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// %link{:href => "vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", :rel => "stylesheet"}
%link{:href => "css/homepage.css", :rel => "stylesheet"}/
%body{:style => 'overflow-x: hidden;'}
        = image_tag "/assets/openhousewhite.png", height: '90', weight: '0', hspace: '0', vspace: '0'
        %h4= flash[:notice] if flash[:notice]
        %h3 Work at shared home offices
        %h2 Find unique coworking spaces near you,
        %h2 anywhere, anytime.

          = form_tag search_path, :method => :get do
            = text_field :location, 'search', :placeholder=>"Try Oakland...", id: "search-bar"
            = submit_tag 'Search', id: "search-button"

  %p= flash[:notice] if flash[:notice]
  / Page Content
      .clearfix{:style => 'padding-top: 50px;padding-bottom:50px;'}
        %h1.center Come and work at unique homes with other freelancers
          = image_tag "/assets/homepage2.jpg", height: '300', weight: '100', hspace: '0', vspace: '20'
            Keep you inspired
            Find nearby workspaces with character 
            From one hour to one day
            New places for new ideas

    / /.container
            Keep you productive
            All the amenities you need
            Wifi, Printer, Coffee,
            Kitchen, Backyard.
          = image_tag "/assets/homepage3.jpg", height: '300', weight: '100', hspace: '100', vspace: '20'
    / /.container
          = image_tag "/assets/collage.png", height: '300', weight: '100', hspace: '0', vspace: '20'
            Cross new minds
            Pool with other freelancers
            From your neighborhood
            Help the local community
            %h2.section-heading{:style => 'letter-spacing: 20px;font-family: serif;font-weight: 560px'}

  / Footer
      %p.copyright.text-muted.small Copyright © Open House 2017. All Rights Reserved