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Test Coverage
 * A11yc\Controller\Tech
 * @usage
 * This controller is for engineering.
 * Genarate Yaml
 * Do not forget other languages
 * @source https://waic.jp/docs/WCAG-TECHS/complete.html
 * @source https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/complete.html
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc\Controller;

class Tech
     * Import
     * @return Void
    public static function actionImport()

        // physical path of Techniques for WCAG 2.0 complete.html
        $path = 'https://waic.jp/docs/WCAG-TECHS/complete.html';
        if ( ! file_exists($path)) Util::error();
        $text = file_get_contents($path);

        // get procedures
        $techs = explode('<h3>', $text);
        $procedures = self::getProcedures($techs);

        // get title, type and criterions
        $text4tech = preg_replace('/\<p[^\>]*?\>.+?\<\/p\>/mis', '', $text);
        $techs = explode('<h3>', $text4tech);
        $results = self::getTitles($techs);

        // reverse value
        $results2 = self::getReversedValue($results);

        // output

     * outputYaml
     * @param Array $results
     * @return Void
    private static function outputYaml($results)
        if ( ! class_exists('Spyc'))
            include A11YC_LIB_PATH.'/spyc/Spyc.php';
        $yml = \Spyc::YAMLDump($results);
        echo '<textarea style="width:100%;height:200px;background-color:#fff;color:#111;font-size:90%;font-family:monospace;position:relative;z-index:9999">';
        echo $yml;
        echo '</textarea>';

     * get each
     * @param String $tech
     * @return Array|false
    private static function getEach($tech)
        if (substr($tech, 0, 7) !== '<a name') return false;
        $each = explode('</h3>', $tech);
        if (count($each) !== 2) return false;
        return $each;

     * get tech code
     * @param Array $each
     * @return String|false
    private static function getTechCode($each)
        if ( ! preg_match('/".+?"/', $each[0], $m)) return false;
        $code = str_replace('"', '', $m[0]);
        return $code;

     * get Procedures
     * @param Array $techs
     * @return Array
    private static function getProcedures($techs)
        // remove introduction

        $procedures = array();
        foreach ($techs as $tech)
            $each = self::getEach($tech);
            if ($each === false) continue;

            // tech code
            $code = self::getTechCode($each);
            if ($code === false) continue;

            // code must not be contain "_".
            if (strpos($code, '_') !== false) continue;

            // needless type of criterion
            if (strpos($code, 'FLASH') !== false) continue;
            if (strpos($code, 'SL') !== false) continue;
            if (strpos($code, 'PDF') !== false) continue;

            // extract procedure
            $target = '<h5 class="small-head" id="'.$code.'-procedure">';
            $txt = substr($each[1], strpos($each[1], $target));

            // needless str
            $search = '</div></div><div class="technique"><hr class="divider" title="Beginning of new technique"/>';
            $txt = str_replace($search, '', $txt);

            // get procedure and result
            $txts = explode('<h5', $txt);

            // procedure not exist. C18, SCR36.
            if ( ! isset($txts[2])) continue;

            // extract text
            $procedure = mb_substr($txts[1], mb_strpos($txts[1], '</h5>') + 5);
            $result = mb_substr($txts[2], mb_strpos($txts[2], '</h5>') + 5);
            $result = mb_substr($result, 0, mb_strpos($result, '</ul>') + 5);

            $procedures[$code]['procedure'] = $procedure;
            $procedures[$code]['result'] = $result;
        return $procedures;

     * get titles
     * @param Array $techs
     * @return Array
    private static function getTitles($techs)
        $results = array();
        foreach ($techs as $tech)
            $each = self::getEach($tech);
            if ($each === false) continue;

            // code
            $code = self::getTechCode($each);
            if ($code === false) continue;

            // needless type of criterion
            if (strpos($code, 'FLASH') !== false) continue;
            if (strpos($code, 'SL') !== false) continue;
            if (strpos($code, 'PDF') !== false) continue;

            // allowed types
            $types = Values::techsTypes();
            $type = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $code);
            if ( ! in_array($type, $types)) continue;

            // title
            $title = trim(strip_tags($each[0]));

            // applicability
            $app = mb_substr($each[1], 0, mb_strpos($each[1], '-description">'));
            preg_match_all('/\d\.\d\.\d{1,2}/', strip_tags($app), $ms);
            $apps = array_unique($ms[0]);
            $apps = array_map(function($s){return str_replace('.', '-', $s);}, $apps);

            // results
            $results[$code] = array(
                'title' => $title,
                'type' => $type,
                'apps' => $apps,
        return $results;

     * get reversed value
     * @param Array $results
     * @return Array
    private static function getReversedValue($results)
        $results2 = array();
        foreach ($results as $k => $v)
            foreach ($v['apps'] as $code)
                if ($v['type'] == 'F')
                    $results2[$code]['f'][] = $k;
                    $results2[$code]['t'][] = $k;
        return $results2;