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import GMResource from "../GMResource";
import GMSubscript from "../GMSubscript";
import IGMScript from "../IGMScript";

 * Represents a GMS2 Script
export default class GMS2Script extends GMResource implements IGMScript {

     * Is a compatibility script?
    public readonly isCompatibility: boolean;

     * Creates a new Script
     * @param data The yoyo model data for the script
    constructor(name: string, isCompatibility: boolean) {
        this.isCompatibility = isCompatibility;

     * relative path of the GML file
    public get filepath(): string {
        return "scripts/"
            + (this.isCompatibility ? "@" : "") + this.name + "/"
            + this.name + ".gml";

     * Returns an iterable with a GMSubscript for each subscript in this script object
     * @param gmlText The content of the *.gml file.
    public * subScripts(gmlText: string): IterableIterator<GMSubscript> {
        // This lines converts the triple slash comments ( ///comment) to JSDoc comments
        let str = gmlText.replace(/^\/{3}(?!\/) *(.*)$/gm, "/**\n * $1\n */\n");

        // This regex combines multiple triple JSDoc comments into one.
        str = str.replace(/ ?\*\/\n\/\*\* ?\n/g, "");

        yield new GMSubscript(this.name, str);
