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5 hrs
Test Coverage
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
import read_csv as reader
import breaks
import sys
import math

"""Functions for setting up intial routes"""

def cycle_goal(origin,destination):
    def cycler(goal):
        if goal == 0:
            return -1
        if goal==origin:
            return destination
        return 0
    return cycler

def goal_okay(d,t,accumulators,od):
    # print("check if it is okay to travel to the goal directly, no breaks")
    # see if break conditions will be violated
    tt = t.loc[od['prior'],od['goal']]
    if np.isnan(tt):
        # print('tt undefined, not possible')
        return False
    return (tt + accumulators['long_time'] < 660 and
            tt + accumulators['short_time'] < 480)

def long_from_node(d,tt,accumulators,od):
    # print("check whether need to go to long break from a node")
    # moving from a regular node, assuming cannot get to goal.  So
    # choose short or long break If short break accumulator *will be*
    # over 480, need to take a short break.  If not, can take a long
    # break.  But this is complicated because the locations od break
    # nodes are somewhat arbitrary.
    # If here, then cannot get to goal either because need short or
    # need long and short.  there is that weird edge case where you
    # can see short break, node, short break, long break.  Which is
    # "wrong" in the absolute sense, because you won't really trigger
    # two 8 hr breaks before you trigger a 11 hr break.
    # So the edge case is moving from a normal node, travel time to
    # next destination is, say, 480 so you'd push over the 8 hr limit,
    # but in reality, you'd travel to a long break, sleep and reduce
    # the short break counter appropriately, and then continue on to
    # dest

    # so just cheat.  in accumulators, have a toggle from short to
    # long to id what is next
    if od['prior_break'] == None or od['prior_break'].accumulator_reset == 660:
        # starting off from depot, or else prior break was a long, so
        # next break must be a short
        return False
    return True

def move_to_(t,accumulators,origin,dest):
    tt = t.loc[origin,dest]
    accumulators['travel_time'] += tt
    accumulators['long_time'] += tt
    accumulators['short_time'] += tt
    return tt

def move_to_goal(d,t,accumulators,od):
    # go to goal
    return od['goal']

def move_to_break(d,t,accumulators,od,break_size):
    # find the next right-sized break node
    brk_idx = od['break_index']
    possible = od['breaks'][brk_idx]
    if possible.break_time != break_size:
        brk_idx += 1
        # try next one
        possible = od['breaks'][brk_idx]
    if possible.break_time != break_size:
        # this is bad
        print('failed to get',break_size,'-sized break',brk_idx,od['prior'],[bk.node for bk in od['breaks']])
        assert 0

    od['break_index'] = brk_idx + 1 # and another, incrementing index by two
    od['prior_break'] = possible

    return possible

def move_to_long(d,t,accumulators,od):
    print('move from current to a long break node')
    brk = move_to_break(d,t,accumulators,od,600)
    # adjust accumulators to account for break
    accumulators['long_time'] += brk.drive_time_restore()
    accumulators['short_time'] += brk.drive_time_restore() + 480 # hackity hack!
    return brk.node

def move_to_short(d,t,accumulators,od):
    print('move from current to a short break node')
    brk = move_to_break(d,t,accumulators,od,30)
    accumulators['short_time'] += brk.drive_time_restore()
    return brk.node

def decide_next(d,t,accumulators,od):
    # decide where to go next
    # first, can get to goal?
    if goal_okay(d,t,accumulators,od):
        return move_to_goal(d,t,accumulators,od)
        # goal is not okay, must travel to a break
        # if I'm at a regular node, can go to either kind of break
        my_state = d.get_break_node(od['prior'])
        if my_state == None:
            # at a regular node or depot; decide what is next First
            # choice is a long break, but if going there exceed short
            # break limit, must go to short break
            if long_from_node(d,t,accumulators,od):
                # long is okay (short accumulator not violated
                return move_to_long(d,t,accumulators,od)
                return move_to_short(d,t,accumulators,od)
            # in either case, add sevice time from prior when leaving it
            accumulators['travel_time'] += d.get_service_time(od['prior'])

        elif my_state.break_time==600:
            # at long break, can't get to goal, so next must be short break
            return move_to_short(d,t,accumulators,od)
            # at short break, can't get to goal, so next must be long break
            return move_to_long(d,t,accumulators,od)

def move_along(d,t,accumulator,od):
    # setup od object?
    reached = decide_next(d,t,accumulator,od)
    if reached==od['goal']:
        next_goal = od['cycler'](reached)
        if next_goal != -1:
            print('reached regular node')
            # have not reached depot
            # cycle breaks
            break_list = d.get_break_node_chain(od['goal'],next_goal)
            breaks = [d.get_break_node(bk) for bk in break_list]
            od['goal'] = next_goal
            od['breaks'] = breaks
            od['break_index'] = 0
            # careful do not reset prior_break here

            # reached depot, all done
            print('reached depot, all done')
            return False
    return reached

def initial_routes_2(d,v,t):
    # assign one route per vehicle
    veh = 0
    feasible_idx = d.demand.feasible
    trip_chains = {}

    for idx in d.demand.index[feasible_idx]:
        if veh >= len(v):
        print('demand record',idx,'vehicle',veh)

        record = d.demand.loc[idx,:]
        trip_chain = []
        break_list = d.get_break_node_chain(0,record.origin)
        breaks = [d.get_break_node(bk) for bk in break_list]
        od = {'prior': 0,
              'prior_break': None,
              'origin': record.origin,
              'cycler': cycle_goal(record.origin,record.destination),
              'goal': record.origin,
              'breaks': breaks
        accumulators = {'travel_time': 0,
                        'long_time': 0,
                        'short_time': 0

        # debugging

        reached = move_along(d,t,accumulators,od)
        while reached:
            od['prior'] = reached

            reached = move_along(d,t,accumulators,od)
        # loop to next demand, next trip chain, next vehicle
        trip_chains[veh] = trip_chain
        accumulators[veh] = accumulators
        veh += 1
    return trip_chains

# def initial_routes(demand,vehicles,time_matrix,
#                    manager,time_callback,drive_callback,short_callback,
#                    debug=False):#,time_callback,drive_callback):
#     # initial routes should be a list of nodes to visit, in node space
#     # (not solver index space, not map space)

#     # assign one route per vehicle
#     veh = 0
#     prior = 0
#     feasible_idx = demand.demand.feasible
#     trip_chains = {}
#     travel_times = {}
#     drive_times = {}
#     short_times = {}

#     for idx in demand.demand.index[feasible_idx]:
#         if veh >= len(vehicles):
#             break
#         print('demand record',idx,'vehicle',veh)
#         reached_depot = False
#         trip_chain = []
#         record = demand.demand.loc[idx,:]
#         if debug:
#             print (record)
#         prior = 0 # depot node

#         cycler = cycle_goal(record.origin,record.destination)
#         goal = record.origin

#         travel_time = 0
#         drive_time  = 0
#         short_time  = 0
#         # print('before',travel_time,drive_time)

#         while not reached_depot:

#             if debug:
#                 print('loop',
#                       'prior',prior,
#                       'goal',goal)

#             # considering trip from prior to goal
#             # either insert a break node, or insert goal
#             # what is travel time from prior to goal?
#             tt_prior_goal = time_matrix.loc[prior,goal]

#             if ((drive_time + tt_prior_goal < 660 ) and
#                 (short_time + tt_prior_goal < 480 )):

#                 if debug:
#                     print('go straight to goal',
#                           'tt_prior_goal',tt_prior_goal,
#                           'prior',prior,
#                           'goal',goal,
#                           'drive_time',drive_time,
#                           'travel_time',travel_time,'\n',record)

#                 # just go straight to goal
#                 travel_time += tt_prior_goal + demand.get_service_time(prior)
#                 drive_time += tt_prior_goal
#                 short_time += tt_prior_goal

#                 next_goal = cycler(goal)
#                 reached_depot = next_goal == -1
#                 if not reached_depot:
#                     trip_chain.append(goal)
#                     prior = goal
#                 # assertion checks about conditions
#                 if goal == record.origin:
#                     # check that time window requirements are satisfied
#                     # print(record.from_node,record.origin,record.early,tt,record.late)
#                     assert travel_time+record.pickup_time  -1 <= record.depot_origin
#                     assert record.depot_origin <= travel_time+1 + record.pickup_time
#                 goal = next_goal
#                 continue
#             else:
#                 # cannot go straight from prior to goal.  Must go to at least one break

#                 # pick either a short break or a long break.
#                 # decision rule: if short time plus drive to next long break is
#                 # over 8 * 60, need to short break
#                 break_list = demand.get_break_node_chain(prior,goal)
#                 breaks = [demand.get_break_node(bk) for bk in break_list]
#                 if debug:
#                     print(break_list)
#                 if break_list == None:
#                     print('missing break list for',prior,goal)
#                     assert 0
#                 # fr keeps track of "from" break node
#                 fr = prior
#                 brk_idx = 0
#                 tt_fr_goal = time_matrix.loc[fr,goal]
#                 while (brk_idx + 1 < len(breaks)) and (
#                         (drive_time + tt_fr_goal >= 660 ) or
#                         (short_time + tt_fr_goal >= 480 )):
#                     sbk = breaks[brk_idx]
#                     lbk = breaks[brk_idx+1]
#                     assert lbk.break_time == 600
#                     assert sbk.break_time == 30

#                     tt_fr_goal = time_matrix.loc[fr,goal]
#                     tt_fr_lbk = time_matrix.loc[fr,lbk.node]
#                     tt_fr_sbk = time_matrix.loc[fr,sbk.node]
#                     tt_sbk_lbk = time_matrix.loc[sbk.node,goal]
#                     tt_lbk_goal = time_matrix.loc[lbk.node,goal]

#                     # test long break first
#                     take_sbk = False
#                     take_lbk = False
#                     if (drive_time + tt_fr_goal) >= 660:
#                         # will need to take long break
#                         take_lbk = True
#                         # lbk can satisfy for short break, unless it will
#                         # take > 8hr to get to lbk
#                         # but break opportunities are NOT lined up
#                         # with 660, 480, so account for that wrinkle

#                         actual_break = tt_fr_lbk
#                         if tt_fr_lbk < 660:
#                             actual_break = 660 - drive_time
#                         if (short_time + actual_break )>= 480:
#                             # will need to take short break
#                             take_sbk = True
#                     else:
#                         # print('lbk false',drive_time,tt_fr_goal,drive_time+tt_fr_goal)

#                         if (short_time + tt_fr_goal >= 480):
#                             # will need to take short break
#                             take_sbk = True

#                     if take_sbk:
#                         trip_chain.append(sbk.node)
#                         short_time += tt_fr_sbk + sbk.drive_time_restore()
#                         drive_time += tt_fr_sbk
#                         fr = sbk.node
#                         tt_fr_lbk = time_matrix.loc[fr,lbk.node]

#                     if take_lbk:
#                         trip_chain.append(lbk.node)
#                         drive_time += tt_fr_lbk + lbk.drive_time_restore()
#                         # never a case when long break not short break, so
#                         short_time += tt_fr_lbk - (660 - 480) # hack
#                         fr = lbk.node
#                     tt_fr_goal = time_matrix.loc[fr,goal]
#                     if np.isnan(tt_fr_goal):
#                         print(fr,goal)
#                         print(time_matrix.loc[:,[fr,goal]])
#                         assert 0
#                     brk_idx += 2

#                 # check if you need one more short break before goal
#                 if short_time + tt_fr_goal >= 480 :
#                     sbk = breaks[brk_idx]
#                     trip_chain.append(sbk.node)
#                     tt_fr_sbk = time_matrix.loc[fr,sbk.node]
#                     short_time += tt_fr_sbk + sbk.drive_time_restore()
#                     drive_time += tt_fr_sbk
#                     fr = sbk.node
#                     tt_fr_goal = time_matrix.loc[fr,goal]

#                 # at the goal, so add that and account for it
#                 short_time += tt_fr_goal
#                 drive_time += tt_fr_goal

#                 next_goal = cycler(goal)
#                 reached_depot = next_goal == -1
#                 if not reached_depot:
#                     trip_chain.append(goal)
#                     prior = goal
#                     goal = next_goal
#                     tt_prior_goal = time_matrix.loc[prior,goal]
#                 if debug:
#                     print('chain is',trip_chain,
#                           'short time',short_time,
#                           'drive time',drive_time
#                     )

#         # examine chain and insert 30 min breaks before every 11 hr
#         # break---because I'm too lazy to do that above right now, so
#         # let's see if this gives the solver a good enough start
#         # expanded_chain = []
#         # if debug:
#         #     print(trip_chain) # before

#         #     # check callback values too
#         #     tt = 0
#         #     tt_chain = []
#         #     dt = 0
#         #     dt_chain = []
#         #     st = 0
#         #     st_chain = []
#         #     fr = 0
#         #     for tcidx in trip_chain:
#         #         tt += time_callback(manager.NodeToIndex(fr),
#         #                             manager.NodeToIndex(tcidx))
#         #         dt += drive_callback(manager.NodeToIndex(fr),
#         #                              manager.NodeToIndex(tcidx))
#         #         st += short_callback(manager.NodeToIndex(fr),
#         #                              manager.NodeToIndex(tcidx))
#         #         tt_chain.append(tt)
#         #         dt_chain.append(dt)
#         #         st_chain.append(st)
#         #         fr = tcidx
#         #     print('travel time chain',tt_chain)
#         #     print('drive time chain',dt_chain)
#         #     print('short time chain',st_chain)

#         # loop to next demand, next trip chain, next vehicle
#         trip_chains[veh] = trip_chain
#         travel_times[veh] = travel_time
#         drive_times[veh] = drive_time
#         short_times[veh] = short_time
#         veh += 1
#         prior = 0
#         travel_time = 0
#         drive_time = 0
#     # print(time_matrix)
#     # print(trip_chains)
#     # print(travel_times)
#     # print(drive_times)
#     # print(short_times)

#     return trip_chains

def initial_routes_no_breaks(demand,vehicles,time_matrix,
    # initial routes should be a list of nodes to visit, in node space
    # (not solver index space, not map space)

    # assign one route per vehicle
    veh = 0
    prior = 0
    feasible_idx = demand.demand.feasible
    trip_chains = {}
    travel_times = {}

    for idx in demand.demand.index[feasible_idx]:
        if veh >= len(vehicles):
        reached_depot = False
        trip_chain = []
        record = demand.demand.loc[idx,:]
        if debug:
            print (record)
        prior = 0 # depot node

        cycler = cycle_goal(record.origin,record.destination)
        goal = record.origin
        travel_time = 0
        while not reached_depot:

            if debug:

            # considering trip from prior to goal
            # either insert a break node, or insert goal
            # what is travel time from prior to goal?
            tt_prior_goal = time_matrix.loc[prior,goal]
            if debug:
                print('go straight to goal',

            # just go straight to goal
            travel_time += tt_prior_goal + demand.get_service_time(prior)

            next_goal = cycler(goal)
            reached_depot = next_goal == -1
            if not reached_depot:
                prior = goal
            # assertion checks about conditions
            if goal == record.origin:
                # check that time window requirements are satisfied
                # print(record.from_node,record.origin,record.early,tt,record.late)
                if debug:
                          '\ntravel_time+1 + record.pickup_time',travel_time+1 + record.pickup_time)
                assert travel_time+record.pickup_time  -1 <= record.depot_origin
                assert record.depot_origin <= travel_time+1 + record.pickup_time
            goal = next_goal

        # loop to next demand, next trip chain, next vehicle
        trip_chains[veh] = trip_chain
        travel_times[veh] = travel_time
        veh += 1
        prior = 0
        travel_time = 0
    # print(time_matrix)

    return trip_chains