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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

ssh-ldap-pubkey - Utility to manage SSH public keys stored in LDAP.

  ssh-ldap-pubkey list [-H URI...] [options]
  ssh-ldap-pubkey add [-H URI...] [options] FILE
  ssh-ldap-pubkey del [-H URI...] [options] PATTERN
  ssh-ldap-pubkey --help

  -                      Read public key from stdin.
  FILE                   Path to the public key file to add.
  PATTERN                Pattern that specifies public key(s) to delete, i.e.
                         a complete key or just a part of it.

  -b DN --base=DN        Base DN where to search for the users' entry. If not
                         provided, then it's read from the config file.
  -c FILE --conf=FILE    Path of the ldap.conf (default is /etc/ldap.conf).
                         The ldap.conf is not required when at least --base is
  -D DN --binddn=DN      DN to bind with instead of the user's DN.
  -H URI... --uri=URI... URI of the LDAP server to connect; loaded from the
                         config file by default. If not defined even there,
                         then it defaults to ldap://localhost.
  -q --quiet             Be quiet.
  -u LOGIN --user=LOGIN  Login of the user to bind as and change public key(s)
                         (default is the current user).
  -v --version           Show version information.
  -h --help              Show this message.

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
from docopt import docopt
from getpass import getpass, getuser
from os import access, R_OK
from ssh_ldap_pubkey import LdapSSH, Error, keyname
from ssh_ldap_pubkey.config import LdapConfig
from ssh_ldap_pubkey import __versionstr__

DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = '/etc/ldap.conf'

quiet = False

def read_file(path):
    """Read file and return its content with stripped newlines.

    This is foolproof against some users that are unable to copy keys properly.
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        return ''.join(f.readlines()).strip()

def read_stdin():
    """Read from standard input and strip newlines.

    This is foolproof against some users that are unable to copy keys properly.
    return ''.join(sys.stdin.readlines()).strip()

def halt(msg, code=1):
    """Print error message to stderr and exit with the specified code."""
    print('Error: ' + msg, file=sys.stderr)

def info(msg, *args):
    """Print message to stderr unless we're quiet."""
    if not quiet:
        print(msg % args, file=sys.stderr)

def main(**kwargs):
    global quiet

    quiet = kwargs['--quiet']
    confpath = kwargs['--conf'] or DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH
    login = kwargs['--user'] or getuser()
    passw = None

    if not access(confpath, R_OK):
        info("Notice: Could not read config: %s; running with defaults.", confpath)
        confpath = None

    conf = LdapConfig(confpath)
    if kwargs['--uri']:
        conf.uris = kwargs['--uri']
    if kwargs['--base']:
        conf.base = kwargs['--base']

    # prompt for password
    if kwargs['--binddn']:
        conf.bind_dn = kwargs['--binddn']
        conf.bind_pass = getpass("Enter LDAP password for '%s': " % conf.bind_dn)
    elif kwargs['add'] or kwargs['del']:
        passw = getpass("Enter login (LDAP) password for user '%s': " % login)

    ldapssh = LdapSSH(conf)


        if kwargs['add']:
            filesrc = kwargs['FILE'] and kwargs['FILE'] != '-'
            pubkey = read_file(kwargs['FILE']) if filesrc else read_stdin()

            ldapssh.add_pubkey(login, passw, pubkey)
            info("Key has been stored: %s", keyname(pubkey))

        elif kwargs['del']:
            keys = ldapssh.find_and_remove_pubkeys(login, passw, kwargs['PATTERN'])
            if keys:
                info('Deleted keys:')
                info('No keys found to delete.')

        else:  # list
            keys = ldapssh.find_pubkeys(login)
            if keys:
                info('No public keys found.')

    except Error as e:
        halt(str(e), e.code)

    except IOError as e:
        halt("%s: %s" % (e.strerror, e.filename), 1)


if __name__ == '__main__':
    kwargs = docopt(__doc__, version="ssh-ldap-pubkey %s" % __versionstr__)