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import {
} from "./IProjectConfig";

 * This interface represents the docs_gm configuration for a single Game Maker Project.
export class ProjectConfig implements IProjectConfig {

     * The project's name to display
    public name?: string = undefined;

     * The output configuration
    public output: IOutputConfig = new OutputConfig();

     * The glob pattern to use to include files in the project documentation
    public pattern: string = "**/*";

     * The documentation root folder
    public root: string = "scripts";

     * The parser configuration
    public parser: IParsingConfig = new ParsingConfig();

     * Rules for validating scripts
    public scripts: IScriptValidationRules = new ScriptValidationRules();

 * This class has all the configuration for the DocsGM Output
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file
export class OutputConfig implements IOutputConfig {
     * The template name to use
    public template: string = "basic";

     * Specifies if individual pages for each gamemaker script sould be generated
    public scriptPages: boolean = true;

     * Specifies if individual pages for each gamemaker folder sould be generated
    public folderPages: boolean = true;

     * The output folder of the documentation
    public outputFolder: string = "./docs/";

     * The folder where the templates are located. If empty, the default templates folder will be used
    public templatesFolder: string = "";

// tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file
export class ParsingConfig implements IParsingConfig {
     * Warn about unrecognized JSDoc tags
    public warnUnrecognizedTags: boolean = true;

     * If true, the arguments with the same name will be merged.
     * If false, it will be added as different arguments.
    public mergeDuplicateParams: boolean = false;

 * This class contains all the validation rules used to validate scripts
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file
export class ScriptValidationRules implements IScriptValidationRules {

     * Mark scripts names starting with underscore as private scripts
    public markUnderscoreScriptsAsPrivate: boolean = true;

     * Ignore private scripts when generating documentation
    public ignorePrivate: boolean = true;

     * This rule will fail if the script has undocumented scripts
    public undocumented: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule will fail if the script has a mismatching script
     * name and "function" JSDoc tags.
    public mismatchingFunctionName: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule will fail if the script has no description
    public noDescription: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule will fail if the script has undocumented arguments.
     * For example, if a script has documentation for 0 arguments, but the GML code uses arguments.
    public undocumentedArguments: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule will fail if the script has a mismatching number of arguments.
     * For example, if the scripts has documentation for 4 arguments but the GML code uses 6 arguments.
    public mismatchingArguments: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule will fail if the script has some argument without description.
    public noParamDescription: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule will fail if the script has some argument without argument data type.
    public noParamType: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule should detect and fail if the "description" JSDoc tag has a function
     * signature instead of the actual function description.
     * This is because, when you import a GMS1 project into GMS2, the "description"
     * tag is filled with the function generated signature.
    public functionSignatureInDescription: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule fails if the script has a return statement
     * but has not documentation for the returned value
    public noReturnDescription: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule fails if the script has no data type for the returned value
    public noReturnType: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

     * This rule fails if the script has one or more duplicated params names
    public duplicatedParams: IValidationRuleConfig = new ValidationRuleConfig(true, true);

 * Represents the configuration of a single Validation Rule
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file
export class ValidationRuleConfig implements IValidationRuleConfig {
     * Should ignore the script if the script fails the validation rule?
    public ignore: boolean;

     * Should output a warning message if the script fails the validation rule?
    public warn: boolean;

     * Creates a new ValidationRuleConfig
     * @param ignore Should ignore
     * @param warn Should warn
    constructor(ignore: boolean, warn: boolean) {
        this.ignore = ignore;
        this.warn = warn;