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Test Coverage
  - if @user.cloud_house_image_ids != []
    #myCarousel.carousel.slide{"data-ride" => "carousel"}
        %li.active{"data-slide-to" => "0", "data-target" => "#myCarousel"}
        - @index = 0
        - @user.cloud_house_image_ids.each do |image|
          %li{"data-slide-to" => "@index.to_s", "data-target" => "#myCarousel"}
          - @index += 1
        - @index = 0
        - if @user.cloud_house_picture_id
            = cl_image_tag @user.cloud_house_picture_id, :width => 200, :height => 600
          - active = true
          - @index += 1
        - else
          - active = false
        - @user.cloud_house_image_ids.each do |image|
          - if active == false
              = cl_image_tag image, :width => 300, :height => 200, :id => "more_image_#{@index}"
            - active = true
          - else 
              = cl_image_tag image, :width => 300, :height => 200, :id => "more_image_#{@index}"
          - @index += 1
      %a.left.carousel-control{"data-slide" => "prev", :href => "#myCarousel"}
        %span.sr-only Previous
      %a.right.carousel-control{"data-slide" => "next", :href => "#myCarousel"}
        %span.sr-only Next
  %p.center= flash[:notice] if flash[:notice]
  - if @user.cloud_house_picture_id
    = cl_image_tag @user.cloud_house_picture_id, :width => 300, :height => 550
  - else
    = image_tag "house.jpg", height: '550', weight: '20', hspace: '150', vspace: '10', id: :house_picture
    %h2= @user.title
    - if @user.home_city != "" and @user.home_state != "" and @user.home_street_address != "" and @user.home_zip_code != ""
      %h4.post-page-address= @user.home_street_address + ", " + @user.home_city + ", " + @user.home_state + ", " + @user.home_zip_code
    - elsif @user.home_city == ""
      %h4.post-page-address= @user.home_street_address

      - if @user.capacity != nil
          <svg id="guest-icon" enable-background="new 0 0 59.8 56.1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 59.8 56.1" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
          <path d="m38 9.2c0-5 3.9-9.1 8.8-9.1s8.8 4.1 8.8 9.1-3.9 9.1-8.8 9.1c-4.9-0.1-8.8-4.1-8.8-9.1zm14.5 10.5h-11.4c-0.4 0-0.9 0-1.3 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 1 0.1 1.6 0 3.8-2 7.1-5 8.9-0.2 0.1-0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5h0.5c4.8 0 8.7 4 8.7 8.8v4.3h14.7c0.5 0 0.9-0.4 0.9-1v-15.6c0.2-4.2-3.2-7.6-7.3-7.6zm-39.3-1.5c4.9 0 8.8-4.1 8.8-9.1s-3.9-9.1-8.8-9.1-8.8 4.1-8.8 9.1c0 5.1 3.9 9.1 8.8 9.1zm11.1 12.5h0.5c0.2 0 0.3-0.3 0.1-0.5-3-1.8-5-5.1-5-8.9 0-0.5 0-1.1 0.1-1.6-0.4-0.1-0.8-0.1-1.3-0.1h-11.2c-4.2 0-7.5 3.4-7.5 7.6v15.6c0 0.5 0.4 1 0.9 1h14.7v-4.3c0-4.8 3.9-8.8 8.7-8.8zm5.7-0.2c4.9 0 8.8-4.1 8.8-9.1s-3.9-9.1-8.8-9.1-8.8 4.1-8.8 9.1 3.9 9.1 8.8 9.1zm5.7 1.5h-11.4c-4.2 0-7.5 3.4-7.5 7.6v15.5c0 0.5 0.4 1 0.9 1h24.5c0.5 0 0.9-0.4 0.9-1v-15.5c0.1-4.2-3.3-7.6-7.4-7.6z"/>
          %h4#guest-capacity= @user.capacity.to_s + ' Guests'
      %div.show-details-header-left#house-description-header Description
      %p.show-details-right.show-right-text#house-description-text= @user.house_description
      %div.show-details-header-left#amenities-header Amenities
        - @user.amenity_list.attributes.each do |amenity|
          - unless amenity.first.include? 'id'
            - if @user.amenity_list[amenity[0]]
                = image_tag "amenity_icons/#{amenity[0]}", width: '20', weight: '20',hspace: '10', vspace: '10'
                - if amenity[0] == 'computer_desk'
                  Computer Desk
                - elsif amenity[0] == 'kitchen_access'
                  Kitchen Access
                - elsif amenity[0] == 'art_space'
                  Art Space
                - elsif amenity[0] == 'outdoor_space'
                  Outdoor Space
                - elsif amenity[0] == 'tv_screen'
                  TV Screen
                - else
                  = amenity[0].capitalize

    -if @user.cloud_profile_picture_id
      = cl_image_tag @user.cloud_profile_picture_id, :width => 100, :height => 100, :id => 'user-profile-img'
    - else
      = image_tag "user.png", height: '100', width: '100', weight: '20', :id => 'user-profile-img'
    %h5= @user.first_name
    %h3#price-tag= '$' + @user.price.to_s + '/day'
      %h4 Available
      %div#time-text= +(range_to_ampm(@user.available_time || ''))
      %h4 Reserve
      %input#available-time-box{type: "time", name: "user[available_time_start]", value: @user.available_time_start}
      %input#available-time-box{type: "time", name: "user[available_time_end]", value: @user.available_time_end}
      - if @user.capacity != nil
        %h4 Guests
          - i = 1
          - while i <= @user.capacity
            %option{:value => i} #{i}
            - i += 1
      - if @current_user == nil
          %button.btn.btn-warning#reserve-button{:value => 'Reserve', :onclick => "alert('You must be logged in to make a reservation.')"}Reserve
      - elsif @user != @current_user
          %a{href: send_request_path(@user)}
            %button.btn.btn-warning#reserve-button{:value => 'Reserve', :onclick => "alert('Your request has been sent.')"}Reserve
      - else
          %button.btn.btn-warning#reserve-button{:value => 'Reserve', :onclick => "alert('This button allows other users to reserve your space.')"}Reserve

-if @success == false
    %p= "The location was not found."

  //Check ruby api and attempt to pull valid coordinates
  curr_loc_lat = '#{@curr_loc_lat}';
  curr_loc_lng = '#{@curr_loc_lng}';
  handler = Gmaps.build('Google');
  handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map-show'}}, function(){
  // Add initial marker to center selected location
    center = handler.addMarker({
      lat: curr_loc_lat,
      lng: curr_loc_lng