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3 hrs
Test Coverage
 * http/index.js
 * @author  Denis Luchkin-Zhou <denis@ricepo.com>
 * @license MIT

import _           from 'lodash';
import CORS        from 'cors';
import Path        from 'path';
import Debug       from 'debug';
import Chalk       from 'chalk';
import Express     from 'express';
import Bluebird    from 'bluebird';
import Service     from '../service';
import expressify  from '../util/expressify';
import errorIs     from '../util/error-is';
import {
}                  from 'core-decorators';

const debug = Debug('ignis:http');

/* Constants for pretty-printing debug messages */
const  styles = {
  get:    Chalk.bold.blue('GET '),
  put:    Chalk.bold.yellow('PUT '),
  post:   Chalk.bold.green('POST'),
  delete: Chalk.bold.red('DEL ')

/* Symbols for hiding internal details */
const $$pre = Symbol();
const $$post = Symbol();

 * HTTP routing and endpoint management service.
 * Does not have an initialization callback.
export default class HttpService extends Service {

  constructor(ignis) {

    this[$$pre] = [ ];
    this[$$post] = [ ];
    this.router = Express();

    /* Do not leak server info! */

   * Attach conveniece functions to Ignis root.
  postinit() {

    this.ignis.mount = this.mount;
    this.ignis.error = this.error;

   * Registers a pre-callback middleware factory.
  pre(factory) {

   * Registers a post-callback middleware factory.
  post(factory) {

   * Mounts an HTTP endpoint to the application root.
  mount(path, meta) {

    /* Unwrap ES6 modules */
    if (meta.__esModule) { meta = meta.default; }

    /* Essential parameters */
    const status  = meta.status || 200;
    let handler = meta;
    if (typeof meta.handler === 'function') { handler = meta.handler; }

    /* Sanity check for parameters */
    if (typeof handler !== 'function') {
      throw new Error(`Expected handler to be a function but got ${typeof handler}`);
    if (!meta.path || meta.path.length === 0) {
      throw new Error('Mount path is missing or empty.');

    /* Generate the middleware stack */
    const pre = _.chain(this[$$pre])
      .map(factory => factory(this, meta))
    const post = _.chain(this[$$post])
      .map(factory => factory(this, meta))

    /* Mount the stack to the Express application */
    const callback = expressify(handler, this, status);
    const middleware = Array.prototype.concat(pre, callback, post);

    meta.path = _.flatten([meta.path]);
    meta.path.forEach(uri => {

      let [ verb, url ] = uri.split(' ', 2); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const
      if (!verb || !url) { throw new Error(`Invalid mount path: ${uri}`); }

      /* Determine where to mount the endpoint */
      url = _.trimRight(Path.join(path, url), '/');
      verb = verb.toLowerCase();

      debug(`${styles[verb] || verb.toUpperCase()} ${url}`);

      const method = this.router[verb];
      if (!method) {
        throw new Error(`HTTP verb not supported: ${verb.toUpperCase()}`);
      method.call(this.router, url, ...middleware);


   * Mounts an error handler to the application root.
  error(guard, callback) {
    const handler = function(err, req, res, next) {
      if (errorIs(err, guard)) {
        callback(err, req, res, next);
      } else {


   * Listen.
  @Service.export({ readonly: true })
  static async listen(port) {

    debug(Chalk.bold.yellow('start') + ' initialization');
    const time = new Date().getTime();

    /* If not already initialized, start the init process */
    if (!this.startup) {
      this.startup = this.init();

    /* Wait for startup to finish */
    await this.startup;

    /* Use $PORT if provided */
    port = process.env.PORT || port;

    /* Start listening */
    return Bluebird.fromNode(done => {
      this.service('http').router.listen(port, done);
    }).tap(() => {
      const delta = new Date().getTime() - time;
      debug(Chalk.bold.green('success') + ` initialization - ${delta}ms`);



 * Expose symbols
HttpService.$$pre = $$pre;
HttpService.$$post = $$post;