// command/docker.go
// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Junpei Kawamoto
// This software is released under the MIT License.
package command
import (
client ""
// DockerfileAsset defines a asset name for Dockerfile.
const DockerfileAsset = "assets/Dockerfile"
// DockerfileOpt defines option variables used in Dockerfile templates.
type DockerfileOpt struct {
// Customize FROM clause.
BaseImage string
// Git repository.
Repository string
// URL for an Apt proxy.
AptProxy string
// URL for a pypi proxy.
PypiProxy string
// URL for a HTTP proxy.
HTTPProxy string
// URL for a HTTPS proxy.
HTTPSProxy string
// Comma separated URL lists.
NoProxy string
type travisExt struct {
Archive string
// buildLog defines the JSON format of logs from building docker images.
type buildLog struct {
Stream string
Error string
ErrorDetail struct {
Code int
Message string
// pullLog defines a JSON format used in logging information of ImagePull.
type pullLog struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
ProgressDetail struct {
Current int `json:"current"`
Total int `json:"total"`
} `json:"progressDetail"`
Progress string `json:"progress"`
ID string `json:"id"`
// Dockerfile creates a Dockerfile from an instance of Travis.
func Dockerfile(travis *Travis, opt *DockerfileOpt, archive string) (res []byte, err error) {
var data []byte
// Loading the base template.
data, err = Asset(DockerfileAsset)
if err != nil {
base, err := template.New("").Parse(string(data))
if err != nil {
// Loading a child template.
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", DockerfileAsset, travis.Language)
data, err = Asset(name)
if err != nil {
data, err = Asset(fmt.Sprintf("%s-python", DockerfileAsset))
if err != nil {
temp, err := base.Parse(string(data))
if err != nil {
// Checking optional parameters.
opt.PypiProxy = strings.TrimSuffix(opt.PypiProxy, "/")
// Creating Dockerfile.
param := travisExt{
Travis: travis,
DockerfileOpt: opt,
Archive: archive,
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
if err = temp.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, "base", ¶m); err != nil {
res = buf.Bytes()
// PrepareBaseImage pulls a docker images represented by the given ref if
// necessary; it also writes summarized lorring information to the given output.
func PrepareBaseImage(ctx context.Context, ref string, output io.Writer) (err error) {
cli, err := client.NewEnvClient()
if err != nil {
reader, err := cli.ImagePull(ctx, ref, types.ImagePullOptions{})
if err != nil {
defer reader.Close()
var log pullLog
status := make(map[string]string)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
for scanner.Scan() {
json.Unmarshal(scanner.Bytes(), &log)
if log.ID != "" {
cur := status[log.ID]
if cur != log.Status {
status[log.ID] = log.Status
fmt.Fprintln(output, log.Status, log.ID)
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(output, log.Status)
// Build builds a docker image from a directory. The built image named tag.
// The directory must have Dockerfile.
func Build(ctx context.Context, dir, tag, version string, noCache bool, output io.Writer) (err error) {
// Create a docker client.
cli, err := client.NewEnvClient()
if err != nil {
defer cli.Close()
// Create a pipe.
reader, writer := io.Pipe()
// Send the build context.
go func() {
defer writer.Close()
archiveContext(ctx, dir, writer)
// Start to build an image.
res, err := cli.ImageBuild(ctx, reader, types.ImageBuildOptions{
Tags: []string{tag},
Remove: true,
BuildArgs: map[string]*string{
"VERSION": &version,
NoCache: noCache,
if err != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
// Wait untile the copy ends or the context will be canceled.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(done)
s := bufio.NewScanner(res.Body)
for s.Scan() {
var log buildLog
if json.Unmarshal(s.Bytes(), &log) == nil {
if log.Error != "" {
err = fmt.Errorf(log.Error)
fmt.Fprintf(output, "Error: %v - %v\n", log.ErrorDetail.Code, log.ErrorDetail.Message)
io.WriteString(output, log.Stream)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-done:
// Start runs a container to run tests with a given context.
// This function creates a container from the image of the given tag name,
// and the created container has the given name. If the given name is empty,
// the container will have a random temporary name and be deleted after
// after all steps end. env is a list of environment variables to be passed
// to the created container.
func Start(ctx context.Context, tag, name string, env []string, output io.Writer) (err error) {
// Create a docker client.
cli, err := client.NewEnvClient()
if err != nil {
defer cli.Close()
// Create a docker container.
config := container.Config{
Image: tag,
Env: env,
c, err := cli.ContainerCreate(ctx, &config, nil, nil, name)
if err != nil {
if name == "" {
// If any container name isn't given, remove the container.
// Note that, the context ctx may be canceled before removing the container,
// and use another context here.
defer cli.ContainerRemove(context.Background(), c.ID, types.ContainerRemoveOptions{})
// Attach stdout and stderr of the container.
stream, err := cli.ContainerAttach(ctx, c.ID, types.ContainerAttachOptions{
Stream: true,
Stdout: true,
Stderr: true,
if err != nil {
defer stream.Close()
go stdcopy.StdCopy(output, output, stream.Reader)
// Start the container.
options := types.ContainerStartOptions{}
if err = cli.ContainerStart(ctx, c.ID, options); err != nil {
// Wait until the container ends.
exit, errCh := cli.ContainerWait(ctx, c.ID, container.WaitConditionNotRunning)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Kill the running container when the context is canceled.
// The context ctx has been canceled already, use another context here.
cli.ContainerKill(context.Background(), c.ID, "")
return ctx.Err()
case err = <-errCh:
// Kill the running container when ContainerWait returns an error.
// The context ctx has been canceled already, use another context here.
cli.ContainerKill(context.Background(), c.ID, "")
case status := <-exit:
if status.StatusCode != 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("Testing container returns an error (status code: %v)", status.StatusCode)
// archiveContext makes a tar.gz stream consists of files.
func archiveContext(ctx context.Context, root string, writer io.Writer) (err error) {
// Create a buffered writer.
bufWriter := bufio.NewWriter(writer)
defer bufWriter.Flush()
// Create a zipped writer on the bufferd writer.
zipWriter, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(bufWriter, gzip.BestCompression)
if err != nil {
defer zipWriter.Close()
// Create a tarball writer on the zipped writer.
tarWriter := tar.NewWriter(zipWriter)
defer tarWriter.Close()
// Create a tarball.
sources, err := ioutil.ReadDir(root)
if err != nil {
for _, info := range sources {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// Write a file header.
header, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(info, info.Name())
if err != nil {
return err
// Write the body.
if err = copyFile(filepath.Join(root, info.Name()), tarWriter); err != nil {
return err