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Test Coverage
 * A11yc\Element\Get
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc\Element;

use A11yc\Model;
use A11yc\Element\Get\Each;

class Get extends Element
    protected static $ignored_strs = array();
    protected static $res = array();
    protected static $attrs = array();
    protected static $langs = array();

     * get Elements ignored HTML
     * @param String $url
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return String
    public static function ignoredHtml($url, $force = false)
        if (isset(static::$ignored_strs[$url]) && ! $force) return static::$ignored_strs[$url];

        if ( ! isset(Validate::$hl_htmls[$url]))
            Validate::$hl_htmls[$url] = Model\Html::fetch($url);

        $str = self::ignoreElementsByStr(Validate::$hl_htmls[$url]);
        static::$ignored_strs[$url] = $str;
        return $str;

     * attributes
     * @param String $str
     * @return Array
    public static function attributes($str)
        if (isset(static::$attrs[$str])) return static::$attrs[$str];
        $keep = $str;

        // first tag only
        $str = Each::firstTag($str);

        // prepare strings
        list($str, $suspicious_end_quote, $no_space_between_attributes) = self::prepareStrings($str);

        // explode strings
        $attrs = self::explodeStrings($str);

        // suspicious_end_quote
        $attrs['suspicious_end_quote'] = $suspicious_end_quote;
        $attrs['no_space_between_attributes'] = $no_space_between_attributes;
        static::$attrs[$keep] = $attrs;

        return $attrs;

     * get elements by regular expression
     * @param String $str
     * @param String $ignore_type
     * @param String $type (anchors|anchors_and_values|imgs|tags)
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return Array
    public static function elementsByRe($str, $ignore_type, $type = 'tags', $force = false)
        if (isset(static::$res[$ignore_type][$type]) && $force === false)
            return static::$res[$ignore_type][$type];
        $ret = self::decideRe($str, $type);

        // imgs
        if (isset($ret[1]) && $type == 'imgs')
            $ret = self::prepareForImage($ret);

        // return
        if ($force) return $ret;
        static::$res[$ignore_type][$type] = $ret;
        return static::$res[$ignore_type][$type];

     * get elements by regular expression
     * @param String $str
     * @param String $type (anchors|anchors_and_values|imgs|tags)
     * @return Array
    private static function decideRe($str, $type)
        switch ($type)
            case 'anchors':
                return self::anchors($str);
            case 'anchors_and_values':
                return self::anchorsAndValues($str);
                return self::tags($str);

     * Prepare For Image
     * @param Array $ret
     * @return Array
    private static function prepareForImage($ret)
        foreach ($ret[1] as $k => $v)
            if (strtolower($v) != 'img')
        return $ret;

     * anchors
     * @param String $str
     * @return Array
    private static function anchors($str)
        $ret = array(
            0 => array(),
            1 => array(),
            2 => array(),
        if (preg_match_all("/\<(?:a|area) ([^\>]+?)\>/i", $str, $ms))
            $ret = $ms;
        return $ret;

     * anchors_and_values
     * @param String $str
     * @return Array
    private static function anchorsAndValues($str)
        $ret = array(
            0 => array(),
            1 => array(),
            2 => array(),
            3 => array(),
        if (preg_match_all("/\<a ([^\>]+)\>(.*?)\<\/a\>|\<area ([^\>]+?)\/\>/si", $str, $ms))
            $ret = $ms;
        return $ret;

     * tags
     * @param String $str
     * @return Array
    private static function tags($str)
        $ret = array(
            0 => array(),
            1 => array(),
            2 => array(),
        if (preg_match_all('/\<[^\/]("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\'">])*\>/is', $str, $ms))
            foreach ($ms[0] as $k => $v)
                $ret[0][$k] = $v; // whole
                if (strpos($v, ' ') !== false)
                    $ret[1][$k] = mb_substr($v, 1, mb_strpos($v, ' ') - 1); // element
                    $ret[2][$k] = mb_substr($v, mb_strpos($v, ' '), -1); // values
                    $ret[1][$k] = mb_substr($v, 1, - 1); // element
                    $ret[2][$k] = ''; // values
        return $ret;

     * ElementById
     * I gived up with http://php.net/manual/ja/class.domdocument.php
     * DOMDocument doesn't return appropriate value for me.
     * @param String $str whole html
     * @param String $id
     * @return String|Bool
    public static function elementById($str, $id)
        // search first id
        $pattern = '/\<([^\>]+?) [^\>]*?id *?\= *?[\'"]'.$id.'[\'"].*?\>/ism';
        preg_match($pattern, $str, $ms);
        if (empty($ms)) return false;

        // alias
        $start = preg_quote($ms[0]);
        $elename = $ms[1];
        $end = '\<\/'.$elename.'\>';
        $end_pure = '</'.$elename.'>';

        // maximum much
        if ( ! preg_match('/'.$start.'.+'.$end.'/ism', $str, $mms)) return false;
        $target = $mms[0];

        // nest
        $close = self::getClosePos($target, $elename, $end_pure);
        if ( ! $close) return false;

        // whole tag
        $target = mb_substr($target, 0, $close).$end_pure;

        return $target;

     * getClosePos
     * @param String $target
     * @param String $elename
     * @param String $end_pure
     * @return Integer|Bool
    private static function getClosePos($target, $elename, $end_pure)
        $loop = true;
        $open_pos = 1;
        $close_pos = 1;
        $close = 0;
        $failsafe = 0;

        while ($loop)
            if ($failsafe >= 100) $loop = false;

            $open = mb_strpos($target, '<'.$elename, $open_pos);
            $close = mb_strpos($target, $end_pure, $close_pos);

            // if inner open tag was not found
            if ( ! $open) break;

            // if open tag appears before end tag keep loop
            if ($open < $close)
                $open_pos = $open + 1;
                $close_pos = $close + 1;

            $loop = false;
        return $close;