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import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { set, action } from '@ember/object';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

export default class ModifierController extends Controller {
  differentSizedModels = ['A', 'B'.repeat(100), 'D'.repeat(50), 'C'.repeat(20)];

  @tracked records = [
    { fruit: 'avocado', day: 'Monday' },
    { fruit: 'banana', day: 'Tuesday' },
    { fruit: 'cashew', day: 'Wednesday' },
    { fruit: 'watermelon', day: 'Thursday' },
    { fruit: 'durian', day: 'Friday' },
    { fruit: 'apple', day: 'Saturday' },
    { fruit: 'lemon', day: 'Sunday' },

  @action handleDragChange(reordered) {
    this.records = reordered;

  handleVisualClass = {
    UP: 'sortable-handle-up',
    DOWN: 'sortable-handle-down',
    LEFT: 'sortable-handle-left',
    RIGHT: 'sortable-handle-right',

  itemVisualClass = 'sortable-item--active';

  a11yAnnouncementConfig = {
    ACTIVATE: function ({ a11yItemName, index, maxLength, direction }) {
      let message = `${a11yItemName} at position, ${index + 1} of ${maxLength}, is activated to be repositioned.`;
      if (direction === 'y') {
        message += 'Press up and down keys to change position,';
      } else {
        message += 'Press left and right keys to change position,';

      message += ' Space to confirm new position, Escape to cancel.';

      return message;
    MOVE: function ({ a11yItemName, index, maxLength, delta }) {
      return `${a11yItemName} is moved to position, ${
        index + 1 + delta
      } of ${maxLength}. Press Space to confirm new position, Escape to cancel.`;
    CONFIRM: function ({ a11yItemName }) {
      return `${a11yItemName} is successfully repositioned.`;
    CANCEL: function ({ a11yItemName }) {
      return `Cancelling ${a11yItemName} repositioning`;

  updateDifferentSizedModels(newOrder) {
    set(this, 'differentSizedModels', newOrder);

  update(newOrder, draggedModel) {
    set(this, 'model.items', newOrder);
    set(this, 'model.dragged', draggedModel);