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Test Coverage
 * A11yc\Model\DataFetch
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc\Model;

trait DataFetch
    protected static $vals     = null;
    protected static $sites    = null;
    protected static $group_id = null;

     * fetch all raw data
     * @param Integer $version
     * @param Integer $group_id
     * @return Array
    public static function fetchRaw($version = null, $group_id = null)
        $group_id = is_null($group_id) ? static::groupId() : $group_id;
        $version = is_null($version) ? Version::current() : $version;
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.A11YC_TABLE_DATA.' WHERE ';
        $sql.= '`group_id` = ? AND `version` = ?;';
        return Db::fetchAll($sql, array($group_id, $version));

     * fetch all stored data
     * @param Bool $force
     * @param Integer $version
     * @param Integer $group_id
     * @return Array
    public static function fetchAll($force = false, $version = null, $group_id = null)
        if ( ! is_null(static::$vals) && ! $force) return static::$vals;
        $ret = static::fetchRaw($version, $group_id);

        $vals = array();
        foreach ($ret as $v)
            $url   = Arr::get($v, 'url', '_');
            $key   = $v['key'];
            $value = $v['value'];
            $data  = $v['is_array'] ? json_decode($value, true) : $value;
            //if ($key == 'html') continue;

            $is_id = $key == 'issue' || substr($key, 0, 3) == 'icl';
            if (isset($v['id']) && $is_id)
                $data['id'] = intval($v['id']);

            if ($key == 'page')
                $data['dbid'] = intval($v['id']);

            if ($is_id)
                $vals[$url][$key][] = $data;

            $vals[$url][$key] = $data;

        static::$vals = $vals;
        return static::$vals;

     * fetch stored data
     * @param String $key
     * @param String $url `url`|common|global|*
     * @param Mixed $default
     * @param Bool $force
     * @param Integer $version
     * @param Integer $group_id
     * @return String|Array
    public static function fetch($key, $url = '*', $default = array(), $force = false, $version = null, $group_id = null)
        $vals = self::fetchAll($force, $version, $group_id);

        if ($key == 'global')
            return Arr::get($vals, 'global', $default);

        if ($url == '*')
            $retvals = array();
            foreach ($vals as $url => $v)
                if ( ! isset($v[$key])) continue;
                $retvals[$url] = $v[$key];
            return $retvals;

        $vals = Arr::get($vals, $url, array());

        return Arr::get($vals, $key, $default);

     * fetch stored data by array
     * @param String $key
     * @param String $url `url`|common|global|*
     * @param Mixed $default
     * @param Bool $force
     * @param Integer $version
     * @param Integer $group_id
     * @return Array
    public static function fetchArr($key, $url = '*', $default = array(), $force = false, $version = null, $group_id = null)
        $vals = static::fetch($key, $url, $default, $force, $version, $group_id);
        return is_array($vals) ? $vals : array();

     * fetch stored data by one
     * @param String $key
     * @param String $url `url`|common|global|*
     * @param Mixed $default
     * @param Bool $force
     * @param Integer $version
     * @param Integer $group_id
     * @return String|Integer
    public static function fetchOne($key, $url = '*', $default = '', $force = false, $version = null, $group_id = null)
        $vals = static::fetch($key, $url, $default, $force, $version, $group_id);
        return ! is_array($vals) ? $vals : $default;

     * fetch by id
     * @param String $id
     * @return Bool
    public static function fetchById($id)
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.A11YC_TABLE_DATA.' WHERE `id` = ?;';
        return Db::fetch($sql, array($id));

     * fetch group_id
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return Integer
    public static function groupId($force = false)
        if ( ! is_null(static::$group_id) && ! $force) return static::$group_id;
        static::$group_id = static::fetchGroupId();
        return static::$group_id;

     * fetch group_id
     * @return Integer|Bool
    public static function fetchGroupId()
        return Input::cookie('a11yc_group_id', 1);

     * set group_id
     * @param Integer $group_id
     * @return Void
    public static function setGroupId($group_id)
        // need existence check?
        static::$group_id = $group_id;

     * fetchSites
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return Array
    public static function fetchSites($force = false)
        if ( ! is_null(static::$sites) && ! $force) return static::$sites;
        static::$sites = array();
        $sql = 'SELECT `value` FROM '.A11YC_TABLE_DATA.' WHERE `key` = "sites";';
        $ret = Db::fetch($sql);
        if ($ret)
            static::$sites = json_decode($ret['value'], true);
        return static::$sites;

     * fetch current base_url
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return String
    public static function baseUrl($force = false)
        if (is_null(static::$sites))
        return Arr::get(static::$sites, static::groupId($force), 'https://example.com');