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Test Coverage
  %p.center= flash[:notice] if flash[:notice]
  %h2.center Billing Information
  %div{:class => 'row'}
    %div{:class => 'col-md-6 col-md-offset-3'}
      %p If you would like to make a reservation or host, please fill out the following information. Don't worry—you will only be charged if you make a reservation. Our site is free.
      %p Otherwise, click <em>Skip</em> to proceed to use the site.
      = form_tag update_user_billing_path(@user), :method => :patch do
        = label :user, :billing_first_name, 'First Name'
        = text_field :user, 'billing_first_name'
        = label :user, :billing_last_name, 'Last Name'
        = text_field :user, 'billing_last_name'
        = label :user, :billing_street_address, 'Street Address'
        = text_field :user, 'billing_street_address'
        = label :user, :billing_city, 'City'
        = text_field :user, 'billing_city'
        = label :user, :billing_state, 'State'
        = text_field :user, 'billing_state'
        = label :user, :billing_zip_code, 'Zip Code'
        = text_field :user, 'billing_zip_code'
        = label :user, :credit_card, 'Credit Card Number'
        = text_field :user, 'credit_card_number'
        = label :user, :expiration_date, 'Expiration Date'
        = text_field :user, 'expiration_date'
        = label :user, :cvv, 'CVV'
        = text_field :user, 'cvv'
        = submit_tag 'Submit'
      = link_to "Skip", skip_path