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// commands.go
// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Junpei Kawamoto
// This file is part of Roadie.
// Roadie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Roadie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Roadie.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package main

import (


// GlobalFlags manages global flags.
var GlobalFlags = []cli.Flag{
        Name:  "c, config",
        Usage: "specify a config `FILE`",
        Name:  "verbose",
        Usage: "verbose outputs",
        Name:  "no-color",
        Usage: "disable colorized output.",
        Name:  "auth",
        Usage: "force running an authentication process even if already logged in",

// Commands manage sub commands.
var Commands = []cli.Command{
        Name:        "init",
        Usage:       "initialize roadie.",
        Description: "Create configuration file `roadie.yml`",
        Category:    "Configuration",
        ArgsUsage:   " ",
        Action:      command.CmdInit,
        Name:  "run",
        Usage: "run a script on Google Cloud Platform.",
        Description: `Create an instance and run a given script on it.

   'git', 'url', 'local', and 'source' flags help to deploy source files to the
   instance. Although source section in script file is used to specify where
   source files are, those flags overwrite such configuration.

   If 'local' flag is given, local files will be uploaded so that the instance
   can access it. With the 'local' flag, you don't need to make zip files and
   upload them to somewhere.

   'source' flag takes a file name already uploaded by previous 'run' command
   or 'source' command. 'source list' command shows available source file names.

   Script file might have some variables, i.e. parameters. 'e' option replaces
   placeholders by given key-value pairs. A placeholder named 'name' looks like
   {{name}} in scripts. Option '-e name=abcdefg' replaces {{name}} as abcdefg.`,
        Category:  "Execution",
        ArgsUsage: "<script file>",
        Action:    command.CmdRun,
        Flags: []cli.Flag{
                Name:  "git",
                Usage: "git repository `URL` to be cloned as source files",
                Name:  "url",
                Usage: "`URL` to be downloded as source files",
                Name:  "local",
                Usage: "Local `PATH` to be uploaded as source files",
                Name:  "exclude",
                Usage: "`PATH` to be excluded from uploading files (can be set multiply)",
                Name:  "source",
                Usage: "pre-uploaded `FILE` to be used as source files",
                Name:  "n, name",
                Usage: "`NAME` of the new instance to be created",
                Name:  "e",
                Usage: "`KEY=VALUE` to be set to place holders of the script (can be set multiply)",
                Name:  "overwrite-result-section",
                Usage: "overwrite result section in the given script to default value",
                Name:  "image",
                Usage: "custom image `NAME` to be used as the base image the given program will run on",
                Name:  "f, follow",
                Usage: "after creating instance, keep watching logs.",
        Name:  "status",
        Usage: "show instance status.",
        Description: `Show status of instances.

   Stopped instances will be deleted from the output after certain time.
   Without '-a or '--all' flag, this command shows status of instances of which
   results are not deleted.`,
        Category:  "Execution",
        ArgsUsage: " ",
        Action:    command.CmdStatus,
        Flags: []cli.Flag{
                Name:  "a, all",
                Usage: "show all instance status.",
        Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                Name:        "kill",
                Usage:       "kill an instance.",
                Description: "kill a given instance. Any outputs except messages written to stderr will not be stored.",
                ArgsUsage:   "<instance name>",
                Action:      command.CmdStatusKill,
        Name:  "log",
        Usage: "Show logs outputted from a given instance",
        Description: `show logs outputted from a given instance.

   Logs consists of messages your program outputs to stderr as well as messages
   cloud platforms output. To receive messages your program outputs to stdout,
   use 'result' command instead.`,
        Category:  "Execution",
        ArgsUsage: "<instance name>",
        Action:    command.CmdLog,
        Flags: []cli.Flag{
                Name:  "no-timestamp",
                Usage: "not print time stamps.",
                Name:  "f, follow",
                Usage: "keep waiting new logs coming.",
        Name:        "result",
        Usage:       "list up and get results.",
        Description: "list up, show, and download computation results.",
        Category:    "Data handling",
        Action:      command.CmdResult,
        Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                Name:  "list",
                Usage: "list up result files for a given instance.",
                Description: `List up instance names or result file names.

   If instance name is given, show result file names belonging to the instance.
   Otherwise show instance names which have result files.`,
                ArgsUsage: "[<instance name>]",
                Action:    command.CmdResultList,
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "q, quiet",
                        Usage: "only display file names",
                        Name:  "url",
                        Usage: "show url of each file.",
                Name:  "show",
                Usage: "show massages written in stdout.",
                Description: `print messages written in stdout.

   If an index is given, only messages associated with the index will be printed.
   Otherwise, all messages will be printed.

   The index is 0-origin and associated with the steps in running scripts. For
   example, suppose your script has 4 steps in run section, there will be
   messages indexed 0 to 3.`,
                ArgsUsage: "<instance name> [<index>]",
                Action:    command.CmdResultShow,
                Name:  "get",
                Usage: "get result files.",
                Description: `download result files from a given instance and matching given file names.

   File names accept wild-card characters.

   Downloaded file will be stored in the current working directory. If '-o'
   flag is given, downloaded file will be stored in that directory.

   Note that your shell may expand wild-cards in unexpected way.
   To avoid this problem, quote each file name.`,
                ArgsUsage: "<instance name> <file name>...",
                Action:    command.CmdResultGet,
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "o, output",
                        Usage: "`DIRECTORY` where downloaded files to be stored",
                        Value: ".",
                Name:  "delete",
                Usage: "delete result files.",
                Description: `delete result files from a given instance and match given file names.
File names accept wild card characters. If file names are not given, delete all
files belonging to the instance.`,
                ArgsUsage: "<instance name> [<file name>...]",
                Action:    command.CmdResultDelete,
        Name:  "config",
        Usage: "show and update configuration.",
        Description: `Show and update configurations.

   Every configurations are stored to 'roadie.yml' in the current working directory.
   You can also update configurations without this command by editing that file.`,
        Category: "Configuration",
        Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                Name:      "project",
                Usage:     "show and update project ID.",
                ArgsUsage: "[<project ID>]",
                Action:    command.CmdConfigProject,
                Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                        Name:  "set",
                        Usage: "set project ID",
                        Description: `Set a new ID to the current project.

   A project ID has to start with alphabet and not have spaces.`,
                        ArgsUsage: "<project ID>",
                        Action:    command.CmdConfigProjectSet,
                        Name:        "show",
                        Usage:       "show the current project ID.",
                        Description: "Show the current project ID.",
                        ArgsUsage:   " ",
                        Action:      command.CmdConfigProjectShow,
                Name:   "machine",
                Usage:  "show and update machine type used to run scripts.",
                Action: command.CmdConfigMachineType,
                Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                        Name:  "set",
                        Usage: "set machine type.",
                        Description: `Set a new machine type.

   Available machine types are shown in 'list' command.`,
                        ArgsUsage: "<machine type>",
                        Action:    command.CmdConfigMachineTypeSet,
                        Name:  "list",
                        Usage: "show available machine types.",
                        Description: `show a list of available machine types for the current project.

   To receive available machine types, project ID must be set. See 'roadie config project'.
   This command takes no arguments.`,
                        ArgsUsage: " ",
                        Action:    command.CmdConfigMachineTypeList,
                        Name:  "show",
                        Usage: "show current machine type.",
                        Description: "Show current machine type. If it is not set, show default machine type. " +
                            "This command takes no arguments.",
                        ArgsUsage: " ",
                        Action:    command.CmdConfigMachineTypeShow,
                Name:   "region",
                Usage:  "show and update region information used to run scripts.",
                Action: command.CmdConfigRegion,
                Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                        Name:        "set",
                        Usage:       "set a region where scripts run.",
                        Description: "Set a region. Available regions are shown in 'list' command.",
                        ArgsUsage:   "<zone>",
                        Action:      command.CmdConfigRegionSet,
                        Name:        "list",
                        Usage:       "show available regions.",
                        Description: "Show a list of regions for the current project. ",
                        ArgsUsage:   " ",
                        Action:      command.CmdConfigRegionList,
                        Name:        "show",
                        Usage:       "show current zone.",
                        Description: "Show current region.",
                        ArgsUsage:   " ",
                        Action:      command.CmdConfigRegionShow,
        Name:  "source",
        Usage: "manage source files uploaded by this command.",
        Description: `If running scripts with --local flag,
   source files are uploaded to Google Cloud Storage.
   This command lists up those scripts and delete them if necessary.`,
        Category: "Data handling",
        Action:   command.GenerateListAction(script.SourcePrefix),
        Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                Name:  "list",
                Usage: "list up source files.",
                Description: `List up source files in Google Cloud Storage.

   Those files can be reused for other scripts.
   To reuse them, use URL like 'roadie://source/<filename>'.
   Otherwise, those files are not used automatically.

   To reduce storage size, use delete command.`,
                ArgsUsage: " ",
                Action:    command.GenerateListAction(script.SourcePrefix),
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "q, quiet",
                        Usage: "only display file names",
                        Name:  "url",
                        Usage: "show url of each file.",
                Name:  "delete",
                Usage: "delete source files.",
                Description: "delete source files which match given file names. " +
                    "File names accept wild card characters. ",
                ArgsUsage: "<file name>...",
                Action:    command.GenerateDeleteAction(script.SourcePrefix),
                Name:  "get",
                Usage: "get source files.",
                Description: `download source files which match given file names.

   File names accept wild card characters.
   Downloaded file will be stored in the current working directory.
   If '-o' option is given, downloaded file will be stored in that directory.

   Note that your shell may expand wild cards in unexpected way.
   To avoid this problem, quote each file name.`,
                ArgsUsage: "<file name>...",
                Action:    command.GenerateGetAction(script.SourcePrefix),
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "o",
                        Usage: "output directory. Files will be stored in `DIRECTORY`. If not exists, it will be made.",
                        Value: ".",
                Name:  "put",
                Usage: "put source files.",
                Description: `upload a given path as source code to be run.

   If the given path points a directory, files in the directory are tarballed;
   in this case uploaded file name is the directory name followd by '.tar.gz'.

   If name option is given, uploaded file is renamed to the given name.`,
                ArgsUsage: "<filepath> [<name>]",
                Action:    command.CmdSourcePut,
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "e, exclude",
                        Usage: "specify excluding `PATH`. This flag can be set multiply.",
        Name:  "data",
        Usage: "manage data files.",
        Description: `Manage data files.

   Data files can be loaded from instance using their url,
   such url is based on 'roadie://data/<filename>'.
   Use data section in your script to load data files in your instance.`,
        Category: "Data handling",
        Action:   command.GenerateListAction(script.DataPrefix),
        Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                Name:        "list",
                Usage:       "show lists of data.",
                Description: "List up data files. This command does not take any arguments.",
                ArgsUsage:   " ",
                Action:      command.GenerateListAction(script.DataPrefix),
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "q, quiet",
                        Usage: "only display file names",
                        Name:  "url",
                        Usage: "show url of each file.",
                Name:  "put",
                Usage: "put a data file.",
                Description: `Upload a data file.

   If stored name is given, uploaded file will be renamed and stored as the given name.
   Otherwise, basename of original file will be used.

   File path accepts wild card characters, but if the given file path matches more than 2,
   stored name will be ignored.`,
                ArgsUsage: "<file path> [<stored name>]",
                Action:    command.CmdDataPut,
                Name:  "delete",
                Usage: "delete data files.",
                Description: `delete data files which match given file names.

   File names accept wild card characters. `,
                ArgsUsage: "<file name>...",
                Action:    command.GenerateDeleteAction(script.DataPrefix),
                Name:  "get",
                Usage: "get data files.",
                Description: `download data files which match given file names.

File names accept wild card characters. Downloaded file will be stored in the
current working directory. If '-o' option is given, downloaded file will be
stored in that directory.

Note that your shell may expand wild cards in unexpected way.
To avoid this problem, quote each file name.`,
                ArgsUsage: "<file name>...",
                Action:    command.GenerateGetAction(script.DataPrefix),
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "o",
                        Usage: "output directory. Files will be stored in `DIRECTORY`. If not exists, it will be made.",
                        Value: ".",
        Name:        "queue",
        Usage:       "manage queues and enqueued jobs.",
        Description: "",
        Category:    "Queue based execution",
        Action:      command.CmdQueueStatus,
        Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                Name:  "add",
                Usage: "add a new task to a queue.",
                Description: `add a new task to a queue.

   If the specified queue does not exist, a new queue and one worker instance
   will be created for the task.`,
                ArgsUsage: "<queue name> <script file>",
                Action:    command.CmdQueueAdd,
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "git",
                        Usage: "git repository `URL`. Souce files will be cloned from there.",
                        Name:  "url",
                        Usage: "source files will be downloaded from `URL`.",
                        Name:  "local",
                        Usage: "upload source files from given `PATH` and use it the new instance.",
                        Name:  "exclude",
                        Usage: "`path` to be excluded to upload as the source files. This flag can be set multiply but only works with --local.",
                        Name:  "source",
                        Usage: "use `FILE` in source, shown in `roadie source list`, as source codes.",
                        Name:  "n, name",
                        Usage: "new instance uses the given `NAME`.",
                        Name:  "e",
                        Usage: "`VALUE` must be key=value form which will be set in place holders of the script. This flag can be set multiply.",
                        Name:  "overwrite-result-section",
                        Usage: "if set, result section in a given script will be overwritten to default value.",
                Name:        "status",
                Usage:       "show status of queues or tasks.",
                Description: "show status of queues if no quene names given; otherwise show status of tasks in the given queue.",
                ArgsUsage:   "[queue name]",
                Action:      command.CmdQueueStatus,
                Name:        "log",
                Usage:       "show log of queues or tasks.",
                Description: "show all log in a queue if only quene name is given; otherwise show log of a specific task.",
                ArgsUsage:   "<queue name> [task name]",
                Action:      command.CmdQueueLog,
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Name:  "no-timestamp",
                        Usage: "not print time stamps.",
                Name:        "instance",
                Usage:       "manage instances associated with a queue.",
                Description: "manage instances associated with a queue.",
                Subcommands: cli.Commands{
                        Name:        "list",
                        Usage:       "list up instances working for a queue.",
                        Description: "list up instances working for a queue.",
                        ArgsUsage:   "<queue name>",
                        Action:      command.CmdQueueInstanceList,
                        Name:        "add",
                        Usage:       "add a new instance for a queue.",
                        Description: "add a new instance for a queue. Zone and instance type can be set by global flags",
                        ArgsUsage:   "<queue name>",
                        Action:      command.CmdQueueInstanceAdd,
                        Flags: []cli.Flag{
                                Name:  "instances",
                                Usage: "`number` of instance to be created.",
                                Value: 1,
                Name:        "stop",
                Usage:       "stop a executing queue.",
                Description: "To reduce the number of instances working with a queue, this command helps.",
                ArgsUsage:   "<queue name>",
                Action:      command.CmdQueueStop,
                Name:        "restart",
                Usage:       "restart a stopping queue.",
                Description: "restart a stopping queue. By default, one instance will be created to handle the queue.",
                ArgsUsage:   "<queue name>",
                Action:      command.CmdQueueRestart,
                Name:        "delete",
                Usage:       "delete a queue or a task",
                Description: "if both a queue name and a task name are given, delete the tasks; otherwise delete the queue.",
                ArgsUsage:   "<queue name> [<task name>]",
                Action:      command.CmdQueueDelete,

// CommandNotFound shows error message and exit when a given command is not found.
func CommandNotFound(c *cli.Context, command string) {

    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "'%s' is not a %s command..\n", command, c.App.Name)
