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Test Coverage
# Pivotal Tracker ID: 151974069

Feature: Guest wants to see location of a search result
    As a Guest,
    So I can see if a rental space is good for me,
    I want to see its location on a map.
Background: user accounts are in the database
  Given the following accounts exist:
    | email                   | password   | home_street_address  | home_city      | home_state  | home_zip_code | house_description   | first_name | last_name | credit_card_number | expiration_date | cvv | searchable | price |
    | aladdin@agrabah.com     | 12341001   | 2634 Virginia Street | Berkeley       | CA          | 94709         | Big and extravagant | Ali        | Ababwa    | 1234567812345678   | 25-Nov-2300     | 101 | true       | 16    |

Scenario: Click a search result and see its location
  Given I am on the home page
  And I fill in "search-bar" with "Berkeley"
  And I press "Search"
  Then I should see "2634 Virginia Street"