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package pools

// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command

import (


    cr "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client"

    strfmt "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt"

// NewPoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams creates a new PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams object
// with the default values initialized.
func NewPoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams() *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    var (
        maxresultsDefault            = int32(1000)
        returnClientRequestIDDefault = bool(false)
        timeoutDefault               = int32(30)
    return &PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams{
        Maxresults:            &maxresultsDefault,
        ReturnClientRequestID: &returnClientRequestIDDefault,
        Timeout:               &timeoutDefault,

        requestTimeout: cr.DefaultTimeout,

// NewPoolListPoolUsageMetricsParamsWithTimeout creates a new PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func NewPoolListPoolUsageMetricsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    var (
        maxresultsDefault            = int32(1000)
        returnClientRequestIDDefault = bool(false)
        timeoutDefault               = int32(30)
    return &PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams{
        Maxresults:            &maxresultsDefault,
        ReturnClientRequestID: &returnClientRequestIDDefault,
        Timeout:               &timeoutDefault,

        requestTimeout: timeout,

// NewPoolListPoolUsageMetricsParamsWithContext creates a new PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewPoolListPoolUsageMetricsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    var (
        maxresultsDefault            = int32(1000)
        returnClientRequestIdDefault = bool(false)
        timeoutDefault               = int32(30)
    return &PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams{
        Maxresults:            &maxresultsDefault,
        ReturnClientRequestID: &returnClientRequestIdDefault,
        Timeout:               &timeoutDefault,

        Context: ctx,

/*PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the pool list pool usage metrics operation typically these are written to a http.Request
type PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams struct {

      An OData $filter clause. If this is not specified the response includes all pools that existed in the account in the time range of the returned aggregation intervals.

    DollarFilter *string
      Client API Version.

    APIVersion string
      The caller-generated request identity, in the form of a GUID with no decoration such as curly braces, e.g. 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0.

    ClientRequestID *string
      The latest time from which to include metrics. This must be at least two hours before the current time. If not specified this defaults to the end time of the last aggregation interval currently available.

    Endtime *strfmt.DateTime
      The maximum number of items to return in the response. A maximum of 1000 results will be returned.

    Maxresults *int32
      The time the request was issued. If not specified, this header will be automatically populated with the current system clock time.

    OcpDate *string
      Whether the server should return the client-request-id in the response.

    ReturnClientRequestID *bool
      The earliest time from which to include metrics. This must be at least two and a half hours before the current time. If not specified this defaults to the start time of the last aggregation interval currently available.

    Starttime *strfmt.DateTime
      The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

    Timeout *int32

    requestTimeout time.Duration
    Context        context.Context
    HTTPClient     *http.Client

// WithRequestTimeout adds the timeout to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithRequestTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetRequestTimeout adds the timeout to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetRequestTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
    o.requestTimeout = timeout

// WithContext adds the context to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetContext adds the context to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
    o.Context = ctx

// WithDollarFilter adds the dollarFilter to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithDollarFilter(dollarFilter *string) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetDollarFilter adds the dollarFilter to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetDollarFilter(dollarFilter *string) {
    o.DollarFilter = dollarFilter

// WithAPIVersion adds the aPIVersion to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithAPIVersion(aPIVersion string) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetAPIVersion adds the apiVersion to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetAPIVersion(aPIVersion string) {
    o.APIVersion = aPIVersion

// WithClientRequestID adds the clientRequestID to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithClientRequestID(clientRequestID *string) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetClientRequestID adds the clientRequestId to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetClientRequestID(clientRequestID *string) {
    o.ClientRequestID = clientRequestID

// WithEndtime adds the endtime to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithEndtime(endtime *strfmt.DateTime) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetEndtime adds the endtime to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetEndtime(endtime *strfmt.DateTime) {
    o.Endtime = endtime

// WithMaxresults adds the maxresults to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithMaxresults(maxresults *int32) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetMaxresults adds the maxresults to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetMaxresults(maxresults *int32) {
    o.Maxresults = maxresults

// WithOcpDate adds the ocpDate to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithOcpDate(ocpDate *string) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetOcpDate adds the ocpDate to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetOcpDate(ocpDate *string) {
    o.OcpDate = ocpDate

// WithReturnClientRequestID adds the returnClientRequestID to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithReturnClientRequestID(returnClientRequestID *bool) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetReturnClientRequestID adds the returnClientRequestId to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetReturnClientRequestID(returnClientRequestID *bool) {
    o.ReturnClientRequestID = returnClientRequestID

// WithStarttime adds the starttime to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithStarttime(starttime *strfmt.DateTime) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetStarttime adds the starttime to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetStarttime(starttime *strfmt.DateTime) {
    o.Starttime = starttime

// WithTimeout adds the timeout to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WithTimeout(timeout *int32) *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams {
    return o

// SetTimeout adds the timeout to the pool list pool usage metrics params
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) SetTimeout(timeout *int32) {
    o.Timeout = timeout

// WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
func (o *PoolListPoolUsageMetricsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {

    var res []error

    if o.DollarFilter != nil {

        // query param $filter
        var qrNrDollarFilter string
        if o.DollarFilter != nil {
            qrNrDollarFilter = *o.DollarFilter
        qNrDollarFilter := qrNrDollarFilter
        if qNrDollarFilter != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("$filter", qNrDollarFilter); err != nil {
                return err


    // query param api-version
    qrAPIVersion := o.APIVersion
    qAPIVersion := qrAPIVersion
    if qAPIVersion != "" {
        if err := r.SetQueryParam("api-version", qAPIVersion); err != nil {
            return err

    if o.ClientRequestID != nil {

        // header param client-request-id
        if err := r.SetHeaderParam("client-request-id", *o.ClientRequestID); err != nil {
            return err


    if o.Endtime != nil {

        // query param endtime
        var qrEndtime strfmt.DateTime
        if o.Endtime != nil {
            qrEndtime = *o.Endtime
        qEndtime := qrEndtime.String()
        if qEndtime != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("endtime", qEndtime); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.Maxresults != nil {

        // query param maxresults
        var qrMaxresults int32
        if o.Maxresults != nil {
            qrMaxresults = *o.Maxresults
        qMaxresults := swag.FormatInt32(qrMaxresults)
        if qMaxresults != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("maxresults", qMaxresults); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.OcpDate != nil {

        // header param ocp-date
        if err := r.SetHeaderParam("ocp-date", *o.OcpDate); err != nil {
            return err


    if o.ReturnClientRequestID != nil {

        // header param return-client-request-id
        if err := r.SetHeaderParam("return-client-request-id", swag.FormatBool(*o.ReturnClientRequestID)); err != nil {
            return err


    if o.Starttime != nil {

        // query param starttime
        var qrStarttime strfmt.DateTime
        if o.Starttime != nil {
            qrStarttime = *o.Starttime
        qStarttime := qrStarttime.String()
        if qStarttime != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("starttime", qStarttime); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.Timeout != nil {

        // query param timeout
        var qrTimeout int32
        if o.Timeout != nil {
            qrTimeout = *o.Timeout
        qTimeout := swag.FormatInt32(qrTimeout)
        if qTimeout != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("timeout", qTimeout); err != nil {
                return err


    if len(res) > 0 {
        return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
    return nil