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# config okay

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This became a module because I used it more than once.

It is really simple.  All it does is parse a config file.  Borrowing
from postgresql, it refuses to do anything if the config file isn't
chmod 0600.  I don't even know what that means in the Windows or Mac
world, so patches welcome.  Essentially, if a file is not set such
that only the owner can read and write it, then it isn't a good idea
to store passwords in it.

So, if you have a config file of any sort, and it is set to be chmod
0600, then you can use this file.

What is does is check the permissions of the file, then it requires it
and returns the results of the require statement.

According to the node.js docs, require will pull in either a
javascript file, or a JSON file.

# Installation

npm install config_okay

# Example

The older version you would do this:

``` javascript

var config_okay = require('config_okay')
var configfile = 'config.json' // or pull from the command line or something

        throw new Error('node.js needs a good croak module')

Now that isn't true anymore because as of May 2017 I've switched to
using promises.

So now the usage is

``` javascript

const config_okay = require('config_okay')
const configfile = 'config.json' // or pull from the command line or something

.then(config => {
     return do_something(config)
.catch( e => {
     return handleError(e)


Look at the test file to see what I mean.