package goldsert
import (
// Assert is the core of goldsert, holding both configuration and implementation
// of all assertion methods.
// You can customize serialization by setting any of the encoder/decoder
// function fields to a custom function that returns an encoder/decoder
// configured as you need.
// You can also customize golden file generation by setting the Golden field to
// a custom *golden.Golden instance. See the package
// for details about what can be configured.
type Assert struct {
JSONEncoderFunc func(io.Writer) *json.Encoder
JSONDecoderFunc func(io.Reader) *json.Decoder
YAMLEncoderFunc func(io.Writer) *yaml.Encoder
YAMLDecoderFunc func(io.Reader) *yaml.Decoder
XMLEncoderFunc func(io.Writer) *xml.Encoder
XMLDecoderFunc func(io.Reader) *xml.Decoder
Golden *golden.Golden
// NormalizeLineBreaks enables line-break normalization which replaces
// Windows' CRLF (\r\n) and Mac Classic CR (\r) line breaks with Unix's LF
// (\n) line breaks.
NormalizeLineBreaks bool
// New returns a new *Assert instance configured with default settings.
// The default encoders all specify indentation of two spaces, essentially
// enforcing pretty formatting for JSON and XML.
// The default decoders for JSON and YAML prohibit unknown fields which are not
// present on the provided struct.
func New() *Assert {
return &Assert{
JSONEncoderFunc: newJSONEncoder,
JSONDecoderFunc: newJSONDecoder,
YAMLEncoderFunc: newYAMLEncoder,
YAMLDecoderFunc: newYAMLDecoder,
XMLEncoderFunc: newXMLEncoder,
XMLDecoderFunc: newXMLDecoder,
Golden: golden.New(),
NormalizeLineBreaks: true,
// JSONMarshaling asserts that the given "v" value JSON marshals to an expected
// value fetched from a golden file on disk, and then verifies that the
// marshaled result produces a value that is equal to "v" when unmarshaled.
// Used for objects that do NOT change when they are marshaled and unmarshaled.
func (s *Assert) JSONMarshaling(t *testing.T, v interface{}) {
s.JSONMarshalingP(t, v, v)
// JSONMarshalingP asserts that the given "v" value JSON marshals to an expected
// value fetched from a golden file on disk, and then verifies that the
// marshaled result produces a value that is equal to "want" when unmarshaled.
// Used for objects that change when they are marshaled and unmarshaled.
func (s *Assert) JSONMarshalingP(t *testing.T, v, want interface{}) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := s.JSONEncoderFunc(&buf).Encode(v)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to JSON marshal %T: %+v", v, v)
marshaled := buf.Bytes()
if s.NormalizeLineBreaks {
marshaled = normalizeLineBreaks(marshaled)
if s.Golden.Update() {
s.Golden.SetP(t, "goldsert_json", marshaled)
gold := s.Golden.GetP(t, "goldsert_json")
if s.NormalizeLineBreaks {
gold = normalizeLineBreaks(gold)
assert.JSONEq(t, string(gold), string(marshaled))
if reflect.ValueOf(want).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
"only pointer types can be asserted",
"%T is not a pointer type", want,
got := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(want).Elem()).Interface()
err = s.JSONDecoderFunc(bytes.NewBuffer(gold)).Decode(got)
require.NoErrorf(t, err,
"failed to JSON unmarshal %T from %s",
got, s.Golden.FileP(t, "goldsert_json"),
assert.Equal(t, want, got,
"unmarshaling from golden file does not match expected object",
// YAMLMarshaling asserts that the given "v" value YAML marshals to an expected
// value fetched from a golden file on disk, and then verifies that the
// marshaled result produces a value that is equal to "v" when unmarshaled.
// Used for objects that do NOT change when they are marshaled and unmarshaled.
func (s *Assert) YAMLMarshaling(t *testing.T, v interface{}) {
s.YAMLMarshalingP(t, v, v)
// YAMLMarshalingP asserts that the given "v" value YAML marshals to an expected
// value fetched from a golden file on disk, and then verifies that the
// marshaled result produces a value that is equal to "want" when unmarshaled.
// Used for objects that change when they are marshaled and unmarshaled.
func (s *Assert) YAMLMarshalingP(t *testing.T, v, want interface{}) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := s.YAMLEncoderFunc(&buf).Encode(v)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to YAML marshal %T: %+v", v, v)
marshaled := buf.Bytes()
if s.NormalizeLineBreaks {
marshaled = normalizeLineBreaks(marshaled)
if s.Golden.Update() {
s.Golden.SetP(t, "goldsert_yaml", marshaled)
gold := s.Golden.GetP(t, "goldsert_yaml")
if s.NormalizeLineBreaks {
gold = normalizeLineBreaks(gold)
assert.YAMLEq(t, string(gold), string(marshaled))
if reflect.ValueOf(want).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
"only pointer types can be asserted",
"%T is not a pointer type", want,
got := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(want).Elem()).Interface()
err = s.YAMLDecoderFunc(bytes.NewBuffer(gold)).Decode(got)
require.NoErrorf(t, err,
"failed to YAML unmarshal %T from %s",
got, s.Golden.FileP(t, "goldsert_yaml"),
assert.Equal(t, want, got,
"unmarshaling from golden file does not match expected object",
// XMLMarshaling asserts that the given "v" value XML marshals to an expected
// value fetched from a golden file on disk, and then verifies that the
// marshaled result produces a value that is equal to "v" when unmarshaled.
// Used for objects that do NOT change when they are marshaled and unmarshaled.
func (s *Assert) XMLMarshaling(t *testing.T, v interface{}) {
s.XMLMarshalingP(t, v, v)
// XMLMarshalingP asserts that the given "v" value XML marshals to an expected
// value fetched from a golden file on disk, and then verifies that the
// marshaled result produces a value that is equal to "want" when unmarshaled.
// Used for objects that change when they are marshaled and unmarshaled.
func (s *Assert) XMLMarshalingP(t *testing.T, v, want interface{}) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := s.XMLEncoderFunc(&buf).Encode(v)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to XML marshal %T: %+v", v, v)
marshaled := buf.Bytes()
if s.NormalizeLineBreaks {
marshaled = normalizeLineBreaks(marshaled)
if s.Golden.Update() {
s.Golden.SetP(t, "goldsert_xml", marshaled)
gold := s.Golden.GetP(t, "goldsert_xml")
if s.NormalizeLineBreaks {
gold = normalizeLineBreaks(gold)
assert.Equal(t, string(gold), string(marshaled))
if reflect.ValueOf(want).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
"only pointer types can be asserted",
"%T is not a pointer type", want,
got := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(want).Elem()).Interface()
err = s.XMLDecoderFunc(bytes.NewBuffer(gold)).Decode(got)
require.NoErrorf(t, err,
"failed to XML unmarshal %T from %s",
got, s.Golden.FileP(t, "goldsert_xml"),
assert.Equal(t, want, got,
"unmarshaling from golden file does not match expected object",
// newJSONEncoder is the default JSONEncoderFunc used by Assert. It returns a
// *json.Encoder which is set to indent with two spaces.
func newJSONEncoder(w io.Writer) *json.Encoder {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
return enc
// newJSONDecoder is the default JSONDecoderFunc used by Assert. It returns a
// *json.Decoder which disallows unknown fields.
func newJSONDecoder(r io.Reader) *json.Decoder {
dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
return dec
// newYAMLEncoder is the default YAMLEncoderFunc used by Assert. It returns a
// *yaml.Encoder which is set to indent with two spaces.
func newYAMLEncoder(w io.Writer) *yaml.Encoder {
enc := yaml.NewEncoder(w)
return enc
// newYAMLDecoder is the default YAMLDecoderFunc used by Assert. It returns a
// *yaml.Decoder which disallows unknown fields.
func newYAMLDecoder(r io.Reader) *yaml.Decoder {
dec := yaml.NewDecoder(r)
return dec
// newXMLEncoder is the default XMLEncoderFunc used by Assert. It returns a
// *xml.Encoder which is set to indent with two spaces.
func newXMLEncoder(w io.Writer) *xml.Encoder {
enc := xml.NewEncoder(w)
enc.Indent("", " ")
return enc
// newXMLDecoder is the default XMLDecoderFunc used by Assert.
func newXMLDecoder(r io.Reader) *xml.Decoder {
return xml.NewDecoder(r)
func normalizeLineBreaks(data []byte) []byte {
// Replace CRLF (\r\n, windows) with LF (\n, unix)
result := bytes.ReplaceAll(data, []byte{13, 10}, []byte{10})
// Replace CR (\r, mac) with LF (\n, unix)
result = bytes.ReplaceAll(result, []byte{13}, []byte{10})
return result