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title: Data
description: >-
  This document explains how to manage user programs and data files those
  programs will use. It also explains how to obtain computation results from
  cloud services.
date: 2016-08-14
lastmod: 2017-10-10
slug: data
Roadie manages three kinds of data in a cloud storage:

- source code,
- data files,
- outputted results.

To access those data, Roadie has commands `source`, `data`,
and `result`, respectively.

### source code
Source code uploaded by `roadie run` command with `--local` flag are stored in
`roadie://source/`. `source` command provides methods to manage those source

#### list
To find source code archives stored in `roadie://source/`, use `list` sub command.
The following example prints all stored archives:

$ roadie source list

#### delete
To delete an archive file `FILENAME`, use `delete` sub command:

$ roadie source delete FILENAME

#### get
`get` sub command downloads a stored archive. The following example downloads
`FILENAME` in the current directory:

$ roadie source get FILENAME

If you want to download to another directory, such as `~/path`, give a path
with `-o` flag:

$ roadie source get -o ~/path FILENAME

#### put
`put` sub command uploads your source code.
The following example archives files in `~/source` into `source.tar.gz`, and
uploads it:

$ roadie source put ~/source source.tar.gz

### data files
Data files are stored in `roadie://data/` and referred in `data` of Roadie's
script files.

#### put
`put` sub command uploads a file to a cloud storage.
The following example uploads `FILENAME`:

$ roadie data put FILENAME

and after uploading is succeeded, it shows the URL of the upload file.

#### list
`list` sub command shows uploaded files and those URLs.

$ roadie data list --url

If `--url` flag is not give, only file names are shown.

#### delete
`delete` sub command deletes an uploaded file.
The following example deletes `FILENAME`:

$ roadie data delete FILENAME

#### get
`get` sub command downloads an uploaded file.
The following example download `FILENAME` into the current directory:

$ roadie data get FILENAME

If you want to download to another directory, such as `~/path`, give a path
with `-o` flag:

$ roadie data get -o ~/path FILENAME

### Result files
Messages written in the standard output `stdout` and files specified in `result`
of Roadie's script file will be stored in `roadie://resutl/<instance name>/`.

#### list
`list` sub command without any options shows instance names.
The following example prints a list of instance names:

$ roadie result list

`list` sub command with an instance name shows result files uploaded from the
specified instance.
The following example shows result file names uploaded from `INSTANCE`:

$ roadie result list INSTANCE

#### get
`get` sub command takes a glob pattern and downloads result files matching the
given pattern.
The following example downloads all result file into the current directory
by using a wild card pattern `*`:

$ roadie result get INSTANCE "*"

If you want to download them to another directory, use `-o` flag.
For example, the following example downloads files start with `stdout` into

$ roadie result get INSTANCE "stdout*" -o `~/path`

#### delete
`delete` sub command deletes result files matching a given glob pattern.
For example, the following example deletes files end with `.png`:

$ roadie result delete INSTANCE "*.png"

If the glob pattern is omitted, all result files *including log files* will be

#### show
`show` sub command shows messages written in the standard output.
The following example shows all messages in `INSTANCE`:

$ roadie result show INSTANCE

If you want to see outputted massages from *i*-th command in `run` of your
script file, give the number `i` like

$ roadie result show INSTANCE i