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Test Coverage
import pathlib
import shutil
from inspect import getdoc
from inspect import isclass
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Union
from typing import get_type_hints

from . import utils
from .docstring import process_docstring
from .examples import copy_examples
from .get_signatures import get_signature

class DocumentationGenerator:
    """Generates the documentation.

    # Arguments

        pages: A dictionary. The keys are the files' paths, the values
            are lists of strings, functions /classes / methods names
            with dotted access to the object. For example,
            `pages = {'my_file.md': ['keras.layers.Dense']}` is valid.
        project_url: The url pointing to the module directory of your project on
            GitHub. This will be used to make a `[Sources]` link.
        template_dir: Where to put the markdown files which will be copied and
            filled in the destination directory. You should put files like
            `index.md` inside. If you want a markdown file to be filled with
            the docstring of a function, use the `{{autogenerated}}` tag inside,
            and then add the markdown file to the `pages` dictionary.
        example_dir: Where you store examples in your project. Usually
            standalone files with a markdown docstring at the top. Will be
            inserted in the docs.
        extra_aliases: When displaying type hints, it's possible that the full
            dotted path is displayed instead of alias. The aliases present in
            `pages` are used, but it may happen if you're using a third-party
            library. For example `tensorflow.python.ops.variables.Variable` is
            displayed instead of `tensorflow.Variable`. Here you have two
            solutions, either you provide the import keras-autodoc should
            `extra_aliases=["tensorflow.Variable"]`, either you provide a
            mapping to use
            "tf.Variable"}`.  The second option should be used if you want more
            control and that you don't want to respect the alias corresponding
            to the import (you can't do `import tf.Variable`). When giving a
            list, keras-autodoc will try to import the object from the string to
            understand what object you want to replace.
        max_signature_line_length: When displaying class and function
            signatures, keras-autodoc formats them using Black. This parameter
            controls the maximum line length of these signatures, and is passed
            directly through to Black.
        titles_size: `"#"` signs to put before a title in the generated

    def __init__(
        pages: Dict[str, list] = {},
        project_url: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = None,
        extra_aliases: Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]] = None,
        max_signature_line_length: int = 110,
        self.pages = pages
        self.project_url = project_url
        self.template_dir = template_dir
        self.examples_dir = examples_dir
        self.class_aliases = {}
        self.max_signature_line_length = max_signature_line_length
        self.titles_size = titles_size

    def generate(self, dest_dir):
        """Generate the docs.

        # Arguments

            dest_dir: Where to put the resulting markdown files.
        dest_dir = pathlib.Path(dest_dir)
        print("Cleaning up existing sources directory.")
        if dest_dir.exists():

        print("Populating sources directory with templates.")
        if self.template_dir:
            shutil.copytree(self.template_dir, dest_dir)

        for file_path, elements in self.pages.items():
            markdown_text = ""
            for element in elements:
                markdown_text += self._render(element)
            utils.insert_in_file(markdown_text, dest_dir / file_path)

        if self.examples_dir is not None:
            copy_examples(self.examples_dir, dest_dir / "examples")

    def process_docstring(self, docstring, types: dict = None):
        """Can be overridden."""
        processsed = process_docstring(docstring, types, self.class_aliases)
        return processsed

    def process_signature(self, signature):
        """Can be overridden."""
        return signature

    def _render(self, element):
        if isinstance(element, str):
            object_ = utils.import_object(element)
            if utils.ismethod(object_):
                # we remove the modules when displaying the methods
                signature_override = ".".join(element.split(".")[-2:])
                signature_override = element
            signature_override = None
            object_ = element

        return self._render_from_object(object_, signature_override)

    def _render_from_object(self, object_, signature_override: str):
        subblocks = []
        if self.project_url is not None:
            subblocks.append(utils.make_source_link(object_, self.project_url))
        signature = get_signature(
            object_, signature_override, self.max_signature_line_length
        signature = self.process_signature(signature)
        subblocks.append(f"{self.titles_size} {object_.__name__}\n")

        docstring = getdoc(object_)
        if docstring:
            if isclass(object_):
                type_hints = get_type_hints(object_.__init__)
                type_hints = get_type_hints(object_)
            docstring = self.process_docstring(docstring, type_hints)
        return "\n\n".join(subblocks) + "\n\n----\n\n"

    def _fill_aliases(self, extra_aliases):
        for list_elements in self.pages.values():
            for element_as_str in list_elements:
                element = utils.import_object(element_as_str)
                if not isclass(element):
                true_dotted_path = utils.get_dotted_path(element)
                self.class_aliases[true_dotted_path] = element_as_str

        if isinstance(extra_aliases, dict):
        elif isinstance(extra_aliases, list):
            for alias in extra_aliases:
                full_dotted_path = utils.get_dotted_path(
                self.class_aliases[full_dotted_path] = alias