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# toncenter-php-sdk

PHP SDK for toncenter

SDK allow to work with

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# usage

Set your token (there is rps limit 1 without token)

toncenter-php-sdk$ export TONC__TOKEN=<your token>

You can get your token in the [@tonapibot]( to get access with higher limits.

## Working with address

$address = new Address([Address::FIELD__HASH => 'EQA6VbfxOrYGXvQw-VEpqeFKD1YDtX7JkQmENXOTV93Am0Yr']);

echo $address->getBalance(); // 15684203405
echo $address->getBalanceAsToncoins(); // 15,684203405

echo $address->getLastTransation()->getHash();

## Working with transactions

$repo = new TransactionRepository();
$transaction = $repo->one(
    'EQA6VbfxOrYGXvQw-VEpqeFKD1YDtX7JkQmENXOTV93Am0yr', // by which address need to search transactions
        ITransaction::FIELD__IN_MESSAGE => [
            ITransactionInMessage::FIELD__SOURCE => ['=', 'EQCtiv7PrMJImWiF2L5oJCgPnzp-VML2CAt5cbn1VsKAxLiE'],
            ITransactionInMessage::FIELD__VALUE => ['>', '9600000000'], //9.6 toncoins
            ITransactionInMessage::FIELD__MESSAGE_DATA => [
                ITransactionMessageData::FIELD__TEXT => ['like', 'ZWZ']
        ITransaction::FIELD__FEE => ['in', [1192940]]

echo $transaction->getId()->getHash() . PHP_EOL;

$transactions = $repo->all(
        ITransaction::FIELD__IN_MESSAGE => [
            ITransactionInMessage::FIELD__SOURCE => ['=', 'EQCtiv7PrMJImWiF2L5oJCgPnzp-VML2CAt5cbn1VsKAxLiE'],

foreach($transactions as $transaction) {
    echo $transaction->getId()->getHash() . PHP_EOL;

### Enabled conditions

- `=` equal
- `!=` not equal
- `>` greater
- `>=` greater or equal
- `<` lower
- `<=` lower or equal
- `in` equal to one among a given list
- `nin` not equal to none of all given list
- `like` contains
- `nlike` not contains