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# lita-confirmation

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**lita-confirmation** is an extension for [Lita](https://www.lita.io/) that allows handler routes to require "confirmation" before being triggered. Confirmation consists of a second message sent to the robot with a confirmation code.

## Installation

Add lita-confirmation to your Lita plugin's gemspec:

``` ruby
spec.add_runtime_dependency "lita-confirmation"

## Usage

### Basic confirmation

For basic confirmation, simply set the `:confirmation` option to true when defining a route.

``` ruby
route /danger/, :danger, command: true, confirmation: true

This will result in the following behavior:

Alice: Lita, danger
Lita: This command requires confirmation. To confirm, send the command: Lita confirm 636f308
Alice: Lita, confirm 636f308
Lita: Dangerous command executed!

### Customized confirmation

There are a few different options that can be supplied to customize the way the confirmation behaves. To supply one or more options, pass a hash as the value for the `:confirmation` option instead of just a boolean.

#### allow_self

By default, the same user who initially triggered the command can confirm it. If you want to make it even harder to trigger a command accidentally, you can require that another user send the confirmation command by setting the `:allow_self` option to false.

``` ruby
route /danger/, :danger, command: true, confirmation: { allow_self: false }

Alice: Lita, danger
Lita: This command requires confirmation. To confirm, send the command: Lita confirm 636f308
Alice: Lita, confirm 636f308
Lita: Confirmation 636f308 must come from a different user.
Bob: Lita, confirm 636f308
Lita: Dangerous command executed!

#### restrict_to

If you want to require that the confirming user be a member of a particular authorization group, use the `:restrict_to` option. The value can be either a string, a symbol, or an array or strings/symbols.

``` ruby
route /danger/, :danger, command: true, confirmation: { restrict_to: :managers }

Alice: Lita, danger
Lita: This command requires confirmation. To confirm, send the command: Lita confirm 636f308
Alice: Lita, confirm 636f308
Lita: Confirmation 636f308 must come from a user in one of the following authorization groups: managers
Manager: Lita, confirm 636f308
Lita: Dangerous command executed!

#### expire_after

By default, a confirmation must be made within one minute of the original command. After the expiry period, the original command must be sent again, and a new confirmation code will be generated. To change the length of the expiry, set the `:expire_after` value to an integer or string number of seconds.

``` ruby
route /danger/, :danger, command: true, confirmation: { expire_after: 10 }

Alice: Lita, danger
Lita: This command requires confirmation. To confirm, send the command: Lita confirm 636f308
Alice: Waiting 15 seconds...
Alice: Lita, confirm 636f308
Lita: 636f308 is not a valid confirmation code. It may have expired. Please run the original command again.

## License
