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var container = require('./config').container;
var errorPrefix = 'reheat.defineModel(name, staticProps[, protoProps]): ';
var errorPrefix2 = 'reheat.defineCollection(name, staticProps[, protoProps]): ';

 * @doc interface
 * @id reheat
 * @name reheat
var reheat = module.exports = {};

container.resolve(function (Promise, robocop, utils, errors, extend, Model, Collection, Connection, models, collections) {

  function evaluateRelations() {
    utils.forOwn(models, function (model, modelName) {
      if ('hasOne' in model.relations && !utils.isObject(model.relations.hasOne)) {
        throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.hasOne: Must be an object!', { actual: typeof model.relations.hasOne, expected: 'object' });
      } else if ('belongsTo' in model.relations && !utils.isObject(model.relations.belongsTo)) {
        throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.belongsTo: Must be an object!', { actual: typeof model.relations.belongsTo, expected: 'object' });
      } else if ('hasMany' in model.relations && !utils.isObject(model.relations.hasMany)) {
        throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.hasMany: Must be an object!', { actual: typeof model.relations.hasMany, expected: 'object' });

      model.relations.hasOne = model.relations.hasOne || {};
      model.relations.belongsTo = model.relations.belongsTo || {};
      model.relations.hasMany = model.relations.hasMany || {};

      utils.forOwn(model.relations.hasOne, function (relation, relationModelName) {
        if (!utils.isObject(relation)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.hasOne.' + relationModelName + ': Must be an object!', { actual: typeof relation, expected: 'object' });
        } else if ('localField' in relation && !utils.isString(relation.localField)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.hasOne.' + relationModelName + '.localField: Must be a string!', { actual: typeof relation.localField, expected: 'string' });
        } else if ('foreignKey' in relation && !utils.isString(relation.foreignKey)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.hasOne.' + relationModelName + '.foreignKey: Must be a string!', { actual: typeof relation.foreignKey, expected: 'string' });
        if (!('localField' in relation)) {
          relation.localField = utils.camelCase(relationModelName);
        if (!('foreignKey' in relation)) {
          relation.foreignKey = utils.camelCase(relationModelName) + 'Id';
        if (models[relationModelName] && !models[relationModelName].relations.indices[relation.foreignKey]) {
          models[relationModelName].relations.indices[relation.foreignKey] = null;

      utils.forOwn(model.relations.belongsTo, function (relation, relationModelName) {
        if (!utils.isObject(relation)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.' + relationModelName + ': Must be an object!', { actual: typeof relation, expected: 'object' });
        } else if ('localField' in relation && !utils.isString(relation.localField)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.belongsTo.' + relationModelName + '.localField: Must be a string!', { actual: typeof relation.localField, expected: 'string' });
        } else if ('localKey' in relation && !utils.isString(relation.localKey)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.belongsTo.' + relationModelName + '.localKey: Must be a string!', { actual: typeof relation.localKey, expected: 'string' });
        if (!('localField' in relation)) {
          relation.localField = utils.camelCase(relationModelName);
        if (!('localKey' in relation)) {
          relation.localKey = utils.camelCase(relationModelName) + 'Id';
        models[modelName].relations.indices[relation.localKey] = models[modelName].relations.indices[relation.localKey] || null;

      utils.forOwn(model.relations.hasMany, function (relation, relationModelName) {
        if (!utils.isObject(relation)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.' + relationModelName + ': Must be an object!', { actual: typeof relation, expected: 'object' });
        } else if ('localField' in relation && !utils.isString(relation.localField)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.hasMany.' + relationModelName + '.localField: Must be a string!', { actual: typeof relation.localField, expected: 'string' });
        } else if ('foreignKey' in relation && !utils.isString(relation.foreignKey)) {
          throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + modelName + '.relations.hasMany.' + relationModelName + '.foreignKey: Must be a string!', { actual: typeof relation.foreignKey, expected: 'string' });
        if (!('localField' in relation)) {
          relation.localField = utils.camelCase(relationModelName) + 'List';
        if (!('foreignKey' in relation)) {
          relation.foreignKey = utils.camelCase(relationModelName) + 'Id';
        if (models[relationModelName] && !models[relationModelName].relations.indices[relation.foreignKey]) {
          models[relationModelName].relations.indices[relation.foreignKey] = null;

      utils.forOwn(model.relations.indices, function (relationModelName, index) {
        if (!model.relations.indices[index]) {
          (function (m, i) {
            m.relations.indices[i] = Promise.resolve().bind(m)
              .then(function () {
                if (this.tableReady && this.tableReady !== true) {
                  return this.tableReady;
              .then(function () {
                var r = this.r;
                return r.branch(r.table(this.tableName).indexList().contains(i), null, r.table(this.tableName).indexCreate(i)).run();
              .finally(function () {
                this.relations.indices[i] = true;
          })(model, index);

   * @doc property
   * @id
   * @name Connection
  reheat.Connection = Connection;

   * @doc interface
   * @id
   * @name support
   */ = {
     * @doc property
     * @id
     * @name UnhandledError
     * @propertyOf
     * @description
     * See [UnhandledError](/documentation/api/api/support.error_types:UnhandledError).
    UnhandledError: errors.UnhandledError,

     * @doc property
     * @id
     * @name IllegalArgumentError
     * @propertyOf
     * @description
     * See [IllegalArgumentError](/documentation/api/api/support.error_types:IllegalArgumentError).
    IllegalArgumentError: errors.IllegalArgumentError,

     * @doc property
     * @id
     * @name RuntimeError
     * @propertyOf
     * @description
     * See [RuntimeError](/documentation/api/api/support.error_types:RuntimeError).
    RuntimeError: errors.RuntimeError,

     * @doc property
     * @id
     * @name ValidationError
     * @propertyOf
     * @description
     * See [ValidationError](/documentation/api/api/support.error_types:ValidationError).
    ValidationError: errors.ValidationError

   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:defineModel
   * @name defineModel
   * @description
   * Register a new Model with reheat.
   * ## Signature:
   * ```js
   * reheat.defineModel(name[, staticProperties][, prototypeProperties])
   * ```
   * ## Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat'),
   *      connection = new reheat.Connection();
   *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
     *          connection: connection,
     *          tableName: 'post',
     *          softDelete: true
     *      }, {
     *          beforeCreate: function(cb) {
     *              console.log('before create lifecycle step!');
     *              cb();
     *          }
     *      }),
   *      Posts = Post.collection;
   *  // All prototype properties and methods will be available on instances of Post.
   *  var post = new Post();
   *  // All static properties and methods will be available on Post itself.
   *  Post.tableName; //  'post'
   *  Post.idAttribute; //  'id'
   *, function (err, tables) {});
   *  Posts.findAll({}, function (err, posts) {
     *      posts;  //  All posts in the "post" table
     *  });
   * ```
   * @param {string} name The name of the new model.
   * @param {object} staticProps Properties and methods to be added as static properties of the child class. See
   * Model for static properties and methods. Static methods should not be overridden. Some static properties
   * have defaults, others are required to be set by the developer, like `Model.connection`. You can add any
   * static properties and methods you want as long as they don't conflict with already existing static properties and
   * methods. Properties:
   * - `{string="test"}`  - tableName - The name of the table this model should map to.
   * - `{string="id"}`    - idAttribute - The field that specifies the primary key for instances of this model.
   * - `{boolean=false}`  - softDelete - Whether to add a `deleted` timestamp field to rows instead of deleting them.
   * - `{boolean=false}`  - timestamps - Whether reheat should manage timestamps for instances of this model.
   * - `{Connection}`     - connection - Instance of `reheat.Connection` this model should use.
   * - `{Schema=}`        - schema - Schema this model should use.
   * @param {object=} protoProps Properties and methods to be added to the prototype of the child class. See
   * Model for default prototype properties and methods. Prototype properties and methods can be overridden for
   * custom behavior. Properties:
   * - `{function=}` - `beforeValidate(cb)`
   * - `{function=}` - `validate(cb)`
   * - `{function=}` - `afterValidate(cb)`
   * - `{function=}` - `beforeCreate(cb)`
   * - `{function=}` - `afterCreate(instance, cb)`
   * - `{function=}` - `beforeUpdate(cb)`
   * - `{function=}` - `afterUpdate(instance, cb)`
   * - `{function=}` - `beforeDestroy(cb)`
   * - `{function=}` - `afterDestroy(instance, cb)`
   * @returns {Model} model The newly registered Model.
  reheat.defineModel = function (name, staticProps, protoProps) {
    if (!utils.isString(name)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'name: Must be a string!', { name: { actual: typeof name, expected: 'string' } });
    } else if (models[name]) {
      throw new errors.RuntimeError(errorPrefix + 'name: A Model with that name already exists!');
    } else if ('idAttribute' in staticProps && !utils.isString(staticProps.idAttribute)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'staticProps.idAttribute: Must be a string!', { idAttribute: { actual: typeof staticProps.idAttribute, expected: 'string' } });
    } else if ('tableName' in staticProps && !utils.isString(staticProps.tableName)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'staticProps.tableName: Must be a string!', { tableName: { actual: typeof staticProps.tableName, expected: 'string' } });
    } else if ('timestamps' in staticProps && !utils.isBoolean(staticProps.timestamps)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'staticProps.timestamps: Must be a boolean!', { timestamps: { actual: typeof staticProps.timestamps, expected: 'string' } });
    } else if ('softDelete' in staticProps && !utils.isBoolean(staticProps.softDelete)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'staticProps.softDelete: Must be a boolean!', { softDelete: { actual: typeof staticProps.softDelete, expected: 'string' } });
    } else if (!(staticProps.connection instanceof Connection)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'staticProps.connection: Must be an instance of Connection!', { connection: { actual: typeof staticProps.connection, expected: 'Connection' } });
    } else if ('schema' in staticProps && staticProps.schema && !utils.isObject(staticProps.schema)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'staticProps.schema: Must be an object!', { schema: { actual: typeof staticProps.schema, expected: 'object' } });
    } else if ('schema' in staticProps && staticProps.schema && !utils.isFunction(staticProps.schema.validate)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'staticProps.schema.validate: Must be a function!', { schema: { validate: { actual: typeof staticProps.schema.validate, expected: 'function' } } });
    } else if ('relations' in staticProps && !utils.isObject(staticProps.relations)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix + 'staticProps.relations: Must be an object!', { relations: { actual: typeof staticProps.relations, expected: 'object' } });
    } else {
      // Infer default tableName from model name
      if (!('tableName' in staticProps)) {
        staticProps.tableName = utils.lowerCase(name);

      staticProps.relations = staticProps.relations || {};
      staticProps.relations.indices = staticProps.relations.indices || {};
      staticProps.modelName = name;
      models[name] = extend.apply(Model, [protoProps, staticProps]);

      var r = models[name].connection.r;
      models[name].r = r;

      // Ensure table exists
      models[name].tableReady = r.branch(r.tableList().contains(models[name].tableName), null, r.tableCreate(models[name].tableName)).run()
        .finally(function () {
          models[name].tableReady = true;

      try {
      } catch (err) {
        delete models[name];
        throw err;

      models[name].collection = extend.apply(Collection, [
          model: Model,
          collectionName: Model.modelName + 'Collection'

      models[name].collection.model = models[name];

      return models[name];

   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:unregisterModel
   * @name unregisterModel
   * @description
   * Unregister the model with the given name from reheat's registry.
   * ## Signature:
   * ```js
   * reheat.unregisterModel(name)
   * ```
   * @param {string} name The name of the model to unregister.
  reheat.unregisterModel = function (name) {
    if (models[name] && models[name].collection) {
      models[name].collection.model = null;
      delete collections[models[name].collection.collectionName];
      models[name].collection = null;
    delete models[name];

   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:defineCollection
   * @name defineCollection
   * @description
   * Register a new Collection with reheat. This is optional. A default collection will be created for every model you define.
   * ## Signature:
   * ```js
   * reheat.defineCollection(name[, staticProperties][, prototypeProperties])
   * ```
   * ## Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat'),
   *      Post = require('../models/Post');
   *  var Post = reheat.defineCollection('Posts, {
     *      model: Post
     *  }, {
     *      something: function(cb) {
     *          console.log('something');
     *          cb();
     *      }
     *  });
   *  // All prototype properties and methods will be available on instances of Post.
   *  var posts = new Posts([
   *      {
     *          author: 'John Anderson',
     *          title: 'How NOT to cook'
     *      },
   *      {
     *          author: 'Sally Johnson',
     *          title: 'How to cook'
     *      }
   *  ]);
   * ```
   * @param {string} name The name of the new collection.
   * @param {object} staticProps Properties and methods to be added as static properties of the child class. See
   * Collection for static properties and methods. Static methods should not be overridden. Some static properties
   * have defaults, others are required to be set by the developer, like `Collection.model`. You can add any
   * static properties and methods you want as long as they don't conflict with already existing static properties and
   * methods. Properties:
   * - `{string="test"}`  - model - The Model of this Collection.
   * @param {object=} protoProps Properties and methods to be added to the prototype of the child class. See
   * Collection for default prototype properties and methods. Prototype properties and methods can be overridden for
   * custom behavior. Properties:
   * - `{function=}` - `something(cb)`
   * @returns {Collection} collection The newly registered Collection.
  reheat.defineCollection = function (name, staticProps, protoProps) {
    if (!utils.isString(name)) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix2 + 'name: Must be a string!', { name: { actual: typeof name, expected: 'string' } });
    } else if (collections[name]) {
      throw new errors.RuntimeError(errorPrefix2 + 'name: A Collection with that name already exists!');
    } else if (!staticProps.model.__reheat_super__) {
      throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError(errorPrefix2 + 'staticProps.model: Must be a subclass of Model!', { model: { actual: typeof staticProps.model, expected: 'subclass of Model' } });
    } else {
      staticProps.collectionName = name;
      collections[name] = extend.apply(Collection, [protoProps, staticProps]);
      collections[name].model.collection = collections[name];

      return collections[name];

   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:unregisterModel
   * @name unregisterModel
   * @description
   * Unregister the model with the given name from reheat's registry.
   * ## Signature:
   * ```js
   * reheat.unregisterCollection(name)
   * ```
   * @param {string} name The name of the model to unregister.
  reheat.unregisterCollection = function (name) {
    if (collections[name]) {
      collections[name].model.collection = extend.apply(Collection, [
          model: collections[name].model,
          collectionName: collections[name].model.modelName + 'Collection'
    delete collections[name];

   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:getModel
   * @name getModel
   * @description
   * Retrieve the model with the given name from reheat's registry.
   * ## Signature:
   * ```js
   * reheat.getModel(name)
   * ```
   * @param {string} name The name of the model to retrieve.
   * @returns {object} The model with the given name;
  reheat.getModel = function (name) {
    return models[name];

   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:getCollection
   * @name getCollection
   * @description
   * Retrieve the collection with the given name from reheat's registry.
   * ## Signature:
   * ```js
   * reheat.getCollection(name)
   * ```
   * @param {string} name The name of the collection to retrieve.
   * @returns {object} The collection with the given name;
  reheat.getCollection = function (name) {
    return collections[name];

   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:availableDataTypes
   * @name availableDataTypes
   * @description
   * See [robocop.availableDataTypes](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:availableRules
   * @name availableRules
   * @description
   * See [robocop.availableRules](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:availableSchemas
   * @name availableSchemas
   * @description
   * See [robocop.availableSchemas](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:defineDataType
   * @name defineDataType
   * @description
   * See [robocop.defineDataType](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:defineRule
   * @name defineRule
   * @description
   * See [robocop.defineRule](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:defineSchema
   * @name defineSchema
   * @description
   * See [robocop.defineSchema](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:getDataType
   * @name getDataType
   * @description
   * See [robocop.getDataType](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:getRule
   * @name getRule
   * @description
   * See [robocop.getRule](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:getSchema
   * @name getSchema
   * @description
   * See [robocop.getSchema](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:removeDataType
   * @name removeDataType
   * @description
   * See [robocop.removeDataType](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:removeRule
   * @name removeRule
   * @description
   * See [robocop.removeRule](
   * @doc method
   * @id reheat.methods:removeSchema
   * @name removeSchema
   * @description
   * See [robocop.removeSchema](
  utils.deepMixIn(reheat, robocop);

  delete reheat.Schema;

  // Freeze the API