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package accounts

// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command

import (


    cr "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client"

    strfmt "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt"

// NewAccountListNodeAgentSkusParams creates a new AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams object
// with the default values initialized.
func NewAccountListNodeAgentSkusParams() *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    var (
        maxresultsDefault            = int32(1000)
        returnClientRequestIDDefault = bool(false)
        timeoutDefault               = int32(30)
    return &AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams{
        Maxresults:            &maxresultsDefault,
        ReturnClientRequestID: &returnClientRequestIDDefault,
        Timeout:               &timeoutDefault,

        requestTimeout: cr.DefaultTimeout,

// NewAccountListNodeAgentSkusParamsWithTimeout creates a new AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func NewAccountListNodeAgentSkusParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    var (
        maxresultsDefault            = int32(1000)
        returnClientRequestIDDefault = bool(false)
        timeoutDefault               = int32(30)
    return &AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams{
        Maxresults:            &maxresultsDefault,
        ReturnClientRequestID: &returnClientRequestIDDefault,
        Timeout:               &timeoutDefault,

        requestTimeout: timeout,

// NewAccountListNodeAgentSkusParamsWithContext creates a new AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewAccountListNodeAgentSkusParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    var (
        maxresultsDefault            = int32(1000)
        returnClientRequestIdDefault = bool(false)
        timeoutDefault               = int32(30)
    return &AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams{
        Maxresults:            &maxresultsDefault,
        ReturnClientRequestID: &returnClientRequestIdDefault,
        Timeout:               &timeoutDefault,

        Context: ctx,

/*AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the account list node agent skus operation typically these are written to a http.Request
type AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams struct {

      An OData $filter clause.

    DollarFilter *string
      Client API Version.

    APIVersion string
      The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.

    ClientRequestID *string
      The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 results will be returned.

    Maxresults *int32
      The time the request was issued. If not specified, this header will be automatically populated with the current system clock time.

    OcpDate *string
      Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.

    ReturnClientRequestID *bool
      The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

    Timeout *int32

    requestTimeout time.Duration
    Context        context.Context
    HTTPClient     *http.Client

// WithRequestTimeout adds the timeout to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithRequestTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetRequestTimeout adds the timeout to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetRequestTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
    o.requestTimeout = timeout

// WithContext adds the context to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetContext adds the context to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
    o.Context = ctx

// WithDollarFilter adds the dollarFilter to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithDollarFilter(dollarFilter *string) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetDollarFilter adds the dollarFilter to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetDollarFilter(dollarFilter *string) {
    o.DollarFilter = dollarFilter

// WithAPIVersion adds the aPIVersion to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithAPIVersion(aPIVersion string) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetAPIVersion adds the apiVersion to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetAPIVersion(aPIVersion string) {
    o.APIVersion = aPIVersion

// WithClientRequestID adds the clientRequestID to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithClientRequestID(clientRequestID *string) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetClientRequestID adds the clientRequestId to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetClientRequestID(clientRequestID *string) {
    o.ClientRequestID = clientRequestID

// WithMaxresults adds the maxresults to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithMaxresults(maxresults *int32) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetMaxresults adds the maxresults to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetMaxresults(maxresults *int32) {
    o.Maxresults = maxresults

// WithOcpDate adds the ocpDate to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithOcpDate(ocpDate *string) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetOcpDate adds the ocpDate to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetOcpDate(ocpDate *string) {
    o.OcpDate = ocpDate

// WithReturnClientRequestID adds the returnClientRequestID to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithReturnClientRequestID(returnClientRequestID *bool) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetReturnClientRequestID adds the returnClientRequestId to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetReturnClientRequestID(returnClientRequestID *bool) {
    o.ReturnClientRequestID = returnClientRequestID

// WithTimeout adds the timeout to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WithTimeout(timeout *int32) *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams {
    return o

// SetTimeout adds the timeout to the account list node agent skus params
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) SetTimeout(timeout *int32) {
    o.Timeout = timeout

// WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
func (o *AccountListNodeAgentSkusParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {

    var res []error

    if o.DollarFilter != nil {

        // query param $filter
        var qrNrDollarFilter string
        if o.DollarFilter != nil {
            qrNrDollarFilter = *o.DollarFilter
        qNrDollarFilter := qrNrDollarFilter
        if qNrDollarFilter != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("$filter", qNrDollarFilter); err != nil {
                return err


    // query param api-version
    qrAPIVersion := o.APIVersion
    qAPIVersion := qrAPIVersion
    if qAPIVersion != "" {
        if err := r.SetQueryParam("api-version", qAPIVersion); err != nil {
            return err

    if o.ClientRequestID != nil {

        // header param client-request-id
        if err := r.SetHeaderParam("client-request-id", *o.ClientRequestID); err != nil {
            return err


    if o.Maxresults != nil {

        // query param maxresults
        var qrMaxresults int32
        if o.Maxresults != nil {
            qrMaxresults = *o.Maxresults
        qMaxresults := swag.FormatInt32(qrMaxresults)
        if qMaxresults != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("maxresults", qMaxresults); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.OcpDate != nil {

        // header param ocp-date
        if err := r.SetHeaderParam("ocp-date", *o.OcpDate); err != nil {
            return err


    if o.ReturnClientRequestID != nil {

        // header param return-client-request-id
        if err := r.SetHeaderParam("return-client-request-id", swag.FormatBool(*o.ReturnClientRequestID)); err != nil {
            return err


    if o.Timeout != nil {

        // query param timeout
        var qrTimeout int32
        if o.Timeout != nil {
            qrTimeout = *o.Timeout
        qTimeout := swag.FormatInt32(qrTimeout)
        if qTimeout != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("timeout", qTimeout); err != nil {
                return err


    if len(res) > 0 {
        return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
    return nil