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A better pre-commit hook for git.

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## Installation

Install the gem

    $ gem install pre-commit

Use the pre-commit command to generate a stub pre-commit hook

    # In your git repo
    $ pre-commit install

This creates a .git/hooks/pre-commit script which will check your git config and run checks that are enabled.

### Bundler

If you want to use Bundler to specify a version of RuboCop, add the following to `Gemfile`:

group :development do
  gem "pre-commit", require: false
  gem "rubocop", require: false

And run the following to run `pre-commit` via Bundler:

$ git config pre-commit.ruby "bundle exec ruby"

### RVM

If you are using rvm you need to install pre-commit into the ```default``` gemset, because it does not use the ```current``` environment

    $ rvm default do gem install pre-commit

Alternatively you can configure pre-commit to use the ```current``` rvm gemset

    $ git config pre-commit.ruby "rvm `rvm current` do ruby" # OR:
    $ git config pre-commit.ruby `rvm wrapper current show ruby` # available in RVM 1.26.12

## Available checks

These are the available checks:

* white_space
* console_log
* debugger
* pry
* tabs
* jshint
* js_lint
* php (Runs php -l on all staged files)
* rspec_focus (Will check if you are about to check in a :focus in a spec file)
* ruby_symbol_hashrockets (1.9 syntax. BAD :foo => "bar". GOOD foo: "bar")
* local (executes `config/pre-commit.rb` with list of changed files)
* merge_conflict (Will check if you are about to check in a merge conflict)
* migrations (Will make sure you check in the proper files after creating a Rails migration)
* ci (Will run the `pre_commit:ci` rake task and pass or fail accordingly)
* rubocop (Check ruby code style using the rubocop gem. Rubocop must be installed)
* before_all (Check your RSpec tests for the use of `before(:all)`)
* coffeelint (Check your coffeescript files using the [coffeelint gem.](https://github.com/clutchski/coffeelint))
* gobuild (Runs go build and fails if can't compile)
* gofmt (Runs go fmt on go source files and fail if formatting is incorrect)
* scss_lint (Check your SCSS files using the [scss-lint gem](https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint))
* yaml (Check that your YAML is parsable)
* json (Checks if JSON is parsable)

## Default checks

Use `pre-commit list` to see the list of default and enabled checks and warnings.

## Enabling / Disabling Checks / Warnings

### Git configuration

    git config pre-commit.checks "[whitespace, jshint, debugger]"

To disable, simply leave one off the list

    git config pre-commit.checks "[whitespace, jshint]"

### CLI configuration

pre-commit <enable|disable> <git|yaml> <checks|warnings> check1 [check2...]

The `git` provider can be used for local machine configuration, the `yaml` can be used for shared
project configuration.

Example move `jshint` from `checks` to `warnings` in `yaml` provider and save configuration to git:
pre-commit disable yaml checks   jshint
pre-commit enable  yaml warnings jshint
git add config/pre_commit.yml
git commit -m "pre-commit: move jshint from checks to warnings"

Example `config/pre_commit.yml`:
:warnings_remove: []
- :jshint
- :tabs

## Running test manually

This functionality was added in version `0.17.0`

pre-commit run              # run on the files added to index not yet commited
pre-commit run all          # run on all files in current directory
pre-commit run git          # run on all git-tracked files, respect gitignore (added in 0.19.0)
pre-commit run <file-list>  # run on the list of files, patterns not supported

## Configuration providers

`pre-commit` comes with 4 configuration providers:

- `default` - basic settings, read only
- `git` - reads configuration from `git config pre-commit.*`, allow local update
- `yaml` - reads configuration from `/etc/pre_commit.yml`, `$HOME/.pre_commit.yml` and `config/pre_commit.yml`, allows `config/pre_commit.yml` updates
- `env` - reads configuration from environment variables

## Excluding files from checks

`pre-commit` uses `git` to get list of files to check, you can ignore
the list of git files to check with:

1. `.gitignore` - git supported file shared beteen all checkouts
2. `.git/info/exclude` - git supported file only for this checkout
3. `.pre_commit.ignore` - `pre-commit` specific list can be shared,
    [Allowed filters](http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.3/File.html#method-c-fnmatch)

## [Contributing](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)