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Test Coverage
 * A11yc\Validate
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc;

use A11yc\Model;

class Validate
    public static $is_partial    = false;
    public static $do_link_check = false;
    public static $do_css_check  = false;
    public static $hl_htmls      = array();
    public static $unspec        = A11YC_LANG_CHECKLIST_MACHINE_CHECK_UNSPEC;

    protected static $error_ids  = array();
    protected static $logs       = array();
    protected static $csses      = array();
    protected static $results    = array();

    static public $err_cnts      = array('a' => 0, 'aa' => 0, 'aaa' => 0);

    public static $codes_alias   = array();
    public static $codes = array(
            // elements

            // single tag

            // link check

            // non tag
//            'MustBeNumericAttr',

            // css

     * codes2name
     * @param Array  $codes
     * @return String
    public static function codes2name($codes = array())
        return md5(join($codes));

     * html2id
     * @param String $html
     * @return String
    public static function html2id($html)
        return str_replace(array('+', '/', '*', '='), '', base64_encode($html));

     * html
     * @param String $url
     * @param String|Array|Bool $html
     * @param Array  $codes
     * @param String $ua
     * @param Bool   $force
     * @return Void
    public static function html($url, $html, $codes = array(), $ua = 'using', $force = false)
//        if ( ! is_string($html)) Util::error('invalid HTML was given');
        $html = ! is_string($html) ? '' : $html;

        $codes = $codes ?: self::$codes;
        $name = static::codes2name($codes);
        if (isset(static::$results[$url][$name][$ua]) && ! $force) return static::$results[$url][$name][$ua];

        static::$hl_htmls[$url] = $html;

        // errors and logs
        static::$error_ids[$url] = array();
        static::$logs[$url] = array();

        // $s = microtime(true);

        // validate
        foreach ($codes as $class_name)
            // error_log( $class_name.': '.number_format(microtime(true) - $s, 2).' sec.');

            if (array_key_exists($class_name, static::$codes_alias))
                $class = static::$codes_alias[$class_name][0];
                $method = static::$codes_alias[$class_name][1];
                $class = 'A11yc\\Validate\\Check\\'.$class_name;
                $method = 'check';

        // errors
        $all_errs = self::setMessage($url);

        // assign
        static::$results[$url][$name][$ua]['errors'] = $all_errs;
        static::$results[$url][$name][$ua]['html'] = $html;
        static::$results[$url][$name][$ua]['hl_html'] = self::revertHtml(Util::s(static::$hl_htmls[$url]));
        static::$results[$url][$name][$ua]['errs_cnts'] = static::$err_cnts;

     * url
     * @param String $url
     * @param Array  $codes
     * @param String $ua
     * @param Bool   $force
     * @return Void
    public static function url($url, $codes = array(), $ua = 'using', $force = false)
        // cache
        $codes = $codes ?: self::$codes;
        $name = static::codes2name($codes);
        if (isset(static::$results[$url][$name][$ua]) && ! $force) return static::$results[$url][$name][$ua];

        // get html and set it to temp value
        self::html($url, Model\Html::fetch($url, $ua), $codes, $ua, $force);

     * css
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $ua
     * @return Array
    public static function css($url, $ua = 'using')
        if (isset(static::$csses[$url][$ua])) return static::$csses[$url][$ua];
        return Model\Css::fetchCss($url, $ua);

     * set message
     * @param String $url
     * @return Array
    private static function setMessage($url)
        $yml = Yaml::fetch();
        $all_errs = array(
            'notices' => array(),
            'errors' => array()
        if (static::$error_ids[$url])
            foreach (static::$error_ids[$url] as $code => $errs)
                $num_of_err = count($errs);
                foreach ($errs as $key => $err)
                    $err_type = isset($yml['errors'][$code]) && isset($yml['errors'][$code]['notice']) ?
                                        'notices' :
                    $all_errs[$err_type][] = Message::getText($url, $code, $err, $key, $num_of_err);
        return $all_errs;

     * add error to html
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $error_id
     * @param Array  $s_errors
     * @param String $ignore_vals
     * @param String $issue_html
     * @return Void
    public static function addErrorToHtml(
        $ignore_vals = '',
        $issue_html = ''
        // values
        $yml = Yaml::fetch();
        $html = static::$hl_htmls[$url];

        $current_err = self::setCurrentErr($url, $error_id, $issue_html);
        if ($current_err === false) return;

        // errors
        if ( ! isset($s_errors[$error_id])) return;
        $errors = array();
        foreach ($s_errors[$error_id] as $k => $v)
            $errors[$k] = $v['id'];

        // ignore elements or comments
        list($html, $replaces_ignores) = self::ignoreElementsOrComments($ignore_vals, $html);

        $lv = strtolower($yml['criterions'][$current_err['criterions'][0]]['level']['name']);

        // replace errors
        $results = array();
        $replaces = array();

        foreach ($errors as $k => $error)
            if (empty($error)) continue;

            list($replaces, $replaced, $end_replaced) = self::replaceSafeStrings($replaces, $k, $lv, $error_id, $current_err);

            $error_len = mb_strlen($error, "UTF-8");
            $err_rep_len = strlen($replaced);
            $offset = 0;

            // normal search
            if ($error)
                // first search
                $pos = mb_strpos($html, $error, $offset, "UTF-8");

                // is already replaced?
                if (in_array($pos, $results))
                    //  search next
                    $offset = max($results) + 1;
                    $pos = mb_strpos($html, $error, $offset, "UTF-8");
                // cannot define error place
            if ($pos === false) continue;

            // add error
            // not use null. see http://php.net/manual/ja/function.mb-substr.php#77515
            $html = mb_substr($html, 0, $pos, "UTF-8").
                        mb_substr($html, $pos, mb_strlen($html), "UTF-8");

            // and end point
            $end_pos = $pos + $err_rep_len + $error_len;
            $html = mb_substr($html, 0, $end_pos, "UTF-8").
                        mb_substr($html, $end_pos, mb_strlen($html), "UTF-8");

            $results[] = $pos + $err_rep_len;

        // recover error html
        foreach ($replaces as $v)
            $html = str_replace($v['replaced'], $v['original'], $html);
            $html = str_replace($v['end_replaced'], $v['end_original'], $html);

        // recover ignores
        foreach ($replaces_ignores as $v)
            foreach ($v as $vv)
                $html = str_replace($vv['replaced'], $vv['original'], $html);

        static::$hl_htmls[$url] = $html;

     * set current error
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $error_id
     * @param String $issue_html
     * @return  Array|Bool
    public static function setCurrentErr($url, $error_id, $issue_html = '')
        $yml = Yaml::fetch();
        $current_err = array();

        if ( ! isset($yml['errors'][$error_id]))
            $issue = Model\Issue::fetch4Validation($url, $issue_html);
            if (empty($issue)) return false;
            $message = Arr::get($issue, 'error_message', '');
            $current_err['message'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $message);
            if (strpos(Arr::get($issue, 'criterion', ''), ',') !== false)
                $issue_criterions = explod(',', Arr::get($issue, 'criterion', ''));
                $current_err['criterions'] = array(trim($issue_criterions[0])); // use one
                $current_err['criterions'] = array(trim(Arr::get($issue, 'criterion', '')));
            $current_err['code']   = '';
            $current_err['notice'] = (Arr::get($issue, 'n_or_e', '') == 0);
            $current_err = $yml['errors'][$error_id];
        return $current_err;

     * ignore Elements Or Comments
     * @return  Array|bool
    private static function ignoreElementsOrComments($ignore_vals, $html)
        $replaces_ignores = array();
        if ($ignore_vals)
            $ignores = Element::$$ignore_vals;

            foreach ($ignores as $k => $ignore)
                preg_match_all($ignore, $html, $ms);
                if ( ! empty($ms))
                    foreach ($ms[0] as $kk => $vv)
                        $original = $vv;
                        $replaced = hash("sha256", $vv);
                        $replaces_ignores[$k][$kk] = array(
                            'original' => $original,
                            'replaced' => $replaced,
                        $html = str_replace($original, $replaced, $html);
        return array($html, $replaces_ignores);

     * replace Safe Strings
     * hash strgings to avoid wrong replace
     * @param Array $replaces
     * @param Integer $k
     * @param String  $lv
     * @param String  $error_id
     * @param Array|Bool   $current_err
     * @return  Array
    private static function replaceSafeStrings($replaces, $k, $lv, $error_id, $current_err)
        if ( ! is_array($current_err)) Util::error('invalid error type was given');

        $rplc = isset($current_err['notice']) && $current_err['notice'] ?
                    'a11yc_notice_rplc' :

        // start
        $original = '[==='.$rplc.'==='.$error_id.'_'.$k.'==='.$rplc.'_title==='.$current_err['message'].'==='.$rplc.'_class==='.$lv.'==='.$rplc.'===][==='.$rplc.'_strong_class==='.$lv.'==='.$rplc.'_strong===]';
        $replaced = '==='.$rplc.'==='.hash("sha256", $original).'===/'.$rplc.'===';

        // end
        $end_original = '[===end_'.$rplc.'==='.$error_id.'_'.$k.'==='.$rplc.'_back_class==='.$lv.'===end_'.$rplc.'===]';
        $end_replaced = '===end_'.$rplc.'==='.hash("sha256", $end_original).'===/end_'.$rplc.'===';

        // replace
        $replaces[$k] = array(
            'original' => $original,
            'replaced' => $replaced,

            'end_original' => $end_original,
            'end_replaced' => $end_replaced,
        return array($replaces, $replaced, $end_replaced);

     * revert html
     * @param String|Array $html
     * @return String
    public static function revertHtml($html)
        if (is_array($html)) Util::error('invalid HTML was given');

        $retval = str_replace(
                // ERROR!
                // span

                // strong

                // strong to end

                // NOTICE
                // span

                // strong

                // strong to end
                // ERROR!
                // span
                '<span id="',
                '" title="',
                '" class="a11yc_validation_code_error a11yc_level_',

                // span to strong
                '" tabindex="0">ERROR!</span><strong class="a11yc_level_',

                // strong to end
                '</strong><!-- a11yc_strong_end --><a href="#index_',
                '" class="a11yc_back_link a11yc_hasicon a11yc_level_',
                '" title="'.A11YC_LANG_CHECKLIST_BACK_TO_MESSAGE.'"><span class="a11yc_icon_fa a11yc_icon_arrow_u" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="a11yc_skip">back</span></a>',

                // NOTICE
                // span
                '<span id="',
                '" title="',
                '" class="a11yc_validation_code_error a11yc_validation_code_notice a11yc_level_',

                // span to strong
                '" tabindex="0">NOTICE</span><strong class="a11yc_level_',

                // strong to end
                '</strong><!-- a11yc_strong_end --><a href="#index_',
                '" class="a11yc_back_link a11yc_hasicon a11yc_level_',
                '" title="'.A11YC_LANG_CHECKLIST_BACK_TO_MESSAGE.'"><span class="a11yc_icon_fa a11yc_icon_arrow_u" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="a11yc_skip">back</span></a>',

        return $retval;