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// listItemOpts has the following properties:
//  @param {Boolean} stopPropagation - prevents the click handler from bubbling the event upwards
//  @param {Object} attrs - a list of CSS attributes to put on each ListItem
const listViewTmpl = require('./listView.dot');
const BaseComponent = require('../BaseComponent');
const Utils = require('../Utils');

 * Render a list of results
 * - publishes an event when a list item is clicked 'selected'
class ListView extends BaseComponent {
   * Creates a new ListView component
   * @param {string} el - The selector for the element to put the ListView in
   * @param {object} opts - The options for the component
   * @param {function} [opts.fetch] - A function to pull new data
   * @param {object} [opts.listItemOpts] - An object containing options specifically for each item in listView
   * @param {object} [opts.listItemOpts.attrs] - a list of CSS attributes to put on each ListItem
   * @param {boolean} [opts.listItemOpts.disableClickHandlers] - if true, disable the click handlers on the list items
   * @param {function} [opts.renderItem] - Determines how each listElement will be displayed in DOM
   * @param {*[]} [opts.results] - Prefill the component with data
   * @param {boolean} [opts.listItemOpts.stopPropagation] - prevents the click handler from bubbling the event upwards
  constructor(el, opts = {}) {
    super(el, opts);

    Object.assign(this, {
      fetch: opts.fetch || Utils.noop,
      listItemOpts: opts.listItemOpts || {},
      renderItem: opts.renderItem || this.renderItem,
      results: opts.results || []

   * Render the html for the component and apply event listeners
   * @returns {string} The html for the component
  render() {

    const $list = this.$el.find('ul.ui-list');
    // Add attrs to the list

    $list.attr(this.attrs || {});

    const $listItems = this.$el.find('li.ui-list-item');
    if ($listItems[0]) {
      // Add attrs to the list items
      $listItems.attr(this.listItemOpts.attrs || {});

      if (!this.listItemOpts.disableClickHandlers) {
        $listItems.on('click', (evt) => {
          const $currentTarget = $(evt.currentTarget);
          if ($currentTarget[0]) {

          if (this.listItemOpts.stopPropagation) {
    return this.$el.html();

   * Expected to be overridden
   * @param {*} item The item to render
   * @returns {string} The string representation of the item
  renderItem(item) {
    return item.toString();

   * Fetch new results and render the list again
   * @returns {*} The new list
  refresh() {
    return this.fetch((results) => {
      this.results = results;

module.exports = ListView;