like methods](

## v4.1.0 - 2023-11-12

- [Fix #add_attachment multipart upload with Faraday](

## v4.0.0 - 2022-09-24

- [Remove rest-client dependency in the gemspec and default to faraday](
- [Drop support for Ruby < 2.7 and Rails < 6](

## v3.2.0

- [Allow use of either rest-client of faraday](

## v3.1.0

- [Test against Ruby 3.1 and Rails 7](
- [Fix a bug of `Trello::Comment.find`](
- Change CI from Travis to GitHub Action
- Test all matrix combinations with matrixeval-ruby on local

## v3.0.0

* [Fix "Trello::Board#update! fail to update description"](
* [Add `Trello::List#move_to_board`](
* Use schema to handle attribute register work
* Standardize all data models' initialize/save/update!/update_fields process.
* [Breaking] some data model's attribute names changes, check each data model for details
* Support Ruby 3 (ActiveModel >= 6)

## v2.3.0

Security, bug fixes, refactoring, testing.
* Addresses [Fix CVE-2020-10663](
* Refactors Trello::BasicData.many and
* Refactors Trello::BasicData.register_attributes
* Adds more testing around Trello::Card
* Fixes compatibility with JRuby

### Bug Fix

* [Fix #update_fields](
* [Fix Trello::AssociationProxy#to_a](
* [Fix CustomFieldItem#save](

## v2.2.0

Happy start!