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 * A11yc\Message\Plugin
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc\Message;

class Plugin
     * error
     * @param Array $errors
     * @param Bool $show_link_to_issue
     * @return String
    public static function error($errors, $show_link_to_issue = false)
        $html = '';
        $html.= '<section>';
        $html.= '<a href="#end_line_of_a11y_checklist" class="a11yc_skip">'.A11YC_LANG_PLUGIN_SKIP.'</a>';
        $html.= '<h1>'.A11YC_LANG_PLUGIN_TITLE.'</h1>';
        $html.= '<p>'.A11YC_LANG_PLUGIN_ERROR.'</p>';

        // count errors
        $yml = \A11yc\Yaml::fetch();
        $errs_cnts = array('a' => 0, 'aa' => 0, 'aaa' => 0);
        foreach ($errors as $message)
            $code = $message['code_str'];
            if ( ! isset($yml['errors'][$code])) continue;
            $lv = strtolower($yml['criterions'][$yml['errors'][$code]['criterions'][0]]['level']['name']);

        $errs_cnts = array_merge(array('total' => count($errors)), $errs_cnts);
        foreach ($errs_cnts as $lv => $errs_cnt)
            $html.= '<span class="a11yc_errs_lv">'.strtoupper($lv).'</span> <span class="a11yc_errs_cnt">'.intval($errs_cnt).'</span> ';

        $html.= '<dl id="a11yc_validation_errors" class="a11yc_hide_if_fixedheader">';
        $html = self::removeViewSrc($html, $errors, $show_link_to_issue);
        $html.= '</ul></dd>';
        $html.= '</dl>';
        $html.= '</section><a id="end_line_of_a11y_checklist" class="a11yc_skip" tabindex="-1">'.A11YC_LANG_PLUGIN_SKIP_TARGET.'</a>';
        return $html;

     * no error
     * @param Array $no_errors
     * @return String
    public static function noError($no_errors = array())
        $html = '';
        // no error
        $html.= '<p>'.A11YC_LANG_CHECKLIST_NOT_FOUND_ERR.'</p>';
        if (isset($no_errors['no_dead_link']))
            $html.= '<p>'.A11YC_LANG_PLUGIN_NODEADLINK.'</p>';
        return $html;

     * notice
     * @param Array $notices
     * @param Bool $show_link_to_issue
     * @return String
    public static function notice($notices, $show_link_to_issue = false)
        $html = '';
        $html.= '<h2>'.A11YC_LANG_PLUGIN_NOTICE.'</h2>'."\n";
        $html.= '<dl id="a11yc_validation_notices" class="a11yc_hide_if_fixedheader">';
        $html = self::removeViewSrc($html, $notices, $show_link_to_issue);
        $html.= '</ul></dd>';
        $html.= '</dl>';
        return $html;

     * Remove "view source"
     * @param string $html
     * @param array $messages
     * @param Bool $show_link_to_issue
     * @return string
    private static function removeViewSrc($html, $messages, $show_link_to_issue)
        foreach($messages as $k => $message)
            if (isset($message['dt']))
                $dt = Arr::get($message, 'dt');
                if ($show_link_to_issue === false)
                    $dt = preg_replace('/\[.+?\]/i', '', $dt);
                $html.= $dt;

            $html.= preg_replace('/\<a href="#.+?\<\/a\>/i', '', $message['li']);

            $next = $k + 1;
            if (isset($messages[$next]['dt']))
                $html.= '</ul></dd>';

        return $html;