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Test Coverage
 * * A11yc\Validate\Check\FormAndLabels
 * @package    part of A11yc
 * @author     Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @license    The MIT License (MIT)
 * @copyright  Jidaikobo Inc.
 * @link       http://www.jidaikobo.com
namespace A11yc\Validate\Check;

use A11yc\Element;
use A11yc\Validate;

class FormAndLabels extends Validate
     * form and labels
     * @param String $url
     * @return Void
    public static function check($url)
        $error_names = array(

        Validate\Set::log($url, $error_names, self::$unspec, 1);
        $str = Element\Get::ignoredHtml($url);
        $ms = Element\Get::elementsByRe($str, 'ignores', 'tags');
        if ( ! $ms[1]) return;

        // is form exists?
        if ( ! in_array('form', $ms[1]))
            Validate\Set::log($url, $error_names, self::$unspec, 4);

        // lackness_of_form_ends
        // this error is critical. so, if this error exists continue.
        if (self::lacknessOfFormEnds($url, $str)) return;

        // collect form items
        $forms = self::collectFormItems($ms);

        // errors
        $n = 0;
        $tmp_html = $str;
        foreach ($forms as $k => $v)
            $uniqued_types = array_unique($v['types']);
            $uniqued_eles = array_unique($v['eles']);

            // ignore form
            if (self::ignoreForm($uniqued_types, $uniqued_eles)) continue;

            // get action attribute to tell user which form cause error
            $attrs = Element\Get::attributes($v['form']);
            $action = isset($attrs['action']) ? $attrs['action'] : $v['form'];

            // labelless
            self::labelless($n, $url, $v, $action);

            // submitless
            self::submitless($n, $url, $v, $action, $uniqued_types, $uniqued_eles);

            // whole form
            $replace = preg_quote($v['form'], '/').'.+?\<\/form\>*';
            preg_match('/'.$replace.'/is', $tmp_html, $whole_form);
            $whole_form = Arr::get($whole_form, 0, '');

            // avoid get same form
            $start = mb_strpos($tmp_html, $v['form']) + mb_strlen($whole_form);
            $tmp_html = mb_substr($tmp_html, $start, null, "UTF-8");

            // unique_label
            self::uniqueLabel($k, $url, $whole_form, $v);

            // duplicated_names
            self::duplicatedNames($k, $url, $whole_form, $v, $action);

            // miss match "for" and "id"
            self::missMatchForAndId($n, $url, $ms);

        foreach ($error_names as $error_name)
            static::addErrorToHtml($url, $error_name, static::$error_ids[$url], 'ignores');

     * endlress form
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $str
     * @return Bool
    private static function lacknessOfFormEnds($url, $str)
        if (substr_count($str, '<form') != substr_count($str, '</form'))
            Validate\Set::error($url, 'lackness_of_form_ends', 0, '', '');
            return true;

        Validate\Set::log($url, 'lackness_of_form_ends', self::$unspec, 2);
        return false;

     * collect form items
     * @param Array $ms
     * @return Array
    private static function collectFormItems($ms)
        $form_items = array('<form ', '</form' ,'<label', '<input', '<select', '<texta', '<butto');
        $forms = array();
        $n = 0;
        foreach ($ms[0] as $k => $m)
            $tag = substr($m, 0, 6);
            if ( ! in_array($tag, $form_items)) continue;

            if ($tag == '</form')

            // prepare
            if ($tag == '<form ')
                $forms[$n]['form']   = $m;
                $forms[$n]['labels'] = array();
                $forms[$n]['eles']   = array();
                $forms[$n]['types']  = array();
                $forms[$n]['names']  = array();

            // label, for, id, type
            if ($tag == '<label')
                $forms[$n]['labels'][] = $m;

            $forms[$n]['eles'][] = $ms[1][$k];

            $attrs = Element\Get::attributes($m);

            if (isset($attrs['type'])) $forms[$n]['types'][] = $attrs['type'];

        // formless form elements. maybe JavaScript?
        // there might be plural forms. so do not remove this.
        foreach ($forms as $k => $v)
            if ( ! isset($v['form'])) unset($forms[$k]);
        return $forms;

     * ignore form
     * @param Array $uniqued_types
     * @param Array $uniqued_eles
     * @return Bool
    private static function ignoreForm($uniqued_types, $uniqued_eles)
        if (
            $uniqued_eles == array('button') || // button only
            array_diff($uniqued_types, array('submit', 'hidden')) == array() || // submit and hidden
                $uniqued_eles == array('button') &&
                array_diff($uniqued_types, array('submit', 'hidden')) == array()
            ) // button, submit and hidden
            return true;
        return false;

     * labelless
     * @param Integer $n
     * @param String $url
     * @param Array $v
     * @param String $action
     * @return Bool
    private static function labelless($n, $url, $v, $action)
             ! $v['labels'],

     * submitless
     * @param Integer $n
     * @param String $url
     * @param Array $v
     * @param String $action
     * @param Array $uniqued_types
     * @param Array $uniqued_eles
     * @return Void
    private static function submitless($n, $url, $v, $action, $uniqued_types, $uniqued_eles)
        $eleless = ! in_array('input', $uniqued_eles) &&
                         ! in_array('button', $uniqued_eles);
        $typeless = ! in_array('button', $uniqued_eles) &&
                            ! in_array('submit', $uniqued_types) &&
                            ! in_array('image', $uniqued_types);

            $eleless || $typeless,

     * unique label
     * @param Integer $k
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $whole_form
     * @param String $v
     * @return Bool
    private static function uniqueLabel($k, $url, $whole_form, $v)
        preg_match_all("/\<label[^\>]*?\>(.+?)\<\/label\>/is", $whole_form, $ms);

        if (isset($ms[1]))
            foreach ($ms[1] as $kk => $each_label)
                $alt = '';
                if (strpos($each_label, '<img') !== false)
                    $mms = Element\Get::elementsByRe($each_label, 'ignores', 'imgs', true);
                    foreach ($mms[0] as $in_img)
                        $attrs = Element\Get::attributes($in_img);
                        foreach ($attrs as $kkk => $vvv)
                            if (strpos($kkk, 'alt') !== false)
                                $alt.= $vvv;
                    $alt = trim($alt);
                $ms[1][$kk] = trim(strip_tags($each_label)).$alt;

            $suspicion_labels = array_diff_assoc($ms[1],array_unique($ms[1]));
            $suspicion_labels = join(', ', array_unique($suspicion_labels));

                count($ms[1]) != count(array_unique($ms[1])),

     * duplicated names
     * @param Integer $k
     * @param String $url
     * @param String $whole_form
     * @param Array $v
     * @param String $action
     * @return Bool
    private static function duplicatedNames($k, $url, $whole_form, $v, $action)
        preg_match_all("/\<(?:input|select|textarea) .+?\>/si", $whole_form, $names);
        if (isset($names[0]))
            $name_arrs = array();
            foreach ($names[0] as $tag)
                $attrs = Element\Get::attributes($tag);
                if ( ! isset($attrs['name'])) continue;
                if (strpos($tag, 'checkbox') !== false || strpos($tag, 'radio') !== false) continue;

                    in_array($attrs['name'], $name_arrs),
                $name_arrs[] = $attrs['name'];

     * miss match "for" and "id"
     * @param Integer $n
     * @param String $url
     * @param Array $ms
     * @return Bool
    private static function missMatchForAndId($n, $url, $ms)
        if (isset($ms[1]))
            foreach ($ms[0] as $m)
                // check tacit label
                preg_match_all("/\<(?:input|select|textarea) .+?\>/si", $m, $mmms);
                if ($mmms[0])
                    // is exists plural labelable elements?
                    // submit seems labelable...
                    // see https://www.w3.org/TR/html/sec-forms.html and search "labelable"
                    $ele_types = array();
                    foreach ($mmms[0] as $ele)
                        $ele_attrs = Element\Get::attributes($ele);
                        if ( ! isset($ele_attrs['type'])) continue;
                        if (strtolower($ele_attrs['type']) == 'hidden') continue;
                        $ele_types[] = $ele_attrs['type'];

                    // place
                    preg_match('/\<label[^\>]*?\>/is', $m, $label_m);

                    // tacit label can contain plural labelable elements at html4.01.
                    // but I think it confuses users.  so, mention it.
                    if (count($ele_types) >= 2)
                        $tstr = $label_m[0];
                        Validate\Set::error($url, 'contain_plural_form_elements', $n, $tstr, $tstr);