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# Ember-sortable

## Migration Guide (v1 -> v2)

[High Order Components](#Higher Order Components) or [Modifiers](/MIGRATION_GUIDE_MODIFIERS.md)

### Higher Order Components

`Ember-sortable` can now be built using [higher order components](https://v4.chriskrycho.com/2018/higher-order-components-in-emberjs.html)

1. The array of models are now yielded out by `sortable-group`


{{#sortable-group onChange=(action "reorderItems") as |group|}}
  {{#each model.items as |item|}}


{{#sortable-group model=model.items onChange=(action "reorderItems") as |group|}}
  {{#each group.model as |item|}}

2. Each `item` can be represented by the yielded `sortable-item` instead of directly using `sortable-item` and passing the `group` manually.


{{#sortable-group onChange=(action 'reorderItems') as |group|}}
  {{#each model.items as |item|}}
    {{#sortable-item model=item group=group handle='.handle'}}
      <span class='handle'>&varr;</span>


{{#sortable-group model=model.items onChange=(action 'reorderItems') as |group|}}
  {{#each group.model as |item|}}
    {{#group.item model=item}}

3. It is recommended to use the yielded `sortable-handle` instead of referencing `handle` by `class`, as it guarantees accessibility support.


{{#sortable-group onChange=(action 'reorderItems') as |group|}}
  {{#each model.items as |item|}}
    {{#sortable-item model=item group=group handle='.handle'}}
      <span class='handle'>&varr;</span>


{{#sortable-group model=model.items onChange=(action "reorderItems") as |group|}}
  {{#each group.model as |modelItem|}}
    {{#group.item model=item as|item|}}
        <span class="handle">&varr;</span>

4. `groupModel` is still supported via `groupModel` instead of `model`


{{#sortable-group model=model onChange=(action "reorderItems") as |group|}}
  {{#each model.items as |item|}}


{{#sortable-group groupModel=model model=model.items onChange=(action "reorderItems") as |group|}}
  {{#each group.model as |item|}}

### Modifiers

### Accessibility support

1. Keyboard navigation is built into `ember-sortable`.
2. `a11yItemName`, `a11yAnnouncementConfig`, `itemVisualClass`, `handleVisualClass` can be supplied to enhance the accessibility experience.
3. Refer to [Accessibility Section](/README.md#Accessibility) for more details.

  {{#sortable-group a11yAnnouncementConfig=a11yAnnouncementConfig a11yItemName="spanish number" itemVisualClass=itemVisualClass handleVisualClass=handleVisualClass onChange=(action "update") model=model.items as |group|}}

### Testing

1. The `drag` and `reorder` test helpers are no longer global `async` helpers. They are now importable.

Refer to [Testing Section](/README.md#Testing) for more details.