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Test Coverage
# Contributing Guide

Contributions are welcome, and greatly appreciated!
This page is only a guide of the best practices of contributing code to AutoKeras.
The best way to contribute is to join our community by reading [this](https://autokeras.com/#contributing-code).
We will get you started right away.

Follow the tag of [good first issue](https://github.com/keras-team/autokeras/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22)
for the issues for beginner.

## Pull Request Guide

1. Is this the first pull request that you're making with GitHub? If so, read the guide [Making a pull request to an open-source project](https://github.com/gabrieldemarmiesse/getting_started_open_source).

2. Include "resolves #issue_number" in the description of the pull request if applicable. Briefly describe your contribution.

3. Submit the pull request from the first day of your development and create it as a [draft pull request](https://github.blog/2019-02-14-introducing-draft-pull-requests/). Click `ready for review` when finished and passed the all the checks.

4. For the case of bug fixes, add new test cases which would fail before your bug fix.

## Setup Environment
We introduce 3 different options: **GitHub Codespaces**, **VS Code & Dev Containers**, **the general setup**.
You can choose base on your preference.

### Option 1: GitHub Codespaces
You can simply open the repository in GitHub Codespaces.
The environment is already setup there.

### Option 2: VS Code & Dev Containers
Open VS Code.
Install the `Dev Containers` extension.
Press `F1` key. Enter `Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container...` to open the repository root folder.
The environment is already setup there.

### Option 3: The General Setup

Install [Virtualenvwrapper](https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
Create a new virtualenv named `ak` based on python3.
mkvirtualenv -p python3 ak 
Please use this virtualenv for development.

Clone the repo. Go to the repo directory.
Run the following commands.
workon ak

pip install -e ".[tests]"
pip uninstall autokeras
add2virtualenv .

## Run Tests

### GitHub Codespaces or VS Code & Dev Containers
If you are using "GitHub Codespaces" or "VS Code & Dev Containers",
you can simply open any `*_test.py` file under the `tests` directory,
and wait a few seconds, you will see the test tab on the left of the window.

### General Setup

If you are using the general setup.

Activate the virtualenv.
Go to the repo directory
Run the following lines to run the tests.

Run all the tests.
pytest tests

Run all the unit tests.
pytest tests/autokeras

Run all the integration tests.
pytest tests/integration_tests

## Code Style
You can run the following manually every time you want to format your code.
1. Run `shell/format.sh` to format your code.
2. Run `shell/lint.sh` to check.

## Docstrings
Docstrings should follow our style.
Just check the style of other docstrings in AutoKeras.