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 * A11yc\Model\Version
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc\Model;

class Version
    protected static $versions = null;
    protected static $current_version = null;
    protected static $targets = array(
    public static $fields = array(
        'version' => 0,
        'name'    => '',
        'trash'   => false,

     * get versions
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return Array
    public static function fetchAll($force = false)
        if ( ! is_null(static::$versions) && ! $force) return static::$versions;
        $vals = Data::fetchArr('version', 'common', array(), $force, 0);
        static::$versions = Data::deepFilter($vals, static::$fields);
        return static::$versions;

     * get version
     * @param String $version
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return String
    public static function fetch($version, $force = false)
        return Arr::get(static::fetchAll($force), $version, 0);

     * protect
     * @return Bool
    public static function protect()
        $version = date('Ymd');

        // check existence and over-write
        if ( ! empty(static::fetch($version)))
            Session::add('messages', 'errors', A11YC_LANG_RESULT_DELETE_SAMEDATE);

        // insert
        foreach (Data::fetchRaw() as $vals)
            if ( ! in_array($vals['key'], static::$targets)) continue;
            Data::insert($vals['key'], $vals['url'], json_decode($vals['value'], true), $version);

        // update version table
        $vals = static::fetchAll(true);

        $vals[$version] = array(
                    'name' => $version,
                    'trash' => 0

        return true;

     * delete
     * @param INTEGER $version
     * @return Void
    public static function delete($version)
        $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.A11YC_TABLE_DATA.' WHERE ';
        $sql.= '`group_id` = ? AND `version` = ?;';
        Db::execute($sql, array(Data::groupId(true), $version));

        $vals = static::fetchAll(true);

     * update versions
     * @param Array $versions
     * @return Bool
    public static function updateVersions($versions)
        if (static::fetchAll(true))
            return Data::update('version', 'common', $versions);
        return Data::insert('version', 'common', $versions);

     * change version
     * @return String|Integer
    private static function currentVersionRaw()
        return Data::fetchOne('current_version', 'common', false, true, 0);

     * current version
     * depend on QUERY_STRING and Other Setting
     * @param Bool $force
     * @return Integer
    public static function current($force = false)
        // query string
        $version = Input::get('a11yc_version', 0);
        if (array_key_exists($version, Version::fetchAll()))
            return intval($version);
        if ( ! is_null(static::$current_version) && ! $force) return static::$current_version;
        static::$current_version = self::currentVersionRaw() ?: 0 ;
        return static::$current_version;

     * set version
     * @param Integer $version
     * @return Integer
    public static function setVersion($version)
        // need existence check?
        static::$current_version = $version;

     * change version
     * @param Integer $version
     * @return Bool
    public static function changeVersion($version)
        Session::remove('messages', 'errors');
        if (self::currentVersionRaw())
            return Data::update('current_version', 'common', $version, 0);
        return Data::insert('current_version', 'common', $version, 0);