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# Auto-Keras Docker

## Download Auto-Keras Docker image

The following command download Auto-Keras docker image to your machine.  

docker pull haifengjin/autokeras:latest

Image releases are tagged using the following format:

| Tag | Description|
| ------------- |:-------------:|
|latest|Auto-Keras image|
|devel| Auto-Keras image that tracks Github repository|

## Start Auto-Keras Docker container

docker run -it --shm-size 2G haifengjin/autokeras /bin/bash

In case you need more memory to run the container, change the value of `shm-size`. ([Docker run reference](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#general-form))

## Run application :

To run a local script `file.py` using Auto-Keras within the container, mount the host directory `-v hostDir:/app`.

docker run -it -v hostDir:/app --shm-size 2G haifengjin/autokeras python file.py

## Example :

Let's download the mnist example and run it within the container.  

Download the example :  
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keras-team/autokeras/master/examples/mnist.py --output mnist.py

Run the mnist example :
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/app --shm-size 2G haifengjin/autokeras python /app/mnist.py