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Test Coverage
 * A11yc\Util
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc;

class Util extends \Kontiki\Util
     * search words
     * @param String $word
     * @return Array
    public static function searchWords2Arr($word)
        $word  = mb_convert_kana($word, 'asKV');
        $words = array();
        foreach (explode(' ', $word) as $v)
            $v = trim($v);
            if (empty($v)) continue;
            $words[] = $v;
        return $words;

     * enunique Uri
     * @param String $uri
     * @param String $base_uri
     * @return String
    public static function enuniqueUri($uri, $base_uri = '')
        if (empty($uri)) return '';
        $base_url = $base_uri ?: Model\Data::baseUrl();

        if (strlen($uri) >= 2 && $uri[0] == '/' && $uri[1] != '/')
            $uri = $base_url.$uri;
        // started with "./"
        elseif (strlen($uri) >= 2 && substr($uri, 0, 2) == './')
            $uri = $base_url.substr($uri, 1);
        // started with "../"
        elseif (strlen($uri) >= 3 && substr($uri, 0, 3) == '../')
            $strs = explode('../', $uri);
            $uri = $base_url.'/'.end($strs);
        // started with "//"
        elseif (strlen($uri) >= 3 && substr($uri, 0, 2) == '//')
            $strs = explode('//', $uri);
            $uri = substr($base_url, 0, strpos($base_url, ':')).'://'.end($strs);
        elseif (strpos($uri, 'http') !== 0)
            $uri = $base_url.'/'.$uri;

        return self::urldec($uri);

     * doc Html Whitelist
     * @param String $txt
     * @return Array
    public static function docHtmlWhitelist($txt)
        return str_replace(

     * number to 'A' or 'AA' or 'AAA'
     * to get conformance level string
     * @param Integer $num
     * @param String $default
     * @return String
    public static function num2str($num, $default = '-')
        $num = intval($num);
        if ($num == -1) return '';
        return $num ? str_repeat('A', $num) : $default ;

     * replace '-' to '.' to convert '1-1-1' to '1.1.1'
     * @param String $str
     * @return String
    public static function key2code($str)
        return str_replace('-', '.', $str);

     * replace '.' to '-' to convert '1.1.1' to '1-1-1'
     * @param String $str
     * @return String
    public static function code2key($str)
        return str_replace('.', '-', $str);

     * create doc link of '\d-\d-\d\w' in the text
     * @param String $text
     * @param String $doc_url
     * @return String
    public static function key2link($text, $doc_url = '')
        preg_match_all("/\[[^\]]+?\]/", $text, $ms);

        if ( ! $ms[0]) return $text;

        $yml = Yaml::fetch();
        $doc_url = $doc_url ?: A11YC_DOC_URL;

        foreach ($ms[0] as $str)
            // prepare
            $code = ltrim($str, '[');
            $code = rtrim($code, ']');
            $tech = preg_replace('/[\.\d]/', '', $code);
            $search = $str;
            $url = '';
            $str = '';

            // criterion
            if (is_numeric($code[0]))
                $criterion = self::code2key($code);
                $url = $doc_url.Util::s($criterion);
                $str = Arr::get($yml['criterions'][$criterion], 'name');

            // Techniques
            elseif (in_array($tech, Values::techsTypes()))
                $url = A11YC_REF_WCAG20_TECH_URL.Util::s($code);
                $str = Arr::get($yml['techs'][$code], 'title');

            if (empty($url)) return;
            $replace = '"<a href="'.$url.'">'.$str.'</a>"';

            $text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);

        return $text;

     * criterionsOfLevels
     * @return Array
    public static function criterionsOfLevels()
        $yml = Yaml::fetch();
        // levels
        $levels = array();
        foreach ($yml['levels'] as $v)
            foreach ($yml['criterions'] as $criterion => $vv)
                if ($vv['level']['name'] != $v['name']) continue;
                $levels[$v['name']][] = $criterion;
        $levels['AA'] = array_merge($levels['AA'], $levels['A']);
        $levels['AAA'] = array_merge($levels['AAA'], $levels['AA']);
        return $levels;

     * set message
     * @param Bool $succeed
     * @param String $success_message
     * @param String $error_message
     * @return Void
    public static function setMassage($succeed, $success_message = A11YC_LANG_UPDATE_SUCCEED, $error_message = A11YC_LANG_UPDATE_FAILED)
        if ($succeed)
            Session::add('messages', 'messages', $success_message);
        Session::add('messages', 'errors', $error_message);

     * set counter
     * @param Bool $exp
     * @param Integer $success
     * @param Integer $failure
     * @return Array
    public static function setCounter($exp, $success = 0, $failure = 0)
        if ($exp)
        return array($success, $failure);